‘I Find It Grotesque’: Matt Walsh Bats Down Media At Mississippi Bill Signing To Ban Trans ‘Care’ For Minors

Daily Wire host and author Matt Walsh rebuked the media Tuesday at a bill signing to outlaw so-called transgender care on minors in the state of Mississippi.

Republican Governor Tate Reeves, with Walsh in attendance, signed House Bill 1125, banning sex-change procedures for minors and punishing doctors who push cross-sex drugs and procedures for those under 18.

When a reporter at the signing suggested gender-confused children taking puberty blockers are “more self-confident,” Walsh responded by saying such “care” is “utterly horrific and insane on its face.”

The author noted that, first, there is no large-scale data backing up the assertion, since this is the first time in history that we’ve doled out cross-sex hormones and performed these surgeries on so many minors.

“We haven’t done this to kids on this kind of scale ever before in history,” he said. “These kids are the lab rats.”

This also “defies common sense,” Walsh continued, “I find it grotesque that the way to stop a child from hurting themselves is to ‘affirm’ that they’re in the wrong body.”

Instead, these children need to be put on a path to “self-acceptance.” “‘This is who you are’ — that should be the message,” Walsh added.

Medical professionals “affirming” that children are in the wrong bodies is “utterly horrific and insane on its face,” the author asserted.

Walsh also took on a question from the media suggesting that the bill contradicts the governor’s belief in “parental rights.”

“I believe in parental rights,” Walsh responded. “But you don’t have the right to directly harm your child; child abuse is against the law in every state, as it should be.”

Walsh emphasized that “we cannot allow this evil” of mutilating children “to continue,” adding that these kids “need guidance and love.”

For good measure, the host also took a shot at the “culpable” media for not showing an “ounce of skepticism” against the “medical establishment.”

Walsh is one of the most influential cultural commentators in the movement against efforts to mainstream transgenderism, particularly when it comes to minors.

Back in October, Walsh hosted a “Rally To End Child Mutilation” in Tennessee, before an estimated crowd of up to 3,000 people. Speakers included former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), trans-identifying star of Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” documentary Scott Newgent, Robby and Landon Starbuck, and de-transitioner Chloe Cole — all emphasizing the need to protect children from procedures that range from puberty blockers to mastectomies, The Daily Wire reported.

Moreover, Walsh earlier this month testified before a Tennessee House committee and sparred with Democrat lawmakers while advocating for a bill that would similarly ban sex-change treatments on minors. The legislation was passed in the state House and will go to the desk of Republican Governor Bill Lee, who is expected to sign it.

“We should not allow permanent, life-altering decisions that hurt children. With the partnership of the General Assembly, this practice should end in Tennessee,” Lee said in the fall after an investigation by Daily Wire host Matt Walsh revealed that the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) had performed double mastectomies on minors.

House Bill 1125, known as the “Regulate Experimental Adolescent Procedures (REAP) Act,” overwhelmingly passed Mississippi’s Republican-led Senate 33-15 last week after passing the state House 78-30 in January. It is now law.

Zach Jewell and Leif Le Mahieu contributed to this report.

Related: Tennessee State Police Estimate Up To 3,000 People Attended Matt Walsh ‘Rally To End Child Mutilation’

Tucker Carlson’s Use Of January 6 Tapes Is Limited, Republican Says

A key Republican lawmaker says Fox News host Tucker Carlson does not have unrestricted use of January 6 U.S. Capitol surveillance footage.

“It’s basically controlled access to be able to view tapes. Can’t record, can’t take anything with you,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), who chairs the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, said in response to a question from The Hill.

Carlson’s team “may request any particular clips they may need, then we’ll make sure there’s nothing sensitive, nothing classified, including escape routes,” Loudermilk told CBS News. “We don’t want al Qaeda to know certain things.”

Axios first reported last week that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) shared with Carlson 41,000 hours of surveillance footage from January 6, 2021, the day a crowd of people entered the U.S. Capitol, disrupting lawmakers who were meeting to certify President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. A Fox News spokesperson told The Daily Wire that the report from Axios was accurate.

On his show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Carlson said his team had been granted what they believe to be “unfettered” access to the tapes. Carlson said he planned to start sharing what his team found this week.

Tucker Carlson Announces That His Show Has Been Granted Access To 44k Hours Of Footage From January 6th

"We believe that access is unfettered. We believe we have secured the right to see whatever we want to see."

"We're going to spend the rest of this week taking a look at it,… https://t.co/sK7691S0n8 pic.twitter.com/GnPvtbENg5

— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) February 21, 2023

A variety of media organizations followed suit by asking congressional leadership to give them access to the same footage.

Loudermilk reportedly offered assurance that other news outlets and the public would also get access, eventually. “Hopefully sooner rather than later, but I think we’re talking about weeks to months,” he said.

The congressman also told POLITICO that House Republicans intend to give January 6 defendants access to relevant documents and video “on a case-by-case basis, as requested by attorneys representing defendants.”


McCarthy said last month he was looking to release the tapes because of the “politicization” he believed had been fostered by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the January 6 Committee, which focused heavily on former President Donald Trump in its investigation and final report.

In brief remarks to The New York Times last week, McCarthy boiled down his decision to the fulfillment of a promise. “I was asked in the press about these tapes, and I said they do belong to the American public,” he said. “I think sunshine lets everybody make their own judgment.” In addition, McCarthy insisted to the newspaper that his team staff members were taking the matter “very seriously.”

Over the past week, Democrats issued myriad alarming statements about risks to Capitol security and the potential to fuel Russian propaganda.

In a letter to House Democrats, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said his team was “working to confirm the precise nature of the video transfer,” which he called a “reported breach,” and he stated there was “no indication” that McCarthy and Carlson followed the same protocols adopted by the January 6 Committee in handling the footage.

A Democratic member of the January 6 Committee, Maryland’s Rep. Jamie Raskin, questioned whether the release of the tapes could become a “roadmap” for a 2024 “insurrection.”

Some Republicans have cheered the move, including Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who had opposed McCarthy’s bid for speaker earlier this year. “Thank you [McCarthy] for following through on this!” she tweeted. “The public deserves to see everything that was hidden.”

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) insisted that any disclosure of the January 6 tapes is “obviously going to be scrutinized to make sure that you’re not exposing sensitive information.”