‘Listen To Your Emotions’: Whistleblowers Blast FBI-Newark’s ‘Wellness’ Sign And Increasingly ‘Woke’ Culture

Slogans and signs can set the standard for an organization, and inspire men and women each day to do their duty. It’s an American tradition exemplified in some of the greatest institutions of sport and culture.

For instance, the University of Notre Dame football has “Play Like A Champion Today;” the New England Patriots have “Do Your Job;” Nike has “Just Do It;” President Harry S. Truman had “The Buck Stops Here.”

And then there is The FBI Field Office of Newark, New Jersey. The G-men in one of the most dangerous cities in America are reminded each day of things like, “You Deserve Love, Care, And Support” as well as “Allow yourself to feel, don’t ignore your feelings, try to hear and accept them.”

According to a whistleblower from inside FBI-Newark, those aren’t the only “gentle” messages the FBI is told each day. The FBI tasked with taking on the likes of the mafia, Islamic extremists, gangs and more have a full-blown wellness room replete with yoga, massage chairs, and more. Prior to entering that room, there is a “reminders” sign that looks like it’s from HomeGoods and is meant for a kindergarten classroom:

BONUS! Here is a sign posted outside the @FBI wellness room. This is not a serious law enforcement agency. At best the FBI is an insult to the taxpayer. At worst, an enemy. @Weaponization pic.twitter.com/HFKoK5PO89

— Steve Friend (@RealStevefriend) February 21, 2023

The photos were shared by Steve Friend, a former FBI agent and current senior fellow for the Center for Renewing America.

Now, as an avowed Patriots fan, there is nothing worse than an outsider criticizing the culture of your team. “Do your job” — a phrase familiar with Coach Bill Belichick — is routinely mocked as the “Patriot Way” and to many represents a no-fun, all-business team. So, this author won’t directly insult the FBI’s questionable signage or compare it to a woke high school California guidance counselor’s office or one of those safe spaces designed for college kids unprepared for life outside a liberal bubble.

So, in that case, we’ll let FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin break down the embarrassing sign — as well the wellness program in general.

Seraphin, who spent six years in the bureau working in counterterrorism and counterintelligence, told The Daily Wire this week that the wellness program emulates the “worst and weakest parts of the Woke corporate culture.”

“When the work you do is honorable and rewarding, you don’t need a Wellness Room set aside to gather your thoughts,” Seraphin said. “That used to be called ‘your lunch break.’ But when you hire people whose work doesn’t actually impact the rewarding mission of law enforcement and simply exists for its own sake — perhaps they need to detox from the cognitive dissonance of ‘federal service’ being a federal jobs program.”

Indeed, Friend made similar comments.

“I definitely see a value in activities that could build morale, but I don’t think that it should be done on the taxpayer’s time and dime,” Friend told Daily Wire reporter Brandon Drey. “And when you see things like massage chairs being made available to federal employees to have access to during their workday — as a taxpayer myself, I find that insulting.”

Indeed, it raises the question — how soon will it be before we see one of these now-infamous “Day in the Life” videos from a federal agent:

I’m trying to think how it would go over if I told my Daily Wire boss after a particularly lazy day, “It’s okay to have bad and unproductive days” as the sign at the field office in Newark says. Something tells me I would be out of a job.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Biden Admin Proposes New Rules That Would Make It Harder For Americans To Get Certain Medications

President Joe Biden’s administration is proposing implementing greater restrictions that would make it harder for Americans to get certain medications.

The proposal from the DEA would make it harder for Americans to get Adderall and opioid pain killers if the patient is trying to get on those medications through the use of telehealth services, which significantly expanded during the pandemic leading to shortages of some medications.

The explosion in new prescriptions being given to patients led to the DEA’s crackdown on using telehealth services to obtain drugs for the first-time like Adderall.

Under the proposed rules, doctors can “remotely prescribe a 30-day supply of some drugs, including buprenorphine—used to treat opioid-use disorder—as well as ketamine and testosterone,” The Wall Street Journal reported. “Further prescriptions would require at least one in-person visit. Other drugs, including Adderall, Ritalin and OxyContin, would require patients to meet in-person with prescribers first or be referred from a doctor they met in person.”


According to the DEA, the new rules do not affect:

Telemedicine consultations that do not involve the prescribing of controlled medications. Telemedicine consultations by a medical practitioner that has previously conducted an in-person medical examination of a patient. Telemedicine consultations and prescriptions by a medical practitioner to whom a patient has been referred, as long as the referring medical practitioner has previously conducted an in-person medical examination of the patient.

“DEA is committed to ensuring that all Americans can access needed medications,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “The permanent expansion of telemedicine flexibilities would continue greater access to care for patients across the country, while ensuring the safety of patients. DEA is committed to the expansion of telemedicine with guardrails that prevent the online overprescribing of controlled medications that can cause harm.”