Top Investment Bank Projects 4 U.S. Cities Will Suffer A 2008-Level Crash In Home Value

Goldman Sachs recently informed its clients that it expects home values to tank in four major markets across the U.S. amid worsening economic conditions.

The investment bank predicts that San Jose, California; San Diego, California; Austin, Texas; and Phoenix, Arizona; could see a crash on the level of the 2008 housing crash.

Fox News reported that the market crashes in those cities could be worse than 25%.

“Our 2023 revised forecast primarily reflects our view that interest rates will remain at elevated levels longer than currently priced in, with 10-year Treasury yields peaking in 2023 Q3,” Goldman Sachs said in a report. “As a result, we are raising our forecast for the 30-year fixed mortgage rate to 6.5% for year-end 2023 (representing a 30 bp increase from our prior expectation).”

“This [national] decline should be small enough as to avoid broad mortgage credit stress, with a sharp increase in foreclosures nationwide seeming unlikely,” the report added. “That said, overheated housing markets in the Southwest and Pacific coast, such as San Jose MSA, Austin MSA, Phoenix MSA, and San Diego MSA will likely grapple with peak-to-trough declines of over 25%, presenting localized risk of higher delinquencies for mortgages originated in 2022 or late 2021.”

Goldman Sachs said that home prices are also expected to take a small hit in New York City and Chicago. Baltimore and Miami were expected to see small gains.

The report added, “Assuming the economy remains on the path to a soft landing, avoiding a recession, and the 30-year fixed mortgage rate falls back to 6.15% by year-end 2024, home price growth will likely shift from depreciation to below-trend appreciation in 2024.”

Former CIA Director Accuses Schiff Of Leaking Classified Information

Former Trump administration official Mike Pompeo accused Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) of leaking classified information.

The fresh allegation was made after Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) blocked Schiff’s appointment to remain on the House Intelligence Committee, where he served as chairman for the last four years.

“During my time as CIA director and secretary of state, I know that he leaked classified information that had been provided to him,” Pompeo said on Fox News on Wednesday.

Pompeo did not offer specifics, but he insisted the problem was bad enough to restrict what he shared with Congress.

Underscoring what a serious charge that is, “Outnumbered” co-host Emily Compagno pressed Pompeo on why there hasn’t been accountability if such leaks would be “a felony at minimum, up to treason.”

“It’s a complicated process, right? It’s difficult to pin down precisely what happened,” Pompeo said. “But I could tell you that when we provided information to him and to his staff, it ended up in places it shouldn’t have been with alarming regularity. We could see it. In the end, I decided, I held back information from them as a result.”

MIKE POMPEO: "The fact that…Schiff was the Chairman of the…Intelligence Committee almost ruined that committee…Schiff should be nowhere near serving on the Intelligence Committee. I don't think he should be seeing classified information."

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 25, 2023

The Daily Wire reached out to Schiff’s office for comment on Pompeo’s claims.

Schiff has denied leaking classified information in the past. “I haven’t. My staff hasn’t,” he told CNN in 2020 before offering the caveat: “I can’t speak for what all the members of the committee have done or not done, including a lot of the Republican members.”

Pompeo isn’t the first intelligence leader in the Trump administration to accuse Schiff of leaking classified information. In January 2021, former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell claimed Schiff and his team “regularly” leaked classified information.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) suggested to conservative commentator Lisa Boothe in April 2021 that Schiff could be a source for dubious reports on Russia offering bounties to Afghan militants to kill U.S. troops. Schiff spokesman Patrick Boland shot back with a brief response to the Washington Examiner at the time, “Yet another false and baseless claim by Tom Cotton — you would think he would know better by now.”

McCarthy kicked Schiff, along with Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), from the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. McCarthy had long accused Schiff of being a repeat liar, particularly with investigations related to former President Donald Trump. During his interview with Fox News, Pompeo also called Schiff a liar and praised McCarthy for removing him from the panel.

Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) nominated Schiff to the committee over the weekend, calling him “eminently qualified.” After he was blocked, Schiff responded by claiming McCarthy’s move was “petty, political payback for investigating Donald Trump.”

Also on Tuesday, Schiff talked about how he was too “paranoid” to take any classified information to his house while serving on the House Intelligence Committee. “This is what’s so astounding, I think, for all of us on the Intelligence Committee. I never take classified documents to my house,” Schiff told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who asked if he had taken any records home. “I don’t know any reason why people would,” Schiff added.

The conversation happened as it was revealed about a dozen documents marked classified were found at former Vice President Mike Pence’s home in Indiana and turned over to the FBI. The Justice Department already appointed two separate special counsels to investigate former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for their handling of classified materials stored in their residences and offices.