FDA Releases Draft Guidance On Lead Levels In Baby Food

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released draft guidelines on Tuesday regarding levels of lead in certain baby and children’s food products.

The guidance is for foods that are meant for infants and young kids under the age of two and that are processed, like those that are kept in certain types of packaging, the agency noted.

The action levels from the FDA include 10 parts per billion for specific produce, like vegetables and fruits, as well as mixes, meats that are one ingredient, custards or puddings, and yogurts. For root vegetables that are one ingredient, the levels are 20 parts per billion, and dry cereals’ levels are also 20 parts per billion.

“For more than 30 years, the FDA has been working to reduce exposure to lead, and other environmental contaminants, from foods. This work has resulted in a dramatic decline in lead exposure from foods since the mid-1980s,” FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf said.

“For babies and young children who eat the foods covered in today’s draft guidance, the FDA estimates that these action levels could result in as much as a 24-27% reduction in exposure to lead from these foods,” Califf added.

When deciding on the levels, the agency took into account, with other items, the amount of lead that could be in a food item with no exposure from eating it surpassing the agency’s Interim Reference Level. It also pointed out that produce and grains naturally take in nutrients, but they can also bring on harmful materials.

The agency noted that the guidelines are not binding, but it would take the levels into consideration, along with other items, when deciding whether to “bring enforcement action” in certain situations. It also anticipates that the recommendations will push the makers of these products to bring the amount of lead in their items under the action levels set forth.

“The action levels in today’s draft guidance are not intended to direct consumers in making food choices. To support child growth and development, we recommend parents and caregivers feed children a varied and nutrient-dense diet across and within the main food groups of vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy and protein foods,” said Susan Mayne, the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition director.

“This approach helps your children get important nutrients and may reduce potential harmful effects from exposure to contaminants from foods that take up contaminants from the environment,” Mayne added.

Some noted that the guidelines weren’t quite good enough to do much.

“Nearly all baby foods on the market already comply with what they have proposed,” Jane Houlihan, the National Director of Science and Health at Healthy Babies Bright Futures, said.

Consumer Reports noted that the FDA didn’t recommend levels for “baby junk food,” which it claimed can, many times, have the most lead.

“It appears that the proposed standards were set based more on current industry feasibility to achieve the limits and not solely on levels that would best protect public health,” Brian Ronholm, Consumer Reports’ director of food policy said.

Dog Kills Owner By Stepping On Gun In Hunting Mishap: Authorities

On Saturday, a man died in a tragic mishap after his dog appears to have stepped on a gun, firing it from the back seat of his car, according to authorities.

The Sumner County Sheriff’s Office in Kansas said that law enforcement responded to a man who had suffered a gunshot wound to the back. The office stated that the man had been seated in the front passenger seat of a pickup truck that he owned. A dog in the back seat apparently stepped on a rifle, which then fired and hit the man.

“Responding units arrived within minutes of the 911 call and started CPR,” the sheriff’s office said, but the man died at the location.

“A canine belonging to the owner of the pickup stepped on the rifle causing the weapon to discharge,” the sheriff’s office explained. “The fired round struck the passenger who died of his injuries on scene.”

The office announced that the man’s name was Joseph Austin Smith, and he was from Wichita, Kansas. Differing reports stated that he was 30 or 32 years old. Hunting equipment was also in the back seat of the car, along with the gun.

The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, as well as Wellington Fire and EMS also came to the location.

Wellington Fire and EMS Chief Tim Hay told NBC that an additional individual was in the driver’s seat of the car, but was not physically hurt.

Hunting accidents can occur for various reasons. The top ways that these types of incidents happen are either the inability to recognize a target at 15.5%, a “[s]hooter swinging on game” at 12.8%, not being careful with how one handles a gun at 11.4%, as well as a victim not being in the view of the person shooting at 8.3%. The data comes from the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) Industry Intelligence Reports from 2007.

A 2019 report noted that the 2018 hunting season was the safest one the state had seen, as there were no deaths and only four gun-related incidents that were reported. The Kansas Hunter Education Program was credited for the success.

“It has been years of hard work and dedicated services that has brought us to this point,” Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) Hunter Education Program coordinator Kent Barrett said at the time. “Having said that, we also know that next year will bring us a whole new set of circumstances that will test us once again.”