Artist M.I.A. Loses Festival Gig Following Candace Owens Appearance

A British rapper known as M.I.A. lost her gig at the 2-day U.K. music festival in August called Field Day following her appearance on the Candace Owens podcast on The Daily Wire.

The 47-year-old singer, born Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam MBE, appeared with Owens in a November 1 video. During the show, Owens said M.I.A. has been described by legacy media as an “anti-vaxxer,” “a terrorist sympathizer,” and “an out of touch elitist who’s suffering from terminal foot-in-mouth syndrome.”

On January 10, the rapper tweeted a message she said was from the festival informing her that she had been removed from the event over her “online comments,” which “could be viewed as being quite contentious.” The message said that her remarks would make it “very hard” for the festival to continue with her following an offer to perform sent on October 27.

“After discussing it with AEG, the consensus is that in light of the online activity, we cannot continue with the offer,” the message to M.I.A. added. “We have not taken the decision lightly, but we must consider the wide risks to the festival and its stakeholders.”

M.I.A. tweeted in response to the message, “‘In light of her online activity’ like what accidentally launching a missile on an innocent village, or me scamming a billions of dollars [sic] from people or running a sex scandal? No it was your lil tweet. How Naughty. Festival stakeholders want musicians to be boring Puppets.”

“In light of her online activity”like what accidentally launching a missile on a innocent village, or me scamming a billions of dollars from people or running a sex scandal?

No it was your lil tweet. How Naughty.

Festival stakeholders want musicians to be boring Puppets.

— M.I.A. (@MIAuniverse) January 11, 2023

During the artist’s appearance in November, she and Owens discussed the singer’s childhood experiences growing up in Sri Lanka as one of the Tamil minority in that country. M.I.A. told Candace about an incident in 2009 when tens of thousands of Tamils were forced onto a beach and bombed — and event known as the Mullivaikkal Massacre.

The rapper labeled the actions against the group war crimes, which Owens noted no one wanted the singer to talk about at the time.

“They wanted me to be like, ‘I came from a mud hut, like me now, you know, I’m driving a Bentley, and I’m so happy I’m liberated,’” the U.K. rapper shared. “And that was the narrative Hollywood wanted me to say.”

“But money didn’t mean s***, you know, when 150,000 people are getting bombed, and you can’t speak about it,” she added. “And if you have to compromise that to achieve this status, it just wasn’t worth it, you know, in a larger scale, not just talking about myself and my experience, on a larger scale this level of censorship or gaslighting, I would say it induces mental illness in people, which I think is why it’s been going up in society because it’s so, it’s so difficult.”

“Because on the one hand, 99% of the people would have shut up and took the the Bentley route, you know, and become the billionaire,” the artist continued. “And would have found it quite easy to make that compromise, you know, but for me, obviously, I have a very political dad and my family come from that, you know. So it was just not — it was just not an option not to talk about it, because it’s ingrained in the DNA of my music.”

“So if you had simply forgotten who you were, you could have become someone else,” Owens replied.

At the time of this publication, there has been no further comment from the festival.

Jonathan Turley Says ‘Corvette Excuse Won’t Cut It’ – Biden’s Claim He Didn’t Know About Docs Could Come Back To Bite Him

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley warned that President Joe Biden could very well have set a trap for himself when he claimed he had not known about the classified documents that have now been found in several places.

Classified documents — which date back to Biden’s tenure as vice president — have so far been uncovered in Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center (a think tank in Washington, D.C.), in his Wilmington home, and in his garage. And according to Turley, the fact that the documents were discovered in multiple locations makes Biden’s claim — that he only left the White House with them because they were “inadvertently misplaced” — far less plausible.

“The ‘inadvertent’ defense has its dangers. If Biden worked off any of these documents for his book (which dealt with some of the underlying subjects), the inadvertent defense is not only shattered but could be viewed as an effort to deceive the public,” Turley tweeted, sharing an op-ed he had written on the subject, which was published by Fox News.

…In the meantime, we may soon, however, see an extraordinary historical development where both leading candidates for the presidency will be campaigning with their own assigned special counsels.

— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) January 12, 2023

He also noted the historic situation that could be fast approaching: a 2024 presidential race in which one candidate from each major political party was still being investigated by an assigned special counsel.

In the article Turley shared, he pointed out the fact that despite the similarities of their alleged infractions, many were clearly willing to give Biden the benefit of the doubt — or give him a pass entirely — for the same alleged crime that had them ready to throw the book at former President Donald Trump.

“One is criminal (Trump). And one is not criminal (Biden). Say it in plain English,” Lawrence Tribe said of the two.

But Turley went on to explain just how problematic the “inadvertently misplaced” excuse might be, especially given the fact that the documents have been found in multiple locations.

“It seems that these documents were likely moved more than once. Biden left office as vice president in 2017. He presumably took these documents at that time. However, they ended up in different places, including one document found separately from the ‘garage files’ in the residence,” Turley explained.

In addition, the Penn Biden Center did not open its doors until February of 2018 — more than a year after Biden vacated the White House — meaning that the documents were in one location after Biden left the White House and had to be moved at least once before they were discovered in his office there.

“At some point, some documents were sent to the office and some to the residence and garage. What explained this division if it was not based on what the then vice president was working on?” Turley continued. “The ‘inadvertent’ defense hardly fits neatly with these facts. Moreover, if Biden worked off any of these documents for his book (which dealt with some of the underlying subjects like Ukraine), the inadvertent defense is not only shattered but could be cited later as an effort to deceive the public.”