‘I’m Very Worried’: Victor Davis Hanson Points Out Problems With U.S. Foreign And Domestic Policy In Ben Shapiro ‘Sunday Special’ Interview

In a wide-ranging interview on the latest episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special,” military historian Victor Davis Hanson warned that America’s global dominance is waning as the nation grapples with growing debt, internal divisions, and a weakening military.

Shapiro opened the discussion by mentioning Hanson’s latest book, “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation,” and asked the historian to weigh in on the current state of global affairs, especially considering that “there’s obviously a vacancy at the top of the American government.” 

“So when you look at the world scene, how dangerous are things and where are the chief lines of danger?” he asked Hanson. 

“Well, you know, in the book, I looked at four historical examples of complete civilizational erasure. And there were common themes. One is that a society that is targeted or vulnerable has no idea that it is it has it keeps reassuring itself that its grandeur is still there. It’s still powerful and has eerie similarities to the United States,” Hanson said. “They have no idea about the people who are attacking them.” 

“We’ve had Mr. Erdogan in Turkey threaten to send missiles into Athens, send missiles into Israel, send missiles into Armenia. We have Kim Jong Un acting up again … China has made a video talking about destroying Japan if it were to intervene. And all of this is dismissed as rhetoric. And, you know, 99% of it may be. But we’re getting to a point now where the United States [which] is the keeper of deterrence worldwide, is no longer there for a variety of reasons.” 

Some of those reasons, Hanson said, include America’s national debt and soldier shortage. 

“We don’t have the economic clout with $36 trillion in debt. We’re borrowing a trillion every 90 days. We’re short 45,000 soldiers,” Hanson told Shapiro. He added that divisive racial rhetoric targeted at rural white men has hindered the U.S. military. 

“People don’t remark at all that those are the soldiers of the white male world demographic that died at two times their numbers in the general populations in God-awful places like Afghanistan and Iraq, 75% of those fatalities came from that demographic,” he said. “Yet we alienated them. [Gen. Mark] Milley [and] Secretary of Defense [Lloyd] Austin calling them names [like] ‘white supremacy, white privilege.’ So I’m very worried.” 

The historian also critiqued what he sees as inconsistencies in U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel and Ukraine. He argued the Biden administration has been overly critical of Israel’s military operations while giving Ukraine more leeway.

“Ukraine is an ally, but it’s not an ally like Israel. And yet we tell the Israelis, you have to be proportionate. Ukraine, you got to see disproportionality. Israel, you have to have a cease-fire. Ukraine, you’ve got to keep fighting to the bitter end. Israel, you’ve got to have a coalition government. You’ve got to have elections. We don’t trust you, Netanyahu. Zelensky, we don’t have a problem with outlawing political parties.” 

Regarding domestic issues, Hanson pointed to unchecked immigration and an expanding administrative state as factors contributing to America’s decline. 

“When we let in 10 to 12 million people and we think that they’re going to work really hard … I don’t think that’s going to happen,” he stated. “I think what happens at this late stage, they get on entitlements or they commit crimes and they have no respect for any society that would let them in. And that’s a good sign of a decline that you don’t have a defensible border.” 

The historian and author did express some optimism regarding domestic politics. He suggested that if former President Trump were to win re-election, he could potentially “heal the country very quickly.” 

Hezbollah Terrorists Murder Numerous Children In Israel In Deadliest Attacks Since October 7

At least 12 people, mostly children, were murdered in a terrorist attack Saturday afternoon in Israel after Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terrorist group based in Lebanon, launched dozens of rockets at a soccer field.

The Islamic terrorist attack on Majdal Shams, a small village in the Golan Heights, also resulted in dozens of people being hurt.

The attack was the deadliest that Israel has experienced since Hamas, an Islamic terrorist group based in Gaza that is backed by Iran, launched an unprecedented attack on October 7 in which thousands of terrorists stormed into Israel and killed 1,200, wounded more than 5,000, took hundreds of people hostage, and unleashed a brutal campaign of rape and torture and women and children.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that an intelligence assessment found that Hezbollah launched the attack “from an area located north of the village of Chebaa in southern Lebanon.”

Hezbollah has terrorized Israel in the nearly 10 months since the October 7 attack, firing thousands of rockets, drones, and missiles at communities and military sites in the northern part of the country, which has resulted in numerous fatalities and hundreds of thousands of Israelis being displaced from their homes.

The situation between Israel and Hezbollah has been on the brink of escalating into a full-blown war for several months now, and the attack on Saturday might be the catalyst that sparks it.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been in the U.S. for the past few days and announced that he was cutting his trip short and returning home immediately following the attack, vowing that Hezbollah “will pay a heavy price for this attack, one that it has not paid so far.”

Here are the twelve kids that have been identified as killed in the attack. May their memory be a blessing. pic.twitter.com/5g0iub0EYT

— AG (@AGHamilton29) July 27, 2024