Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon Claims Victory As January 6 Panel Drops Trump Subpoena

Conservative attorney Harmeet Dhillon is celebrating the House January 6 Committee withdrawing its subpoena against former President Donald Trump.

The victory for The Dhillon Law Group, which Trump hired after being subpoenaed in October for testimony and documents, comes as Dhillon is challenging Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to lead the Republican National Committee.

“After my firm filed suit on separation of powers grounds to block January 6 House Select Committee’s illegitimate subpoena to President Trump over his activities while president — the committee waved the white flag & withdrew subpoena,” Dhillon said in a tweet Wednesday.

“We were confident of victory,” she added, “in court, given precedent & refusal of prior presidents to testify in Congress. J6 committee wasted millions for a purely political witch-hunt, total abuse of process & power serving no legitimate legislative purpose.”

Dhillon shared a screenshot of a letter signed by January 6 Committee Bennie Thompson (D-MS) that announced the withdrawal and offered a brief explanation.

“As you may know, the Select Committee has concluded its hearings, released its final report and will very soon reach its end. In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the Select Committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena,” the letter said.

1/ BREAKING! After my firm filed suit on separation of powers grounds to block January 6 House Select Committee’s illegitimate subpoena to President Trump over his activities while president— the committee waved the white flag & withdrew subpoena. We were confident of victory/

— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) December 29, 2022

After a year and a half of investigating efforts to challenge the 2020 results and the Capitol riot, the January 6 Committee released its final report last week, recommending Trump be barred from holding office again. Members of the panel also voted unanimously to recommend Trump be charged with obstructing an official proceeding, conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to make false statements to the federal government, and inciting an insurrection.

Trump, who announced last month he is embarking on a third campaign for the White House, has broadly denied any wrongdoing, and he has castigated the January 6 panel as being the “Unselect Committee of political hacks.” Trump celebrated the news Wednesday in a Truth Social post in which he exclaimed “the Subpoena is DEAD!”

Dhillon, whose law firm represented The Daily Wire in its U.S. Supreme Court case blocking the Biden administration from enforcing its COVID vaccine mandates for private employers, is now running against McDaniel and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell to lead the RNC, which is scheduled to meet on January 27 in California, where 168 party members will vote on the chair.

“We must beat the Democrats at their own game,” she told The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro in a recent interview, referring to the ballot-gathering process. She also said about her campaign, “I’ve already received a tremendous outpouring of support.”

Left-Wing Groups Funded Climate Alarmism Journalism, Claims Debunked: Report

Five non-profit groups published a report Wednesday debunking mainstream media claims about the disastrous impacts of the so-called climate change crisis this year, which also included receiving millions of dollars to fund climate coverage.

The “Climate Fact Check 2022” report created by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Heartland Institute, Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), and the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) highlighted ten fact checks of climate disaster claims made by several media outlets like The Associated Press, which took $8 million in donations from left-wing philanthropy groups to cover climate change.

“Climate alarmists and their media allies once again made a slew of claims about natural disasters being caused by manmade emissions in 2022,” the report reads. “And once again, these claims clashed with reality and science.”

According to the report, The Associated Press received donations from large foundations pushing climate alarmism for decades. Such groups included the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Quadrivium, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Walton Family Foundation.

One example the report included came from an article written by AP reporter Seth Borenstein, called “New abnormal: Climate disaster damage ‘down’ to $268 billion,” which said some worldwide natural disasters like the Pakistan floods, Hurricane Ian, and droughts stretching from Europe to China were “turbocharged by human-caused climate change.”

According to the Climate Fact Check report, the Pakistan floods and the 2022 monsoon season were within the range of natural variability and the wettest since 1961.

“If emissions are to blame, why was it so rainy then?” the report reads. “Also, average peak monsoonal rainfall actually has declined somewhat since the 1950s,” adding that ongoing deforestation has also worsened seasonal monsoon flooding.

Mainstream media outlets blamed Hurricane Ian, the category four disaster that was the deadliest hurricane to strike Florida since 1935, on climate change for the storm’s rapid intensification. Still, the report references the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which points out that the Atlantic basin hurricane activity is within natural variability after a historically quiet first few months of hurricane season.

BBC News reported that Europe experienced its most severe drought in 500 years. However, the report asks if emissions produced by coal-fired power plants, SUVs, and cheeseburgers caused the lack of rainfall, then what happened in the European mega-drought in 1540?

“Is this money funding actual journalism or just rank political activism?” the report asks.

The Associated Press admitted in a report published earlier this year that the news organization received $8 million over three years from various groups, leading to the media group employing more than 24 journalists across the globe to cover “climate issues.”

Fox News reported AP News Vice President Brian Carovillano claimed to only accept money “without strings attached,” adding the news media does not cover stories influenced by donors.

Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, told Fox News Digital that “it’s hard to claim [The Associate Press] is news” when the reporters cover only one side of the climate discourse, adding that the organization became a “propaganda outfit” for leftist organizations with climate agendas.

Milloy said leftist media networks have been pushing “climate hysteria” for 30 years with little to show for their dire predictions.

“Instead of moving on to something else, they’re doubling down on this, and they’re making themselves look worse at the same time,” he added.

Other major media corporations such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal were also fact checked by the non-profit organizations over climate alarmist claims.

“But are damages from those disasters really attributable to ‘climate change’ or are climate activists and their media mouthpieces just trying to surf human tragedy to advance their very political cause?” the report reads.