Elon Musk On Big Tech Censorship: ‘Google Frequently Makes Links Disappear’

Twitter CEO Elon Musk said in response to the latest release of “The Twitter Files” Tuesday that Twitter was far from the only big tech company that engages in online censorship, going as far as to say that Google makes links disappear on their search engine.

Musk made the remarks in response to a tweet from left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald, who wrote: “For the crime of reporting that the US Security State agencies are heavily involved in Big Tech’s censorship regime, and for confessing that he found this deeply disturbing, liberals have spent a full week saying that @mtaibbi has mental health problems and needs therapy.”

Included in Greenwald’s tweet was a screenshot of one of journalist Matt Taibbi’s Twitter Files threads.

“The government was in constant contact not just with Twitter but with virtually every major tech firm,” Taibbi said. “These included Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, even Pinterest, and many others. Industry players also held regular meetings without government.”

Musk responded, “Most people don’t appreciate the significance of the point Matt was making: *Every* social media company is engaged in heavy censorship, with significant involvement of and, at times, explicit direction of the government.”

“Google frequently makes links disappear, for example,” Musk added.

Most people don’t appreciate the significance of the point Matt was making:

*Every* social media company is engaged in heavy censorship, with significant involvement of and, at times, explicit direction of the government.

Google frequently makes links disappear, for example.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2022

“When Dems controlled both houses of Congress and the WH (and Exec Branch), they repeatedly summoned Big Tech CEOs and openly and explicitly threatened them: if you don’t *censor more*, you will be punished,” Greenwald responded.

Musk agreed, writing: “Exactly.”

Taibbi said that the State Department, Department of Defense, and Central Intelligence Agency were also involved in contacting the platform about potential foreign propaganda on the platform.

Internal company emails showed that FBI agent Elvis Chan asked Twitter executives if he could invite an “OGA” — Other Government Agency — to an upcoming conference.

The email referred to a Twitter employee, whose name was redacted, and said that people from the employee’s “former employer,” which a Twitter executive acknowledged meant the CIA, were specifically inquiring about the invitation.

The new Twitter Files release also showed that FBI officials helped put the company in contact with local law enforcement to deal with issues.

Taibbi said that the FBI was “clearly tailoring” its searches on the platform to look for potential content violations that Twitter could take action on.

Even ex-FBI lawyer Jim Baker, who was involved in a lot of controversy surrounding his involvement in different investigations into former President Donald Trump, thought that the FBI’s actions were strange.

“Odd that they are searching for violations of our policies,” Baker said in an email.

Related: Twitter Was In Contact With Multiple Gov Agencies; Ex-FBI Lawyer Surprised By FBI’s Actions; Feds Sought Action On Foreign Narratives On Ukraine, COVID

Woman Rakes In The Dough Teaching Scared Gen-Z-ers How To Actually Talk On Phones

Mary Jane Copps is raking in thousands of dollars for teaching Generation Z-ers — who have spent most of their lives only using texts — to have actual conversations via telephone.

Business Insider published a report Monday on Copps — who has dubbed herself “The Phone Lady” — revealing that she charges up to $480 per hour for private lessons in phone etiquette for those who either don’t understand how to use a phone in the workplace or who have a phobia around doing so.

VeryWellMind defines Phone Anxiety as “the fear of making or answering phone calls (also known as telephobia)” and notes that it “is a common fear among those with social anxiety disorder (SAD).” Emotional symptoms of Phone Anxiety include: “Avoiding making calls or having others call you, delaying making or answering phone calls, obsessing about what was said after calls, stressing about embarrassing yourself, worrying about bothering the other person, and worrying about what you will say.”

Copps told Insider that she had seen the rise of what she referred to as “phone phobia” — which coincided with the rise of smartphone usage and text/chat features coupled with the gradual death of the traditional home telephone. A recent Fox News report explored the rise of phone phobia, especially among younger generations.

“Gen Z have never had the skills given to them. In my generation, the phone was on the wall in everyone’s house, and we were taught to answer it and make calls at a young age,” Copps told Insider. “Now we have several generations that were never taught anything about talking on the phone, and people have removed phones from their homes.”

But phones are still part of the job in many workplaces — whether they be retail stores, restaurants, or offices — and prospective employees who don’t have previous experience carrying on a telephone conversation may find themselves feeling anxious when the situation arises at work.

Copps said that her consultancy was designed to ease that anxiety and give clients the skills and confidence to answer phones effectively and with less stress. Toward that end, she charges up to $480 an hour for individual coaching and $365 for 30-minute webinars. Her program also includes corporate workshops, for which she charges $3,500 daily.