‘Largest Ponzi Scheme In History’: ‘Gotham’ Actor Says Crypto Industry Is ‘Built On A Foundation Of Fraud’

“Gotham” actor Ben McKenzie made it clear on Tuesday that he was not interested in joining the cryptocurrency revolution, calling the digital currency industry “the largest Ponzi scheme in history.”

McKenzie shared his pre-written testimony via Twitter on Tuesday ahead of his Wednesday appearance before the Senate Banking Committee — and he explained that even though he holds a degree in economics, he still found himself at a loss to understand how the cryptocurrency market was not by definition susceptible to fraud on a massive scale.

My written testimony for the @SenateBanking hearing tomorrow https://t.co/dQf36LSHJ4

— Ben McKenzie (@ben_mckenzie) December 13, 2022

McKenzie explained in his testimony that he could certainly understand why people might not necessarily trust banks and how attractive it might be to have an alternative — but that the alternative presented by cryptocurrency was to move trust from banks to technology.

“You cannot create ‘trustless’ money because money is trust. We made it up; it’s a social construct. Like all social constructs, money relies on trust forged through social consensus. You can no more create a ‘trustless’ money than you can a governmentless government or a religionless religion. The applicable words are anarchy and cult,” McKenzie stated.

“What ‘trustless’ means in practice in crypto is placing your trust in the people who run the exchanges, or issue the coins, or anyone else who takes your real money in exchange for lines of computer code stored on ledgers called blockchains,” he continued. “Code does not fall from the sky; people write it. I believe few of the people in the cryptocurrency industry have earned the trust of the public.”

McKenzie went on to argue that the proposed decentralized structure of cryptocurrency — and the proud insistence of many advocates that losing money in crypto stemmed from investors’ failure to do their own research — actually opened the door for more potential fraud rather than less.

He explained that the industry had essentially created a parallel universe within the world of finance, but that universe had intentionally been built without a lot of the safeguards and regulations that existed in the traditional banking system — and it gave the people working behind the curtain no real reason to behave in an honest or ethical way.

“Be careful what you wish for,” he warned. “The simple truth is that in an unregulated market, at every juncture where value is transferred from one party to another, not only is there nothing preventing one or more parties from committing fraud, there is often very little even disincentivizing them from doing so. If you can rip people off and get away with it, why not do it?”

Comparing the structure of cryptocurrency marketing to that which might be seen as part of a pyramid scheme, McKenzie added, “I submit to you today that the entire cryptocurrency industry resembles nothing more than a massive speculative bubble built on a foundation of fraud. In my opinion, it is the largest Ponzi scheme in history by an order of magnitude.”

‘Saddest Thing In The World’: Tim Allen Says Comedic Greats Like Richard Pryor And George Carlin Couldn’t Tell Jokes In 2022

Tim Allen said the “saddest thing in the world” to him is that comedic greats like Richard Pryor and George Carlin would not be able to tell jokes in 2022 because of the political climate.

The 69-year-old actor said that as a comedian he never means to hurt anyone with his jokes and that it’s all meant to “make them laugh,” Fox News reported.

“I got into this business because of my college attraction to Lenny Bruce and eventually late college I saw Richard Pryor in concert and George Carlin,” Allen explained. “You never thought of what they were doing as infuriating people to make them laugh.”

“Nowadays, you know, I don’t think they would be allowed to say that,” he added. “So, that’s the saddest thing in the world to me. That everything is OK as long as I’m not being offended.”

Tim Allen addresses the current state of comedy: 'We're all in the same boat here' https://t.co/sDpOQrxS2p

— Fox News (@FoxNews) December 14, 2022

“The Santa Clause” star said what he does is “lie to tell the truth. That’s what comedy is about. You’re overextending yourself so that people go, ‘S***, that is weird.'”

He also said he hopes attacking comedians is just a phase that will end.

“I don’t get anybody, hopefully, getting mad enough to hurt me or yell out screaming in my big concerts,” Allen said. “Comedy isn’t about hurting people, it’s herding – get everybody together to laugh at this thing. If you get hurt by it, that’s unfortunate.”

The “Toy Story” star, an open Republican, also hasn’t hidden his thoughts about “woke” culture.

In October, Allen trolled those he labeled “wokees” as he tweeted “Who is the face of woke?”

“Do wokees have a club house in someone’s backyard or maybe a cute yet safe playpen somewhere?” the “Last Man Standing” star tweeted to his hundreds of thousands of followers.

Earlier this year, the superstar actor appeared to take a swipe at Disney’s pro-LGBTQIA+ programming when he tweeted about his latest trip to its famous theme park in southern California.

“Took some kids to Disneyland and overheard a 13 year old boy wondering if he may be pansexual since he loves skillets,” he tweeted at the time.

Disclosure: The Daily Wire has announced plans for kids’ entertainment content.

Related: Tim Allen Says He’s ‘Better As Santa Claus’ Than Other Roles, Says New Christmas Series Doesn’t ‘Ignore’ Christian Holiday