Army Investigating Officers Who Wore Fetish Dog Masks While In Uniform On Social Media

At least two Army officers are under investigation for posting photos of themselves in dog-shaped BDSM gear while in uniform.

The photos surfaced last week after one of the officers posted a picture of himself wearing the dog masks, announcing his retirement from the Army. Another Twitter account posted a long thread revealing that at two of the members were commissioned officers and reportedly in a sexual relationship. The Army announced Tuesday it was investigating the posts.

“U.S. Army Pacific is aware of content found on social media reflecting soldiers’ activities while wearing uniforms,” U.S. Army spokesman Major Jonathan Lewis said in a statement to USA Today. “The incident is currently under investigation.”

According to federal law:

Any commissioned officer, cadet, or midshipman who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.


all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special, or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.

USA Today noted that there are a variety of punishments for such conduct, including letters of reprimand, and possibly demotion. A retired officer can be restored to active duty specifically for court-martial purposes. He or she can also be retired at a lower rank, which would lower their military pension payments.

“All U.S. Army soldiers are expected to uphold high standards of personal conduct and to avoid discrediting the service and the uniform, both in person and across social media,” another Army spokeswoman told USA Today.

The investigation arose after one of the accounts, who goes by the handle “Pup Ravage,” announced his retirement from the Army last week. The tweet caught the attention of conservative veterans on Twitter, many of whom blasted the tweet as evidence of the growing problem of wokeness in the military.

A Twitter account called NoVA Campaigns posted a Twitter thread revealing that the retired officer was Army Colonel Brian T. Connelly, of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. Connelly was stationed to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hicks in Hawaii. He frequently posted sexually explicit pictures of himself, as well as other photos of himself in uniform and wearing a dog mask, on an Instagram page of the same name.

Connelly was also in a sexual relationship with Captain Dayton Tenney, who went by the name “HonuPup” on social media. Connelly and Tenney are members of the “pup play” kink community, a BDSM-related sexual fetish where individuals dress up in leather masks and tails and act like dogs for sexual satisfaction. Connelly was photographed with other members of this community on his Instagram. According to NoVA Campaigns, both officers had multiple partners.

The account also found that one of the replies to Connelly’s retirement tweet came from another officer, a Captain in a medical unit, also wearing a dog mask. All of the users in question have locked or deleted their accounts.

Earlier this year, two Biden administration officials made headlines for publicizing their sexual appetites. In September, photos of White House deputy coordinator of monkeypox response Dr. Demetre Daskalakis in bondage gear surfaced; and now-former deputy assistant secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Sam Brinton drew controversy when photos of him engaging in “puppy play” also surfaced on social media.

Norwegian Lesbian Artist Being Investigated, Faces Criminal Charges For Saying Men Cannot Be Lesbians

A Norwegian woman could spend up to three years in prison for saying that men are not able to be lesbians. 

On November 17, Tonje Gjevjon was told that she was being investigated by the police over hate speech because of a Facebook post that criticized men who said they were lesbians.

EXCLUSIVE: A Norwegian woman is facing criminal charges for stating men can not be lesbians.

Tonje Gjevjon is the second woman in the country to be investigated for criminal "transphobia" in 2022. She faces a potential prison sentence of three years.

— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) December 13, 2022

Gjevjon is a lesbian artist who has faced intense pushback for standing up for women. In her post, she also criticized transgender activists who try to prosecute women who are against gender ideology. 

“It’s just as impossible for men to become lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant,” Gjevjon wrote. “Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes.”

In the post, translated on Facebook, Gjevjon wrote, “men with fetishes have been protected as a vulnerable minority through the foolish and constructed concept of gender identity is koko. [sic]”

Gjevjon said she posted her Facebook message on purpose to bring attention to Norway’s hate speech law. The law was changed in 2020 when the parliament in the country voted to make hate speech against people who identify as transgender illegal. Gjevjon is also not the first to be confronted with charges over saying men cannot be mothers or lesbians.

Last year, Gjevjon asked Anette Trettebergstuen, a politician in the Labour Party, what she was going to do to safeguard women and girls’ rights. She also asked if she thought that men could be lesbians. 

“I believe it is absolutely necessary to place biological sex as the basis in all contexts where sex has legal, cultural, or practical relevance, and that equating sex with gender identity has harmful, discriminatory consequences for women and girls – especially lesbians,” Gjevjon said in her question. 

“Will the Equality Minister take action to ensure that lesbian women’s human rights are safeguarded, by making it clear that there are no lesbians with penises, that males cannot be lesbians regardless of their gender identity, and by tidying up the mess of the harmful gender policies left behind by the previous government?” She asked. 

Trettebergstuen replied, “I do not share an understanding of reality where the only two biological sexes are to be understood as sex. Gender identity is also important.” 

Gjevjon has also described being pushed out of the art community over her views, even though she was a prominent member of the music and art establishment for over 15 years. 

“I have stated that women are female, that lesbians do not have penises, that children should not be responsible for decisions they do not have the capacity to understand the scope of, and that no-platforming is harmful to democracy. For these opinions I have been canceled several times,” Gjevjon wrote in Klassekampen, a Norwegian oulet.

“I was not prepared for the extent of how queer organizations, politicians and activists would demonize a lesbian artist who was not in step. Trans activists contact people I work with, portraying me as hateful and warning against being associated with me,” she said.