P-22, ‘World-Famous ’ Los Angeles Mountain Lion, Captured

A famous mountain lion in the Los Angeles area has been captured after it recently carried out several attacks.

The lion, called P-22, is well known in the area and lived in Griffith Park, a 4,000-acre area in the Hollywood Hills. However, the animal has attacked two dogs and also been spotted near houses, leading to concern about its wellbeing.

Sarah Picchi, a resident of Los Feliz, told the Los Angeles Times that the lion was captured in her backyard on Monday. She was working a little before eleven in the morning when someone rang at the entrance to her home.

“The woman said, ‘No, I’m with Wildlife. You have a lion in your backyard,’” Picchi said in an interview with the Times. “Of course, I knew it was P-22 because I’ve been following the story.”

Last week, authorities with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that the agency would “capture the world-famous mountain lion P-22 and bring him in for a health evaluation.” After the animal is assessed, veterinarians with the agency and National Park Service biologists will decide what the best way forward will be for P-22.

“P-22 has been reported near human dwellings close to his habitat in Griffith Park. Reports include sightings, video camera recordings and physical encounters with the lion,” the agency said in a press release. “P-22 is a remarkably old cat in the wild and, after being deemed responsible for killing a leashed pet last month, may be exhibiting signs of distress.”

The agency also called it “an unprecedented situation in which a mountain lion has continued to survive in such an urban setting.”

P-22 is thought to have killed a chihuahua mix dog while a person was walking the dog on November 9, and also attacked another chihuahua. The owner of the second chihuahua fought back against the lion.

“My wife and I got Piper in 2014,” Daniel Jimenez, the first dog’s owner, said. “We rescued her and she was just the sweetest dog. We’re just devastated at the loss of our little dog.”

“I don’t want anything bad to happen to P-22,” Jimenez noted. “I just want people to be safe out there so that nothing like this happens again.”

In early 2012, P-22 was first seen in Griffith Park and has become famous in the area since that time.

Beth Pratt is the California regional executive director of the National Wildlife Federation and is also in charge of the SaveLACougars effort.

“If Griffith Park was connected to other open space, P22 would have options,” she reportedly wrote in a statement last week. “P22 might not be now traveling so close to the denser human-wildlife interface.”

It was previously believed that it could take a while to bring the animal in.

“It’s up to the cat,” Pratt said. “It could be a couple of days or it could be in a month. It just depends on how quickly the cat cooperates.”

Ben Shapiro: Dorsey’s To Blame For Letting Twitter’s Inmates Run Asylum

The Twitter Files now being revealed under new owner Elon Musk’s supervision show that a cabal of woke fanatics drunk on censorship ran the internet’s town square while its founder, Jack Dorsey, was oblivious, Ben Shapiro said Monday.

Speaking on his popular podcast and radio show, Shapiro said the evidence being rolled out by Musk’s handpicked investigators, journalists Mat Taibbi and Bari Weiss, and author Michael Shellenberger, paint a devastating behind-the-scenes picture of how decisions were made at the platform. The silencing of a 2020 election bombshell, routine muzzling of conservatives, and the outright banning of former President Trump were all carried out by a handful of leftist loons, Shapiro said.

“They were deciding who should stay and who should go, using their own political predilections to decide what sort of material was worthy of being seen,” Shapiro said. “And they set all of these preconditions in spite of the fact that they knew that there was no actual hardcore policy that was being defined by Twitter.”


Taibbi wrapped up the initial drop of Twitter internal communications with a note about how Twitter’s content cops, led by Global Head of Trust & Safety Yoel Roth, set up a dizzying array of rules for suspensions and bans of Twitter users that were supposed to apply to any case that might arise. But while they took the most expansive view possible for liberals, who were rarely sanctioned, the small team worked backwards with made-up rules to ban conservatives in a corrupt process that peaked during the January 6 riots.

Or, as Shapiro put it: “They knew that there was no actual standard that was being set by Twitter. Instead, they just basically decided, ‘Here’s the thing I don’t like. How do I cram this square peg into the round hole of Twitter policy?’”

This is how Yoel Roth ended up as a more important person in defining Twitter policy than their security heads.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 12, 2022

Whether politically motivated censorship is implemented by woke managers or by the top brass makes no difference, Shapiro said. The fault lies with those at the top, and in Twitter’s case, that would be Dorsey.

“Jack Dorsey was an absentee landlord,” Shapiro said. “He basically created the company and then he said he didn’t like running the company and he would run off on vacation and he leaves Yoel Roth, who’s a partisan hack, in charge.”

Roth, who once tweeted that the Trump White House was occupied by Nazis and wrote a graduate degree paper on his experience in gay Grindr hookups, even resisted an admonition from Dorsey to remain consistent in meting out temporary suspensions, according to Shellenberger. He also resisted a warning from a subordinate, who humbly suggested in a Slack message that there was no legitimate basis for banning Trump.

“This might be an unpopular opinion but one-off ad hoc decisions like this that don’t appear rooted in policy are IMHO a slippery slope and reflect an alternatively equally dictatorial problem,” the unidentified employee wrote. “This now appears to be a fiat by an online platform CEO with a global presence that can gatekeep speech for the entire world – which seems unsustainable.”

Dorsey has repeatedly insisted that Twitter under his oversight never penalized conservatives due to their beliefs, telling the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2018, “We don’t consider political viewpoints, perspectives or party affiliation in any of our policies or enforcement decisions.”

“Oh, really?” Shapiro said Monday after playing audio of Dorsey’s claim. “Weird, because you do.”

“Now Dorsey, again, had a hands-off approach, so he wasn’t the one who was personally implementing this stuff,” Shapiro said. “But it doesn’t matter. He didn’t have to personally implement the stuff he knew how his company was run.”

“When your entire employee base is left-wing and when they are given extraordinary amounts of discretion in order to determine what can and cannot be seen, what you end up with is what Twitter had,” he added.