Dean At Elite Chicago Private K-12 School Brags About Sex Toys Being Brought Into Class For Kids To Pass Around: Project Veritas Investigation

The dean of students at an elite private school in Chicago was allegedly recorded on undercover video admitting to having a group come into his classroom and pass out sex toys during Pride Week for students to examine and to learn about gay sex.

The video was captured by the conservative action group Project Veritas and posted on social media Wednesday evening.

The video allegedly shows Joseph Bruno, Dean of Students, Francis W. Parker School — which costs tens of thousands of dollars to attend — telling an undercover activist for Project Veritas about activities that take place in his classroom.

“So, I’ve been the Dean for four years. … During Pride — we do a Pride Week every year — I had our LGBTQ+ Health Center come in [to the classroom],” he allegedly stated. “They were passing around butt-plugs and dildos to my students — talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit.”


“They’re just, like, passing around dildos and butt-plugs, the kids are just playing with ‘em, looking at ‘em,” he continued. “They’re like, ‘How does this butt-plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work?’ That’s a really cool part of my job.”

“We had a Drag Queen come in — pass out cookies and brownies and do photos,” he added.

When asked if parents would care if they found out what was happening inside of the classroom, Bruno responded, “No. It’s queer sex.”

When asked if “everybody’s cool with” what was going on, Bruno said that no one complains.

Bruno suggested he would not need to get permission to hold these types of events in his classroom because the trustees would approve of it. He said that the students in the room were 14-18 years old.

Bruno said that he had “so much freedom” and “so much money to do stuff” and that a “really, like, cool part of” his job was teaching these types of things to students.


BREAKING: @fwparker Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ+ Health Center to Teach "Queer Sex" to Minors
"Passing around dildos and butt plugs…kids are just playing with them…Using lube versus using spit…that's a really like, cool part of my job"

— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) December 8, 2022

Peru’s Socialist President Kicked Out Of Office And Arrested For Staging Attempted Coup, Report Says

Peru’s socialist President Pedro Castillo was reportedly arrested Wednesday after being impeached and removed from office for staging a coup to stay in power.

During his first 16 months in power, Castillo has faced six criminal investigations and three impeachment attempts, including the one that removed him from power this week, The New York Times reported.

Prosecutors accused Castillo of leading a crime syndicate that profited off government contracts and obstructed justice, the report said. Castillo claims those allegations are false.

Castillo tried to avoid being impeached by announcing that he was dissolving Congress and forming a new emergency government.

The move was seen by even his closest allies as “an attempted coup to cling to power,” and it was instantly ruled unconstitutional by the top court. The country’s military and police forces said that they would not support him.

“Any act contrary to the established constitutional order represents an infraction to the Constitution and will lead to the non-acceptance by the Armed Forces and the Police,” the Joint Command of the Armed Forces reportedly said in a statement. “The citizenship is called to remain calm and trust in the state institutions legally established.”

By the end of the day, his vice president, Dina Boluarte, was sworn in as president, and Castillo was placed under arrest.

“I reject Pedro Castillo’s decision to break the constitutional order by closing the Congress,” Boluarte said. “This is a coup d’etat that deepens the political and institutional crisis, and Peruvian society will have to overcome the crisis with a strict attachment to the law.”

Castillo, who used to be a farmer, teacher, and union head, spoke publicly hours before an impeachment vote was set to happen. He said he would rule the country by decree as new legislative elections are set up.

“We have taken the decision to establish a government of exception, to reestablish the rule of law and democracy to which effect the following measures are dictated: to dissolve Congress temporarily, to install a government of exceptional emergency, to call to the shortest term possible to elections for a new Congress with the ability to draft a new Constitution,” Castillo said.

He also established an immediate nationwide curfew, which was set to last from 10 p.m. on Wednesday to 4 a.m. Thursday.

Many officials in his government resigned after his announcement on Wednesday.

Charlotte Pence Bond contributed to this report.