Satanic Temple Display Near Nativity Scene, Jewish Menorah In Illinois State Capitol Building

Inside the Illinois State Capitol sits a display of several religious exhibits for the holiday season, which includes a Jewish menorah, the Christian nativity scene, and the “Serpent of Genesis” from the Satanic Temple, as reported by local radio media.

Consisting of a leather-bound copy of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus’ “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium” — which translates to “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres” — at the center of the display with handcrafted knitted apples and a 12-foot serpent orbiting the book, the controversial imagery marks the fourth year in a row the state’s Capitol rotunda in Springfield, Illinois, has showcased displays from the Illinois Satanic Temple.

Minister Adam told The Daily Caller News Foundation that their display — handcrafted by congregation members that represents the pursuit of forbidden knowledge — revolves around one of the “most controversial books of its time,” noting that the book favors a heliocentric model of the universe, which theorizes the earth revolves around the sun — not vice-versa.

The Index of Forbidden Books banned the text for 200 years, but officials from the Satanic Temple told Patch they believe it still provides a valuable lesson.

But the handmade elements that surround the book, and that were created by Illinois congregation members, carry a similar meaning, officials said.

In 2018, local media reported one state lawmaker denounced the Satanic Temple, demanding the removal of the satanic statue. However, a sign from the state of Illinois in the rotunda reads, “because the first floor of the Capitol rotunda is a public place, state officials cannot legally censor the content of speech or displays.”

“The State of Illinois is required by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to allow temporary, public display in the state capitol so long as these displays are not paid for by taxpayer dollars,” the sign reads, according to ABC News.

Henry Haupt, a spokesman for the Illinois Secretary of State, told Patch that organizations looking to use space in the Capitol rotunda during special events must submit a form to the Secretary of State Physical Services Department.

The temporary display not paid for by tax dollars must also meet certain public safety requirements established by the secretary of state.

“Temporary displays of this nature, erected in a public space in the Capitol rotunda, are protected by the First Amendment,” Haupt said in an email to Patch. “The U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech, which remains a hallmark and cherished principle of this country.”

Adam, with Satanic Temple, said the display was “not in opposition with other religions, but in a show of equality and shared space with other religious viewpoints,” according to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Speaking with local media, Adam responded to those offended by the display: “Ok.”

“Being offended is something that is more than welcomed for them to be able to do — that is their right,” Adam said. “But we have every right to be here, and we’re not going to sanitize that message because someone else is offended by that.”

Beth Rogers, representing the Illinois Prayer Caucus, told Illinois Radio Network during the dedication of the Christian Nativity scene showcasing the birth of Jesus Christ in a manger that the “little baby in the manger later crushed Satan the serpent’s head, and the gates of hell will not prevail.”

Displays in the state Capitol rotunda will remain through January 5.

Twitter’s Underhanded Actions Targeting ‘Libs Of TikTok’ Revealed In New ‘Twitter Files’ Release

The latest release of the “Twitter Files” Thursday evening revealed that leftists at the highest level of the company, who have all since been fired or been forced to resign, targeted one of the most popular right-wing accounts on the platform with repeated suspensions despite the fact that they secretly admitted that she did not do anything wrong.

Journalist Bari Weiss released a long Twitter thread in which she showed how Twitter built blacklists, prevented disfavored tweets from trending on the platform, and actively limited the visibility of entire accounts and even trending topics in secret, without informing users.

Weiss noted the different layers of censorship that existed at Twitter and that the highest level was the “Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support,” known as “SIP-PES.”

“This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy, and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust & Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others,” Weiss said. “This is where the biggest, most politically sensitive decisions got made. ‘Think high follower account, controversial,’ another Twitter employee told us. For these ‘there would be no ticket or anything.’”

Weiss showed how Libs of TikTok was placed on a “Trends Blacklist” and that a special note was placed on the account that said action could not be taken on the account “without consulting with SIP-PES.”

16. One of the accounts that rose to this level of scrutiny was @libsoftiktok—an account that was on the “Trends Blacklist” and was designated as “Do Not Take Action on User Without Consulting With SIP-PES.”

— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) December 9, 2022

“The account—which Chaya Raichik began in November 2020 and now boasts over 1.4 million followers—was subjected to six suspensions in 2022 alone, Raichik says. Each time, Raichik was blocked from posting for as long as a week,” Weiss said. “Twitter repeatedly informed Raichik that she had been suspended for violating Twitter’s policy against ‘hateful conduct.’”

However, those at the highest level secretly admitted that they knew Libs of TikTok did not violate any of the site’s rules, yet they wanted her suspended.

Twitter said in a secret memo:

Site Policy Recommendation

Site Policy recommends placing @LibsOfTiktok ([LTT] 1.3M followers, not verified) in a 7-day timeout at the account level [meaning, not for a specific Tweet] based on the account’s continued pattern of indirectly violating Twitter’s Hateful Conduct Policy by tweeting content that either leads to or intends to incite harassment against individuals and institutions that support LGBTQ communities. At this time, Site Policy has not found explicitly violative Tweets, which would result in a permanent suspension of the account.

This type of enforcement action [repeated 7-day timeouts at the account-level] will not lead to permanent suspension, however: should LTT engage in any other direct Tweet-level violations of any of Site Policy’s policies, we will move forward with permanent suspension.


Since its most recent timeout, while LTT has not directly engaged in behavior violative of the Hateful Conduct policy, the user has continued targeting individuals/allies/supporters of the LGBTQIA+ community for alleged misconduct.

19. But in an internal SIP-PES memo from October 2022, after her seventh suspension, the committee acknowledged that “LTT has not directly engaged in behavior violative of the Hateful Conduct policy." See here:

— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) December 9, 2022

Weiss then showed how Twitter took a much different approach when Libs of TikTok reported that she was the victim of harassment on the platform that violated its terms of service.

“Compare this to what happened when Raichik herself was doxxed on November 21, 2022. A photo of her home with her address was posted in a tweet that has garnered more than 10,000 likes,” Weiss said. “When Raichik told Twitter that her address had been disseminated she says Twitter Support responded with this message: ‘We reviewed the reported content, and didn’t find it to be in violation of the Twitter rules.’ No action was taken. The doxxing tweet is still up.”

22. When Raichik told Twitter that her address had been disseminated she says Twitter Support responded with this message: "We reviewed the reported content, and didn't find it to be in violation of the Twitter rules." No action was taken. The doxxing tweet is still up.

— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) December 9, 2022