Joe Rogan Slams Professors Who Defend Unhealthy Lifestyles: ‘F*** Off, Fat Professors’

Legendary podcast host Joe Rogan slammed woke college professors who promote unhealthy lifestyles during a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

Rogan made the remarks while speaking to guest Derek from the YouTube channel “More Plates More Dates,” who was brought on to speak about a major story that he broke last week about a figure in the fitness world who had been lying about using steroids.

Derek mentioned a document from the University of British Columbia in Canada that argued that people do not need to know how many calories they are consuming in order to be healthy.

The document listed the following four reasons why counting calories can be harmful:

It diverts your attention away from eating what pleases you. It prevents intuitive eating. It gives a false impression that certain foods are “unhealthy” because of the number of calories. It can be triggering for those with disordered eating habits or eating disorders.

“F*** off, fat professors, f*** off, you guys are unhealthy, it’s not in any way good,” Rogan said.


Rogan recalled seeing a video of a young, woke female professor who talked about how avoiding certains foods was “‘fatphobic’ and ‘it’s not based in science.’”

Rogan said that the environment that woke professors have fostered is creating “the most non-resilient people possibly known to man, where every single micro-aggression, every single thing that can trigger you, all those are removed, and you are just raw and vulnerable.”

“We’ll protect you in this university system, and then spit you out into the world where you will then infect corporations with this ideology — and that is what we’re experiencing,” Rogan added.

“It’s wild how the shift to comfort mentality has very much become commonplace,” Derek responded. “I feel like this is partially why men’s testosterone levels are dropping too — just, like, the lifestyle and encouragement to be a sedentary piece of s*** who is offended and insulted by literally everything, none of this is conducive to masculinity.”

During the same episode, Rogan accused Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson of using steroids, saying that he needed to come clean in light of Derek revealing that fitness guru Brian Johnson, who goes by the “Liver King,” had falsely claimed that he was not taking steroids.

“The Rock should come clean right now,” Rogan said on an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast. “He should make a video in response to the ‘Liver King’ video. I need to talk to you because The Rock’s been lying. There’s not a f***ing chance in hell he’s clean. Not a chance in hell. As big as The Rock is at 50? He’s so massive, and he’s so different than he was when he was 30.”

“There’s a responsibility you have to people who are listening to you,” Rogan continued. “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s one thing. But if you do talk about it, there’s a responsibility you have to people listening to you, and I think you have to be honest about it, which is why I’m honest about it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking hormone replacement.”

Related: Joe Rogan Hammers ‘Liver King’ For Lying About Steroid Use: ‘You Ran A Con Game And You Got Busted’

BREAKING: Democrat Raphael Warnock Defeats GOP Challenger Herschel Walker In Georgia Runoff: Projection

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) has defeated Republican challenger Herschel Walker in Georgia’s 2022 Senate runoff election. DecisionDeskHQ called the race at approximately 9:48 p.m.

Decision Desk HQ projects Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) wins re-election to the U.S. Senate in Georgia.#DecisionMade: 9:48pm EST

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— Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) December 7, 2022

Neither Walker nor Warnock secured more than 50% of the vote during the general election, thus triggering the runoff election held on Tuesday. Warnock’s victory follows a disappointing midterm election from Republicans across the United States, aside from several bright spots in the Georgia and Florida gubernatorial races.

Many pre-midterm polls and analyses predicted a “red wave,” with Republicans taking the House by a wide margin, and even the Senate by two to four seats, but following the midterm, Democrats have held the Senate.

This is Warnock’s second runoff after he defeated GOP candidate Kelly Loefller in the 2020 race, which was also not decided on the day of the general election — however, there were some changes to the voting process this time around.

Under The Peach State’s 2021 voting reform law signed by incumbent Governor Brian Kemp (R), the state of Georgia shortened the time between the day of the general election and the runoff election from nine weeks to just four. Similarly, the bill also condensed early voting from more than two weeks to just one week.

More than 1.8 million Georgians voted early in the state’s Senate runoff election scheduled for December 6, including a record-high 353,000 voters on Friday, the final day of early voting.

The official numbers from the Secretary of State recorded 1,868,127 early voters. The total revealed that more than one million female voters voted early, according to the state’s statistics.

The number of early voters was below the total from the recent November midterms in Georgia, when about 2.5 million voters cast their ballot before Election Day.

Despite the high level of early voting, the total is still lower than in the 2020 presidential election, when approximately 2.5 million Georgia residents voted early. Midterm elections generally draw smaller numbers of voters, with the state reflecting lower numbers experienced nationwide between the 2020 and 2022 elections.

In reaction to the turnout, Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Chief Operating Officer Gabriel Sterling told CNN over the weekend, “There’s obviously a lot of enthusiasm. Both Democrats and Republicans can point to the turnout models and say, ‘that’s good for us’ so nobody knows what’s going to happen.”

The post-general election campaigning saw big stars from both parties turn out for their respective candidates.

Kemp — who defeated Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams this year — sat down with CNN to express why he was showing up for Walker during the runoff.

“The runoff now is a very simple choice,” Kemp said at one point in the interview. “You know, are you going to vote for somebody that’s been with Joe Biden 96% of the time, or are you going to vote for somebody that’s going to go up there and fight for Georgia? And that’s the way I’m voting.”

As noted by CNN, Kemp was more hands-off during the general election. Walker was the only state-wide GOP candidate to not win outright on election night in 2022.

On Warnock’s side, Democrat heavyweight former President Barack Obama campaigned for the incumbent in the final stretch.

During one stop, Obama mocked Walker for a story he recently told about vampires and why he would want to be a werewolf instead. The 44th president said that Walker can be anything he wants to be — just not a United States senator.

The former president compared Walker to a “crazy” “Uncle Joe.”

“We all know some folks in our lives, who we don’t wish them ill will. They say crazy stuff and we’re all like, ‘Well, Uncle Joe, you know what happened to him,’” Obama said to laughs from the audience. “They’re part of the family, but you don’t give them serious responsibilities.”

Throughout both the general and run-off campaign, polls showed Warnock and Walker neck-and-neck.

This is a developing story; check back for updates.