Biden Admin Launches Investigation Into Elon Musk’s Company Neuralink: Report

The Biden administration has reportedly launched a federal investigation into one of Elon Musk’s companies over allegations that the company may have violated animal-welfare laws.

The investigation into Neuralink, where Musk serves as CEO, was launched by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Inspector General at the request of a federal prosecutor, Reuters reported.

The neurotechnology company is developing “ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers,” according to its website.

The report said that the investigation centers around potential violations of the Animal Welfare Act, which “regulates the treatment of animals in research, teaching, testing, exhibition, transport, and by dealers,” according to the agency.


The report admits that “Neuralink treats animals quite well compared to other research facilities,” according to interviews with employees. Executives at the company have talked of building a “Monkey Disneyland” at one testing facility while wanting the animals to live in a “monkey Taj Mahal” at another location.

A small number of employees at the company have reportedly claimed that Musk’s insistence on pushing for faster times in getting products to the point where they can be tested on humans has led to mistakes in the tests that have been conducted on various animals, including monkeys and pigs.

The employees allege that the mistakes have led to more animals having to be killed because of botched surgeries and because the experiments have to be conducted again. The animals are often killed at the end of the experiments because post mortem analysis is often needed to determine the effectiveness of the experiment.

Some of the mistakes that have reportedly plagued the experiments are simple in nature, like implanting the wrong device or implanting a device in on the wrong vertebra of animals.

The news comes after Musk said last week that he expects a the company’s wireless brain chips to enter human clinical trials within the next six months. The goal of the implants is to help disabled people be able to move and communicate.

“We want to be extremely careful and certain that it will work well before putting a device into a human,” Musk said. “The progress at first, particularly as it applies to humans, will seem perhaps agonizingly slow, but we are doing all of the things to bring it to scale in parallel. So, in theory, progress should be exponential.”

Related: Elon Musk Will Not Sign Autographs ‘Ever Again’ As He Warns Assassination Risk Is ‘Quite Significant’

Real ID Delayed Again Until 2025

The Department of Homeland Security is once again postponing the requirement of Real ID for travelers to 2025 after years of delays. 

Congress passed the Real ID Act in 2005, putting into law a suggestion from the 9/11 Commission that the federal government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses.” 

The law requires that U.S. travelers have to show a Real ID state identification cards or driver’s licenses when going through places like TSA security checkpoints at airport and other federal locations. It was supposed to take effect on May 3, 2023, but it will now go into effect on May 7, 2025. This most recent delay makes the third time it has been prolonged past its expected date, with the first time being because of the pandemic. 

The law was passed after it was discovered that almost all of the September 11 hijackers had state identification or U.S. driver’s licenses to get on commercial aircraft. They had reportedly secured the majority of the identification items fraudulently. 


States treat the Real ID requirements differently, with places like New York, Minnesota, and Michigan allowing people to instead get an Enhanced Driver’s License, which has a flag instead of a star. These documents can be utilized by people instead of a passport in certain areas. Washington state only allows people to get the Enhanced Driver’s Licenses and doesn’t offer Real ID. 

“Real ID progress over the past two years has been significantly hindered by state driver’s licensing agencies,” Dan Velez, the New England spokesman for the TSA, said. “The extension is necessary to give states the needed time to ensure their residents obtain a Real ID-compliant license or identification card.” 

The Department of Homeland Security is in charge of the program and said the most recent delay is in part due to the “lingering impacts” of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

For the past two years, it said in a statement, advancement has been “significantly hindered by state driver’s licensing agencies having to work through the backlogs created by the pandemic,”

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas also discussed the delay of the implementation, noting it will allow jurisdictions to make sure people can get the licenses they need in order to travel. 

“DHS continues to work closely with US states, the District of Columbia, and the US territories to meet REAL ID requirements,” Mayorkas said in a statement. “This extension will give states needed time to ensure their residents can obtain a REAL ID-compliant license or identification card.”