Ben Shapiro On Biden’s Address: ‘Perfectly Obvious’ President Is ‘In The Throes Of’ Senility

President Joe Biden’s mental health has drastically declined and the president is well into the “sunset period of his life,” according to Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro.

Shapiro made the pronouncement after Biden delivered an 11-minute televised address on his decision to drop out of the 2024 race after the Democratic primary contests, but before the Democratic National Convention.

“He could not make it through that 11-minute televised speech right there. He could not make it through with a teleprompter in front of him. He stumbled over his words. [It] appeared that he was beginning to fall asleep,” Shapiro said, assessing the president’s performance. “It is perfectly obvious to everyone who is watching the reason that Joe Biden dropped out of the race, and that is that he is in declining mental health, that he is, in fact, in the throes of some form of senility, that he is in the sunset period of his life.”

Biden did not cite health reasons for his late departure from the race, however. The president said he made the decision to bow out of the race “because nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy.” The U.S. needs to be united to resist threats to its democracy, and the best way to unite the country is to “pass the torch to the next generation,” Biden said.

Shapiro said Biden effectively ran away from voters who are holding the president responsible for his record.

“The message that he put forth is that this election was too important for him to be in it. Somehow, he was not willing to allow the people to speak on his presidency,” Shapiro said.


The address leaves another major question unanswered, according to the Daily Wire host. “After watching Joe Biden speak, do you think that that man has the capacity to be the President of the United States right now, today? If you do, how? He could not get through a sentence from a televised speech that was supposed to be the apex of his career,” Shapiro said.

“Does that seem like the kind of man who is capable of holding it together for another six months? And if not, where is Vice President Kamala Harris who has the signal ability to oust him from the office by invoking the 25th Amendment today,” Shapiro said.

Biden gave us no answers tonight as to why he dropped out of the presidential race. Here is my full reaction to his address:

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 25, 2024

Biden Won’t Give Reason For Why He Ended His Campaign In Speech About Ending His Campaign

President Joe Biden addressed the nation on Wednesday evening after announcing on Sunday that he was dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him as the Democrat Party’s nominee.

“It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president,” Biden said. “But in the defense of Democracy, which is at stake, I think is more important than any title.”

Biden repeatedly fumbled over and slurred his words while claiming that he has always told the American people “the truth.”

Yet, during the course of his 11-minute speech, Biden made numerous false claims and never gave any reason for why he decided to end his presidential campaign.

He said that his record as president earned him a second term, even though he trailed far behind former President Donald Trump in the polls.

Biden’s poll numbers cratered after his debate late last month against Trump where he displayed obvious signs of serious cognitive impairment. Biden has refused to undergo neurological testing from independent medical experts even though numerous doctors, including ones who are Democrats, have suggested that he has Parkinson’s disease.


Biden’s brother, Frank Biden, said that the president’s declining health was “absolutely” a contributing factor in why he chose to end his campaign. A member of the Biden family responded by smearing Frank Biden, claiming: “Frank Biden suffers from alcoholism and hasn’t spoken to his brother in weeks. What he said…is completely untrue.”

Biden said that he “decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation.”

He claimed that he would spend his last six months “defending our personal freedoms and civil rights” only to say moments later that he wanted to go after the Second Amendment.

He said that he would “keep calling out hate and extremism,” despite his past violent remarks aimed at Trump where he has gone as far as to say that he wanted to “beat the hell out” of Trump in a literal sense.

He claimed that he was the first president this century to not have the U.S. in “war anywhere in the world,” which is false considering that war has broken out in Europe and the Middle East on his watch and the U.S. is heavily involved in arming allies engaged in the conflicts. The U.S. has also launched dozens of strikes against Houthi terrorists in the Middle East and was engaged in shooting down Iranian missiles and drones during an unprovoked attack on Israel.

Biden also claimed that China was a competitor who was losing ground on catching up with the United States as the world’s leading super power.

The 81-year-old falsely claimed that he created 16 million new jobs as president even though the majority of those jobs were people who were returning to work after the government clamped down on the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

He claimed that his administration was “securing our border” after his policies created the largest surge in illegal immigration into the U.S. in history.

“I made my choice. I’ve made my views known,” he said. “I would like to thank our great vice president, Kamala Harris. She is experienced, she is tough, she is capable. She’s been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country.”