The Kamala Hype Machine Revs Up

The media is now covering Kamala Harris 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and they are covering her with all the syrup they can find.

Democrats are shoving the entire Biden presidency into the closet while pretending that Harris sprang from the earth fully formed — and pretending that she was the popular pick.

The media is generating fake enthusiasm for Harris in outsized amounts. Chuck Schumer tried to generate enthusiasm for her on Tuesday. It was pathetic. He was in front of the press and said, “So now that the process has played out, from the grass roots, bottom up, we are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris.” Then he waited for applause. 

None came. “I’m clapping. You don’t have to,” Schumer managed.

He was asked, “What’s your case to the American people and to the Democratic voters who voted for Joe Biden that this isn’t a coronation?” 

“The bottom line [is] it was a bottom-up process,” Schumer maintained. “People just rallied right to her side. The enthusiasm in this big, diverse, representative party was amazing. It was palpable. You could cut it with a knife,” he insisted.

This was a lie. In what way was this grass roots? They had primaries. Primaries are the grassroots process. 

You may not like that Biden won the primaries. You may think the Democratic Party should unlock the primaries so more candidates could have run against Biden.  

But to pretend that this is grass roots is insane. Nancy Pelosi was in the back room jabbing a stiletto into Biden’s neck over and over. Barack Obama was standing behind Biden with a garret. This insane, bizarre notion that this was a grassroots operation to get rid of Biden is totally crazy.  

The grass roots may go along with it. The grass roots may be very happy about it. But to pretend that this was not the Democratic Party elites offing Biden is a total lie.

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Two things actually happened. One: There was wild Democratic base enthusiasm for getting rid of Biden. People did want Biden out. Two: There was no grassroots enthusiasm for Harris, who is incredibly charmless.

We are being gaslit about the process by which Biden was ousted. Harris was appointed by the Democratic Party elites to replace Biden because they wanted to keep his $100 million war chest intact. They went to the donors. Inside the first three days of the campaign, they got the donors to drop a money bomb on her so they could pretend they had $200 million of grassroots support or some such nonsense. 

This is all created. It is all fake. It is all ersatz. 

With that said, does the race change? 


If Republicans get stuck in the mode of talking about Biden from here to the election, Democrats are going to win because the case is very simple. It always was because — Whoever this election is a referendum on is going to lose.

It was Joe Biden for nearly the entirety of the race. It was Biden because he’s the current president of the United States.

And Democrats then pulled a fast one. They got rid of him in favor of Harris. 

Now, I know a lot of Republicans are sitting around thinking, “Yes, but she’s wildly unpopular. People hate her. No one knows who she is. If you ask the everyday American the name of the vice president, many do not know anything about her.” 

Almost nobody knows her record because vice presidents generally get picked from quasi obscurity. Vice presidents are mostly only famous for being a vice president, not for what they did before they were the vice president. 

That’s certainly true for Kamala Harris, who was in the United States Senate for all of 27 seconds, and then ran a terribly unsuccessful presidential campaign.

All of this means Republicans are going to have to introduce this fresh character to the American people. That is their job. This is a fresh race: There can be no errors by the Republican team. None. 

It means whatever get-out-the-vote effort they have needs to be top-notch. This is not the time for testing new theories about getting out the vote. This is the time for winning.

This is not the time for testing new theories about how to go after Harris. This is the time to go after Harris on her record. 

The Trump campaign is basically acknowledging that at this point. Tony Fabrizio, who’s a member of Team Trump, put out a memo pointing out that there will almost certainly be a Harris polling bump from here all the way through the Democratic National Convention.

He wrote:

Many of you have heard me refer to the upcoming “Harris Honeymoon” that I expect to see in the public polling over the next couple of weeks. As I’ve explained, the honeymoon will be a manifestation of the wall-to-wall coverage Harris receives from the MSM. The coverage will be largely positive and will certainly energize Democrats and some other parts of their coalition at least in the short term. …

 As importantly, voters will also learn about Harris’ dangerously liberal record before becoming Biden’s partner in creating historic inflation (she cast the deciding vote on the IRA), flood of illegal immigrants at our southern border (she is Biden’s Border Czar), and migrant crime that is threatening our families and communities (she set illegals free who went on to commit violent crime as DA).  

So, while the public polls may change in the short run and she may consolidate a bit more of the Democrat base, Harris can’t change who she is or what she’[s] done.  

But there’s the key. When Fabrizio wrote, “The coverage will be largely positive and will certainly energize Democrats in some other parts of their coalition at least in the short term,” is it in the short term or not? 

I have a feeling that it is in the short term because once people take a look at Harris, they will realize she’s an extraordinarily charmless and annoying candidate. She’s cloying, she’s terrible, and it turns out that people who look fairly good on paper very often implode on the national stage. 

That was certainly for Harris the first time around when she ran for president in 2019-2020. Is the enthusiasm likely to fall away? 

This goes to the Harris campaign. Can Kamala Harris stay out of the public eye? She actually needs to run the basement strategy. She needs to do rallies where she’ll be very comfortable and avoid anything remotely like a tough interview. The media will help her out, as they have swiveled into her camp. They will presumably ask her only questions about her favorite dance music and why she is such a nice woman. 

The problem is that this is a short-term election now. It is currently the end of July. We have August, September, October, and that’s it.

Either Donald Trump has to play a flawless game or you have to wait for Kamala Harris to make a mistake. Either of those things could happen. I think it’s pretty likely that Harris will make several big mistakes because it is very rare for a candidate to run a flawless campaign.

Democrats are waiting for Trump to make some sort of comment about her being female or black that they can turn into an issue of sexism or racism. Trump is going to have to stay away from the kind of storyline that he typically likes to talk about, such as the fact that she got her start in politics by having sex with Willie Brown, which is true.

Can Trump and the Republicans stay disciplined? 

If they do, they’ll win.

Whitmer Blasted From All Sides For Signing Massive Cuts To Education While She Basks In National Spotlight

As Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer basks in the national spotlight and gets floated for a potential spot on the Democrats’ 2024 ticket, she’s being slammed at home for signing an education budget that cuts deep into school safety and mental health spending.

The budget, which passed the Michigan legislature with support from Democrats and was signed by Whitmer on Tuesday, cuts school safety and mental health funding by a whopping $300 million, a 92% decrease, The Detroit News reported. The cuts also take from teachers’ pension funds and leave the per-student funding without an increase for the first time in 13 years.

The budget cuts have led to an outcry from Republicans in the state legislature, school district superintendents, and teachers. Education advocates — who often support Democratic Party politicians and policies — have also blasted Whitmer and Michigan Democrats over the education cuts.

“I have no words,” Republican state Rep. Gina Johnsen told The Daily Wire in a phone interview. Johnsen said that Republicans were given no time to read the budget before a vote was taken.

“The party that gets criticized for not caring cared, and the party that said they cared so much just gouged the education budget,” Johnsen said. The state representative added that multiple Democratic state legislators who voted for the budget are “now horrified by the last-minute changes that went through, and they’re saying, ‘Oh my gosh, I wouldn’t have voted for it had I known.’”

Johnsen predicted that Michigan would see “layoffs in the education field” because of the new budget cuts.

Michigan State Superintendent Dr. Michael F. Rice, who was appointed by the Democrat-majority State Board of Education, also expressed concern about the budget.

“This reduction will slow Michigan’s recent momentum in addressing student mental health challenges,” he said in a statement. “A $300 million reduction in funding for children’s mental health services and school safety fails to recognize the physical and mental health needs of our students.”

Robert McCann, the executive director of The K-12 Alliance of Michigan, blasted Whitmer’s education budget as “misguided.”

“There will, unfortunately, be consequences of this misguided budget felt in every school across Michigan,” he said. McCann worked as chief of staff for the Michigan Senate Democratic Caucus while Whitmer was the Michigan Senate Minority leader a decade ago.


Michigan Education Association President Chandra Madafferi praised some aspects of the budget, but acknowledged, “There were deep cuts to categorical funding for school safety and student mental health — cuts that will need to be navigated at the local level to keep our schools safe learning spaces for all students and employees. Our hope is that state lawmakers will return after the summer break to pass a supplemental budget that funds these critical student mental health and safety priorities.”

While education faced a 92% cut, Whitmer and Michigan Democrats passed over $400 million in earmarked pet projects, including $10 million for a youth sports complex in Frankenmuth and $2 million for Downtown Boxing Gym in Detroit, among multiple other projects, Bridge Michigan reported.

Republican state Rep. Cam Cavitt told The Daily Wire that both sides of the aisle were working to get schools the funding they need for safety and mental health, but “the governor gutted that.”

“And why did the governor do that? So she could give out political gifts to her base who go back to the splash pads and the cricket fields,” Cavitt said.

“I have six school districts in my House district and not one of the superintendents is in favor of the budget,” he added.

The cuts to school safety and mental health spending are especially concerning to some educators and advocates in the wake of the Oxford High School shooting in November 2021, where a lone gunman claimed the lives of four of his classmates.

“Republicans made school safety and mental health top priorities in our education budgets, but now that Democrats have full control, they’re reversing course and cutting support for these critical student needs,” House Republican Leader Matt Hall said earlier this month.

While the new budget has been signed, Democrats could still bring a supplemental package to the floor for a vote when the legislature returns from recess later this month.

The Daily Wire has reached out to Gov. Whitmer’s office, requesting comment on the budget.

The Michigan governor, who has been on tour to promote her new book “True Gretch,” is viewed as a powerful player in the future of the Democratic Party. Whitmer was floated as a potential replacement for Democrats as the party’s nominee for the 2024 election, and after Vice President Kamala Harris presumably locked up the nomination, some have speculated that Whitmer could be offered the VP slot.