Trump On Mass Deportations: ‘We Have No Choice, We Have To Get The Criminals Out’

Former President Donald Trump said during an interview this week that he was prepared to conduct mass deportations if he wins the presidential race in November following millions of illegal aliens pouring into the U.S. under President Joe Biden’s administration.

Trump, who made the remarks during an interview with Fox News host Jesse Watters broadcast on Tuesday, noted that former President Dwight Eisenhower “did the largest deportation ever in this country.”

“He was very big on people not coming into our country, people breaking our sealed borders,” Trump said. “Ot’s a hard thing to do, harder than a long time ago with Dwight Eisenhower. A lot harder. Nobody complained in those days, it was you know, we had a country that was much different.”

Trump said that conducting mass deportations could give the media opportunities to create exaggerated perceptions of him by amplifying images of women with children getting swept up in raids.

“We have no choice, we have to get the criminals out,” Trump said. “These are murderers. These are drug dealers. These are people that will take women and put them in the trunk of a car and sell them to the highest bidder, they’ll come across the border, human traffickers. Actually, it’s almost as big as the drug trade. Now, you wouldn’t even believe this. And the reason is because of the internet. The internet has made that into a massive business, human trafficking, it’s mostly in women.”

He added that part of the reason so many illegal aliens have entered the U.S. is that the drug cartels run Mexico, and they will kill anyone, including politicians, who get in their way.


Trump says mass deportations are a hard thing to do, but we have no choice. “We have to get the criminals out. These are murderers, these are drug dealers, there are people that will take women and put them in the trunk of a car and sell them to the highest bidder.” He blames the…

— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) July 24, 2024

Harris Can’t Legally Touch Biden’s $100 Million Campaign War Chest, Trump Lawyers Argue

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers on Tuesday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission arguing that Vice President Kamala Harris cannot legally gain control of nearly $100 million donated to President Joe Biden by changing the name of his campaign committee.

“This is little more than a thinly veiled $91.5 million excessive contribution from one presidential candidate to another, that is, from Joe Biden’s old campaign to Kamala Harris’s new campaign,” Trump general counsel David A. Warrington wrote in a complaint obtained by The Daily Wire. “Contributions by federal candidate committees to other federal candidates are limited to $2,000.”

“Kamala Harris is in the process of committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history and she is using the Commission’s own forms to do it,” the complaint alleges.

Candidates for office must create a campaign committee which includes their name, and file a statement of candidacy designating that committee as their fundraising vehicle. Harris did neither. Instead, on Sunday, the campaign treasurer “amended” Biden’s statement of candidacy to swap his name with Kamala’s, and pointed to Harris for President as her committee, using the same ID as the Biden for President committee. It also filed amended paperwork changing the name of that committee.

“There is no provision in federal campaign finance law for Kamala Harris to take over Joe Biden’s candidacy now by quite literally attempting to become him via an amendment… and making off with all of his cash,” Trump’s lawyers say. “Ms. Harris’ actions constitute a massive excessive contribution from Biden for President to Ms. Harris.”

With few exceptions, a campaign committee can only be linked to one candidate. Harris’s name has appeared on the Biden committee’s forms since 2020, but Trump’s lawyers argue that does not entitle her to the funds. Had Harris dropped off the ticket to challenge Biden for the presidential nomination, they note, she would not have been able to claim half of the campaign’s war chest.

“If the Commission were to deem Joe Biden to have ended his candidacy before transferring his campaign funds to Kamala Harris, then this only creates another violation. Federal candidates are prohibited from keeping contributions for elections in which they do not participate,” the complaint said.

Trump’s lawyers accuse Harris and committee treasurer Keana Spencer, who is in charge of submitting forms to the FEC, of committing “an attempted fraud on the Commission and should be referred to the Department of Justice for investigation and prosecution” as “a conspiracy to obstruct the lawful functions of the United States.”

Spencer also submitted a “miscellaneous document” to the FEC informing the agency that “Vice President Harris is now a candidate for United States President in the 2024 election and will henceforth be conducting campaign activities only in pursuit of that office.”

The FEC is currently chaired by a Republican and is comprised of six commissioners, three from each party. The commission cannot take action unless a majority of commissioners vote to do so.