Elon Musk Announces Blanket Amnesty For Suspended Users

Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced a blanket amnesty for Twitter users permanently suspended from the platform.

Musk made the decision Thursday in response to the final results of a poll he tweeted Wednesday. The platform will begin unbanning accounts en masse, except for those who broke the law or engaged in excessive spam, next week, he tweeted in response to the results. Musk has already unbanned a number of popular accounts that were permanently suspended before he took over as “Chief Twit.”

On Wednesday, Musk tweeted a poll asking whether or not to unban users that had been permanently suspended. “Should Twitter offer a general amnesty to suspended accounts, provided that they have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam?” he wrote.

More than three million users voted in the poll, and the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of amnesty; nearly three-quarters of voters, 72.4%, voted “yes,” while just 27.6% voted “no.”

“The people have spoken,” Musk wrote after the poll concluded. “Amnesty begins next week. Vox Populi, Vox Dei.”

The people have spoken.

Amnesty begins next week.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 24, 2022

Before the poll ended, Musk seemed to indicate that in effect, the platform would significantly curtail content moderation to target illegal content and increase transparency.

“Please limit content moderation to illegal content (or, at most, a narrow interpretation of moderation under Section 230) and give users the tools that enable the freedom to choose what content they see,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton replied to the poll.

“That’s the general idea,” replied Musk.

That’s the general idea

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 24, 2022

“[W]hatever it decides to do, twitter should be clear and consistent about it’s rules and penalties for breaking them, enforcement should be unbiased, and the mechanisms of enforcement shouldn’t be easily abused by people who have an agenda,” DogeCoin creator Billy Markus replied to the poll.

Musk agreed with Markus’ suggestion, replying with the “100” and “bullseye” emojis. In a separate tweet, he indicated that Twitter’s policies and enforcement methods were dishonest. “The more I learn, the worse it gets,” Musk said. “The world should know the truth of what has been happening at Twitter. Transparency will earn the trust of the people.”

The more I learn, the worse it gets. The world should know the truth of what has been happening at Twitter.

Transparency will earn the trust of the people.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 23, 2022

The blanket amnesty policy is the latest move in Musk’s effort to restore free speech on Twitter. Under his leadership, the social media giant has already restored the accounts of several high-profile conservative and right-leaning influencers. The list includes: Christian satire site The Babylon Bee, which likely played a role in Musk’s decision to buy Twitter in the first place;  clinical psychologist and DailyWire+ host Dr. Jordan B. Peterson; conservative undercover investigative journalism outfit Project Veritas; and former President Donald Trump.

Despite restoring high-profile conservative users, Musk has not been immune from criticism from the right. Conservatives slammed Musk last week after he announced that mean tweets would be aggressively de-boosted, effectively keeping the same “shadowbanning” policies that were in effect by Twitter before he took over.

“New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach,” Musk tweeted. “Negative/hate tweets will be max deboosted & demonetized, so no ads or other revenue to Twitter. You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different from rest of Internet.”

“The very concept of deboosting should not even exist because there shouldn’t be an algorithm on twitter,” one user fired back. “Your timeline should just show the tweets that are posted in the order they are posted. Period. Don’t like it? Block/unfollow.”

“You paid this guy $8 to make shadowbanning real LMAO,” another user mocked.

“Ok how is this any different than the previous policy?” added another. “People’s tweets suppressed because a biased rando at twitter thinks a tweet is mean or mad?”

CNN Host, Guest Struggle With Club Q Shooter’s Non-Binary Identity: ‘That’s A Man’

CNN host Alisyn Camerota and a guest on the network struggled with the gender non-conforming identity of the Colorado “Club Q” shooting suspect.

Networks like CNN adhere to identifying people with their “preferred pronouns” and advance radical gender theory, but seem to have abandoned these rules when it comes to the nightclub shooting. Notably, the legacy media painted the shooting as a targeted hate crime against the LGBT community before recent developments about the alleged shooter, who will not be named per Daily Wire policy.

“The attorneys for the shooter are now saying that the shooter is non-binary, and the shooter would like to use the pronouns ‘they/them’ for the court and all court papers, and that’s what [redacted]’s attorneys are saying. Do you have any thoughts on that?” Camerota asked CNN guest Natalee Bingham, according to Post Millennial. The guest, who identifies as a trans woman, is a friend of a victim in the tragic shooting.

“I think that it’s completely ludicrous,” Bingham responded. “I believe they’re just saying that because they want to have the easy way out on this. That’s really, really offending, especially being a transgender woman myself, that a male, which it was obvious with the mugshot, that’s a man.”

“That’s not a non-binary person because in no way, shape, or form could they appear as a woman the next day,” the guest continued. “It’s really offensive to really hear that, that they’re playing that role. If they’re non-binary, why would you go after the club where you feel safe? Why would you do that to a community where you are welcomed in if you are non-binary?”

Camerota earlier in the week had a notable reaction when she learned about the shooter’s gender identity.

“So, attorneys for the accused shooter, [redacted], say in new court filings tonight that the suspect now identifies as non-binary,” the CNN host said. “I don’t know what to say about that, I mean, that’s not anything that we had heard from his background, you know people have been looking into his background.”

“I don’t know what to say about that, I mean, that’s what he’s now saying,” Camerota added, refusing to use the preferred pronouns CNN typically has no issue with.

CNN panel in a state of confusion after the Club Q killer's lawyers say he's "non-binary" and uses "they/them" pronouns: "I don't know what to say about that" pic.twitter.com/3vtrw4kIn4

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 23, 2022

Some on the Right highlighted the Left’s change on the shooting narrative and their refusal to accept self-proclaimed gender identity.

“Sorry but if you’re on the Left then you have no right to deny the shooter’s non-binary identity,” Daily Wire host Matt Walsh argued. “You set a precedent here and we will hold you to it. You have to respect his identity. I don’t. You do. These are your rules. Now take your medicine and shut up.”

“You have already made it clear that if a male criminal comes out as a woman and is transferred to a women’s prison, we may not speculate that his trans identification is a ploy to gain access to female inmates. Same for men in women’s locker rooms,” Walsh added. “Your rules are clear: ALL self-identities are valid and cannot be questioned, ever, under any circumstances. Again: your rules. You are stuck with this. The shooter is non-binary. You have no choice but to accept it. Sorry.”

Sorry but if you're on the Left then you have no right to deny the shooter's non-binary identity. You set a precedent here and we will hold you to it. You have to respect his identity. I don't. You do. These are your rules. Now take your medicine and shut up.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) November 23, 2022

Your rules are clear: ALL self-identities are valid and cannot be questioned, ever, under any circumstances. Again: your rules. You are stuck with this. The shooter is non-binary. You have no choice but to accept it. Sorry.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) November 23, 2022