Mind-Controlled Wheelchairs: Study Shows Promising Possibilities For Paralyzed People

Promising work in the field of machine learning indicates that people with severe tetraplegia will have a new way to navigate the world with mind-controlled wheelchairs.

Researchers have found that tetraplegic users can navigate natural, and even cluttered, environments with a powered wheelchair using brain signals communicated to a brain-machine interface (BMI), SciTechDaily reported. The primary aim of the study was to demonstrate the reciprocal learning process between users and the BMI algorithm.

“We show that mutual learning of both the user and the brain-machine interface algorithm are both important for users to successfully operate such wheelchairs,” said José del R. Millán, the corresponding author of the study from the University of Texas at Austin. “Our research highlights a potential pathway for improved clinical translation of non-invasive brain-machine interface technology.”

Three participants wore specialized caps that detected their brainwaves through electroencephalography (EEG). Researchers assigned them specific thoughts to indicate directions for the wheelchair. Thoughts of moving both hands indicated moving left, and thoughts of moving both feet indicated moving right. Over the two-to-five month study, with sessions being three times per week, it was found that not only did the algorithm learn from the users, but the users learned from the machine.

Participants one and three had noticeable changes in their brainwave patterns. Participant one showed 95% accuracy with commands by the end of the study, and participant three showed 98% accuracy — drastic improvements from the beginning, the study notes.

“We see from the EEG results that the subject has consolidated a skill of modulating different parts of their brains to generate a pattern for ‘go left’ and a different pattern for ‘go right,’” said Millán. “We believe there is a cortical reorganization that happened as a result of the participants’ learning process.”

The study advances the opportunities for BMI technology, however, the researchers recognize there is more to learn. The second participant showed relatively stagnant progress in accuracy improvement, suggesting that the mutual learning between user and machine is far from understood. Authors of the study note “more and larger studies are needed” due to its promising results, but also low number of participants.

Artificial intelligence has advanced other areas of life. The technology is now able to aid doctors in diagnosing cancer. John Deere has started to roll out automated tractors that use artificial intelligence for self-driving. Machine learning has even found its way into the world of art with Dall-E 2, where the machine learning software can generate an image in any style with just a few keywords.

Success with mind-controlled wheelchairs is the latest example of artificial intelligence creating new possibilities and improvements, though it remains a subject of great debate.

U.S. Military Deploys Powerful Show Of Force After Latest North Korean Provocation

The U.S. Military responded to North Korea’s latest ballistic missile launches this week by conducting separate military drills using supersonic bombers with both South Korea and Japan.

The air drills came after North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un conducted an ICBM launch this week that South Korea said had the capability to hit anywhere in the U.S.

“We are aware of the DPRK’s ballistic missile launch and are consulting closely with the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan, as well as other regional allies and partners,” the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said in a statement following the launch. “The United States condemns these actions and calls on the DPRK to refrain from any further unlawful and destabilizing acts. While we have assessed that this event does not pose an immediate threat to U.S. personnel, or territory, or to our allies, we will continue to monitor the situation. The U.S. commitments to the defense of the ROK and Japan remain ironclad.”

The U.S. Air Force responded with a joint air training in the Korean Air Defense Identification Zone using B-1B strategic bombers and F-16s alongside South Korean F-35s, which were purchased from the United States.

“This training demonstrated once again the ROK-US combined defense capability and posture based on the alliance’s overwhelming power, and the U.S. ironclad commitment to providing extended deterrence in the defense of the Korean Peninsula,” U.S. Forces Korea said in a statement. “In addition, this training improved the combined operations capability by mastering procedures to promptly deploy the U.S. extended deterrence asset on the Korean Peninsula and respond.”

The statement said that South Korea was continuing to develop their military capabilities to respond to hostilities from North Korea should a situation unfold.

On Nov 19, #JASDF #F2, and #USAF #B1 conducted tactical exercises in the airspace, northwest of Kyushu, to mutually reaffirm the readiness under the ironclad #JapanUSAlliance. JASDF and USAF routinely work together to maintain high levels of operational readiness. pic.twitter.com/DqVmGo6XAb

— Japan Air Self-Defense Force (@JASDF_PAO_ENG) November 19, 2022

We. Fly. Together. | 같이납시다
🇰🇷 #ROKUSAlliance 🇺🇸 https://t.co/Fa1XryMMBE

— U.S. Forces Korea (@USForcesKorea) November 19, 2022

The B-1B reportedly “irks” Kim because of its ability to effectively deliver any weapon in the U.S. arsenal and carry a large payload.

“Carrying the largest conventional payload of both guided and unguided weapons in the Air Force inventory, the multi-mission B-1 can rapidly deliver massive quantities of precision and non-precision weapons against any adversary, anywhere in the world, at any time,” the U.S. Strategic Command said in a statement.

“The B-1’s can carry Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles, 2,000-pound class Joint Direct Attack Munitions and the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile, giving it an advanced stand-off, counter-ship capability,” the statement added. “It also has an advanced self-protection suite and is able to transit at supersonic speeds to enhance offensive and defensive capabilities reassuring allies and aggressively deterring adversaries in the region.”