Former Attorney General William Barr On The Deep State: ‘There Is A Deep State,’ It ‘Exists’

Former Attorney General William Barr said during an interview this week that he believes the so-called “deep state” exists and that it is defined by people who use their roles as civil servants to pursue partisan political agendas.

Barr made the remarks during an interview on PBS’ “Firing Line” with host Margaret Hoover when he was asked to comment on his first stint as attorney general back in the 1990s under then-President George H.W. Bush, who previously ran the CIA.

“He was CIA director for one year and that institution is now named after him. When you drive by it in Langley, it’s the George H.W. Bush Center,” he said. “And he was highly regarded because he basically trusted people in the agency. He didn’t separate himself from them and, you know, bash them and so forth. Now, I have to say that it was a different age. Things have, you know, evolved.”

“So, you know, I wouldn’t take what he said to say, ‘Well, gee, you know, the people who were saying there’s a Deep State today are, you know, are wrong,’ right?” Barr continued. “There is a deep state.”

“I am critical of the Deep State and believe it exists,” he continued. “The way I would define the deep state is an increased willingness by more and more government civil servants to pursue political objectives, rather than stand up for the values of the institution they’re a part of. They are not neutral. They’re not politically neutral. But on the other side of the ledger, okay, is that I think there’s an exaggeration of its pervasiveness. It’s bad. It does pervert government. But I still think the vast majority of civil servants try to do an honest job and try to check their politics at the door.”



MARGARET HOOVER: You worked under George H.W. Bush when he was CIA director as well, when you were still at the CIA. And you write, “He was easily accessible and he trusted CIA professionals, unless they gave him reason not to. I learned a lot watching him lift up a dispirited organization.” Talk more about what you learned from Bush’s leadership.

BILL BARR: Well, exactly that. He was CIA director for one year and that institution is now named after him. When you drive by it in Langley, it’s the George H.W. Bush Center. And he was highly regarded because he basically trusted people in the agency. He didn’t separate himself from them and, you know, bash them and so forth. Now I have to say that it was a different age. Things have, you know, evolved. So, you know, I wouldn’t take what he said to say, ‘Well, gee, you know, the people who were saying there’s a Deep State today are, you know, are wrong,’ right? There is a deep state.

HOOVER: That’s where I– You read my mind. That’s where I’m going. So given that you’ve worked with career professionals, you have had a long career of interfacing with civil servants who have made their life in the government, I think you’re actually particularly well-suited to comment about the state of the Deep State—whether it exists, how it exists, what it looks like—to put some nuance and some texture around it for me.

BARR: Well, I think the people who attack the Deep State – and I am critical of the Deep State and believe it exists – but there’s also some of the rhetoric and some of the positioning–

HOOVER: So how do you define it?

BARR: The way I would define the deep state is an increased willingness by more and more government civil servants to pursue political objectives, rather than stand up for the values of the institution they’re a part of. They are not neutral. They’re not politically neutral. But on the other side of the ledger, okay, is that I think there’s an exaggeration of its pervasiveness. It’s bad. It does pervert government. But I still think the vast majority of civil servants try to do an honest job and try to check their politics at the door. And I think that President Bush’s quote that you played is right on the money. The most important thing is leadership. When you provide clear guidance and goals people will– the institution will deliver for you. You can move the institution. And I think people who come in to run the government, who try to govern, who treat government employees as pariahs, are not doing their job.

Related: Bill Barr Blasts Letitia James’ Civil Lawsuit Against The Trump Family: ‘It’s A Political Hit Job’

FIFA President Says Europe Should Be Apologizing For ‘Next 3,000’ Years For What It’s Done

FIFA President Gianni Infantino took aim at Europe, saying that it should be “apologizing for the next 3,000 years,” ahead of the World Cup’s opening game.

Infantino spoke during a press conference on Saturday when he said that criticism of Qatar, which is hosting the soccer tournament, was hypocritical. Infantino, the top official for international soccer competition, said Europe itself had a murky history with human rights.

“I think for what we Europeans have been doing in the last 3,000 years around the world we should be apologizing for the next 3,000 years before starting to give moral lessons to people,” he said.

Qatar has faced criticism over treatment of migrant workers and its laws outlawing homosexuality as it prepares to host the World Cup, one of the world’s most watched sporting events.

“How many of these European or Western business companies who earn millions and millions from Qatar or other countries in the region, billions every year. How many of them have addressed migrant workers’ rights, with the authorities? I have the answer for you? None of them. Because any change in the legislation means less profit,” Infantino continued.

The soccer exec also claimed that FIFA, which has been dogged with corruption charges for many years, had spoken to authorities in Qatar about human rights concerns. He told those who objected to Qatar’s hosting of the tournament to aim their ire at him and not the Gulf nation, saying they were welcomed to “crucify” him.

“Don’t criticize Qatar,” he added. “Don’t criticize the players. Don’t criticize anyone. Criticize FIFA. Criticize me, if you want. Because I’m responsible for everything.”

When discussing accusations that Qatar has mistreated thousands of migrant workers, Infantino contrasted Qatar, where he said workers came legally, with Europe, which he claimed had tighter borders.

Thousands of migrant workers have died in the past 12 years as the country readied itself for the tournament as many human rights organizations have pressed the country for explanations.

“We in Europe, we close our borders and we don’t allow practically any workers from these countries to work legally in our country. We all know there are many illegal workers in our European countries,” he said.

He added that Europe should model its immigration after that of Qatar.

“So if you would really care about the destiny of these people, these young people, then Europe could also do as Qatar did: create some legal channels where at least a number of these workers could come to Europe, lower revenues, but give them some work, give them some future, give them some hope,” he said.

The press conference came just days after it was announced that viewers of the games would not be allowed to purchase alcohol at the games.

Qatar will play Ecuador on Sunday to kick off the tournament.