Biden Explodes During Disastrous NBC News Interview, Declares: ‘I Have Command Of All My Faculties’

President Joe Biden repeatedly got nasty with NBC News host Lester Holt during an interview on Monday where he struggled to answer questions and made numerous false claims.

When asked if his inflammatory language against former President Donald Trump is appropriate given the assassination attempt that happened over the weekend, Biden falsely claimed that he does not use inflammatory language against Trump.

Examples of times that Biden has engaged in highly inflammatory rhetoric against the Trump includes:

March 22, 2018: “If we were in high school, I’d take him [Trump] behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'” September 1, 2022: “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” March 21, 2024: “That’s Hitler’s language. That’s not America’s.” June 28, 2024: “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.” July 8, 2024: “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” July 12, 2024: “Trump is a threat to this nation.”

My apologies, the previous post has the wrong video clip.

This is the correct one.

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 16, 2024

Biden refused to commit to debating Trump before the next debate in September and, when pressed by Holt whether he was anxious to “get back on the horse,” Biden snapped: “I’m on the horse! Where have you been?”

“What I’m doing is going out and demonstrating to the American people that I have command of all my faculties, that I don’t need notes, I don’t need teleprom (sic)—,” he declared.

Biden refuses to accept Trump’s offer for another debate before September and then attacks Lester Holt for asking the question

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 16, 2024

When asked about his obvious signs of cognitive decline, Biden became angry, demanded that the media talk about false claims that Trump has made, and he fumbled over his words.

President Joe Biden just got nasty with NBC News host Lester Holt after Holt asked about Biden’s mental lapses during the debate.

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 16, 2024

Joe Biden Can’t Think Of One Thing Donald Trump Would Do Well

President Joe Biden could not think of one thing that former President Donald Trump would do well, even when put on the spot during a recent interview.

Biden lectured Americans on Sunday about bringing down the temperature of the nation’s political rhetoric after a gunman opened fire on a Pennsylvania Trump rally, taking the life of a firefighter in addition to injuring the former president and two others. But still, during a Complex interview that was filmed just one day prior to the assassination attempt, Biden could not find one positive thing to say about his political opponent.


“I ask this question in an effort to show the younger generation that we have to coexist,” host Speedy Morman prefaced the question. “So in the event that former President Trump wins this election, what is something that you feel he will do well?”

“I’m not being facetious. I can’t think of a single thing,” Biden replied after a long pause. “I’m serious think of think what his … look, look, look … What his objective is, it is totally anti-democratic.”

Biden went on to lay out a series of attacks on Trump, attributing a number of quotes to the former president that were either taken out of context or misrepresented.

“He says that he wants to be a dictator on day one, he means it. He says he will not recognize the outcome of the next election,” Biden said. “He made up a — I beat him by 7 million votes. And he made up, he went to, I think of 20 appeals to the courts all the way to the Supreme Court. Not one court said there was a single scintilla of evidence that he had, and what did he do then, January 6. And he encouraged people to go up and riot, policemen were killed, people were wounded, people were hurt, place was smashed up, or hanging … anyway. What did he do? He sat there in the dining room off of the Oval Office, watched it for three hours, didn’t say a damn thing.”

“And now he says if he loses, there’ll be a bloodbath? Name me a president in American history, that said anything like that. One. In all of American history, name me one,” Biden concluded.