Jack Black’s Bandmate Has A Birthday Wish: ‘Don’t Miss Trump Next Time’

Just weeks after speaking at a fundraiser for President Joe Biden, actor Jack Black stood on stage with his band while bandmate Kyle Gass offered his reaction to the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump: ‘Don’t miss Trump next time.”

Black, famous for titles like “Shallow Hal,” “Kung Fu Panda,” and the reboot of “Jumanji” — took the stage with his band Tenacious D in Sydney, Australia, over the weekend — and just as a song was ending, Black offered Gass the opportunity to make a birthday wish.

Gass responded by voicing his apparent support for the gunman who shot at a former president and killed a Pennsylvania father and firefighter, wounding at least two others. “Don’t miss Trump next time,” he said.


Jack Black went on stage with his band over the weekend and said "don't miss Trump next time."

A month ago, he was a featured speaker at Biden's fundraiser in Los Angeles.

"We must come together" indeed. pic.twitter.com/zxhnZE6gol

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 15, 2024

One month earlier, Black was on a different stage raising money for Biden, cracking jokes about his patriotic stars & stripes overalls.

“A few days ago, my manager called me and said George Clooney and Julia Roberts wanted me to help out the president, and speak here tonight, and I said, ‘I am in. When and where?’” Black said at the time.

“And then they hit me with the big one. They said, ‘Jack, you can’t go. You have nothing to wear. Your good suit is in the cleaners.’ Well, were they wrong? Because I had this to wear, my kick-ass American flag overalls — most patriotic outfit of all times. And that shut ’em up.”

Black’s speech took place at the same Hollywood fundraiser that led fellow actor George Clooney to the conclusion that Biden was not, in fact, up to the task of another campaign and another four years as president.

“The one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can,” Clooney observed in a New York Times op-ed. “It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal‘ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”

Bill Maher: Biden Can’t Make It Through A Debate And A Bullet Can’t Stop Trump

Comedian and HBO host Bill Maher has said on several occasions that he worries about President Joe Biden’s ability to best former President Donald Trump in November — and after Saturday’s assassination attempt on Trump, he suggested the race was all but over.

During a stand-up show just hours after a gunman opened fire at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania — leaving two dead, including the shooter, and three more wounded, including the former president — Maher lamented the fact that every new development seemed to be tilting in Trump’s favor.

Maher shared a video of his reaction to the situation, captioning it, “The opening of my comedy show last night a few hours after the shooting if anyone wants to know my thoughts.”

The opening of my comedy show last night a few hours after the shooting if anyone wants to know my thoughts…. pic.twitter.com/bMov0INLEr

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) July 14, 2024

Maher began by saying he would not use such a horrific event as a punchline to attack Trump.

“I unequivocally denounce [the shooting], I don’t care what you think about that. Not funny. I’m sure that there will be jokes that people will make because they hate him so much that they wished it went the other way. Not for me,” he explained.

Maher went on to say that if photos were to decide the election, the image of Trump with his fist in the air — seconds after he was literally shot — would put an end to any contest.

“When I saw that photo today of him with the blood streaming down his face — I don’t want to say the election’s over but … Anything can happen in an election,” Maher said. “Jesus Christ … MAGA nation finally has its full martyr. They loved it when he went to jail. The mug shot. I gotta say, he’s insane and a criminal. But that mug shot? F***ing nailed it.”

”And he [reacted to the shooting] like he rehearsed it! [Got it on] take one! There will be idiot conspiracy theorists who will say, ‘Oh they planned it.’ He gets grazed and the other guy gets [killed] — that’s so Trump,” Maher continued, remarking that he believed Trump to be the luckiest man alive. “It’s going to work for him. I can see the memes now — ‘the man the libtards couldn’t kill.’ Biden can’t get through a debate and a bullet can’t stop Donald Trump. It almost doesn’t matter who the Democrats put up now.”