A House Divided: The Conservative Rift On Display In UK Elections

While Americans lit up their skies on July 4 to celebrate independence from the British Parliament, many UK politicians wept upon realizing their own newfound independence — having lost their seats in the most disastrous election for Conservatives in decades.

Rishi Sunak’s famous gamble — calling an early election despite trailing in the polls — did not pay off. Fourteen years of what many regard as Tory failures on key issues could not be solved with a few weeks of campaign propaganda. 

HAMPSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM - JULY 3: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak gestures during his final rally at Romsey Rugby Football Club as part of a Conservative general election campaign event on July 3, 2024 in Hampshire, United Kingdom. Last night the Conservatives bought out former Prime Minister Boris Johnson to endorse Sunak's election campaign. (Photo by Claudia Greco - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Claudia Greco – WPA Pool/Getty Images

While inaction on illegal immigration played a central role in garnering frustrations among the base, social conservatives expressed bitter regret about a so-called “Conservative” government which has presided over a “woke” march through the institutions, a cultural war on the meaning of “woman,” a shut down on free speech, and some of the most poisonous, ideological school curriculums we’ve ever seen. With a new rival, Reform, offering a Right-wing alternative on the political stage, the Tories hemorrhaged votes from disappointed conservatives, splitting the Right of the political spectrum and handing victory to the Labour Party.

The post-match analysis has been muddled. Some Conservatives have understood the need to roll back on “woke” and return to genuine conservative principles. Many others insist the solution is to become even more liberally milquetoast. 

Former Energy Minister Lord Callanan has pushed for “a liberal, mainstream, centre-right Conservative Party that’s socially liberal but economically conservative.” 

Former MP Rory Stewart joined the chorus with an urgent party appeal to “move back to the center” and “reject the fantasies of the Faragist Right.” The best way to win back your losses, is of course, to insult and shun them. 

The schism of the British Right exposes a more universal friction in conservatism. Those who stand unified on economic approach — a low-tax, limited-interference government — are splintered into “conservative” and “progressive” camps on the social issues that hit society hardest. 

For social conservatives, strong family units and community structures enhance human flourishing. Social progressives, on the other hand — forming a new, “Godless” Right — abhor the “outdated” notion of a nuclear family, instead preferring to champion individual freedoms. In the UK, where the progressive side of the Tories has reigned, the government took a hammer to the societal institutions which have historically done the most to serve the vulnerable. The cost hasn’t only been mounting socially but economically too. 

Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, speaks after the results of the election count for the Clacton constituency are announced in Clacton-on-Sea, UK, on Friday, July 5, 2024. Brexit-campaigner Farage won a seat in Parliament for the first time, giving him a powerful platform to carry out efforts to take over the Conservative Party after the UK general election. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The Church

Historically, Christianity was responsible for hospitals, schools, and care for the poor. Even in modern times, where so much of this ground has been ceded to the State, the Church still offers a healing balm to our nation’s pandemic of loneliness. 1 in 3 UK households are now single-occupant. Over half of those over50 experience loneliness most of or all the time. Religious communities have so much to offer an atomized and purposeless generation. Yet the government has undermined Christianity time and again. The Tories dismissed the right to worship during the pandemic by keeping church doors closed for longer than necessary. And they installed a series of public order laws which demonized and criminalized Christian expression — including, famously, praying in the privacy of one’s own mind. 


Take another foundational social institution: marriage. According to the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics, getting married makes people happier with their lives than earning big salaries does, and married people report higher life satisfaction than singles or cohabiting couples. Children who live with married parents report better mental health. Fathers in the home are one of the strongest safeguards against adolescent poverty and crime. Women who are married are significantly less likely to be the victims of violent crime. Men who are married are less likely to perpetrate violent crimes.

Yet the past two decades of rule by social progressives has pulled the family structure apart. Nothing has been done to stall or reverse the plummeting marriage rate, with the tax system offering almost no benefit to those who wed. On the contrary, no-fault divorce was introduced under Tory rule. 


Parenthood has suffered too. While our birth rate plummets — now just 50% of what it was in the 1960s — the progressives have only worsened the decline, with maternity policies limited to pushing women back into the workplace as soon as possible after birth, rather than supporting and honoring mothers’ work in raising their children. Half of women now don’t have children before the age of 30 — some out of choice, yet many because today’s social circumstances simply don’t allow for it.

Mental Health

As marriage, faith and family crumble in neglect, the results are tragic. We are a nation battling the greatest mental health crisis in recorded history. More than 130,000 British dads have no contact at all with their children, fueling poorer mental health among our next generation, and feeding into a growing gang culture. Our welfare structures groan under the weight of an aging population with no family around them. Last year, 9,000 people were found at least a week after they’d died alone.

Where the Church and family support has been destroyed, the state has had to expand. The London School of Economics estimates that our mental health crisis cost the UK economy at least £118 billion a year. 1 in 5 GP appointments are now taken up by people who are lonely, or are seeking life advice. As crime soars due to fatherlessness, state-funded social workers, police officers, prison services and more are in high demand. The list goes on.

Attempting to appeal to progressive fads has seen the Tories compromise on basic principles throughout their recent time in power. The social arguments against “woke” have not been enough to persuade them otherwise. But the economic arguments are stark — and so are the latest election results. 

Now is the time to get back to basics. A Conservative party which supports faith, family and community has a future. A country which lacks these structures does not.

* * *

Lois McLatchie Miller (@LoisMcLatch) is a Scottish commentator and Senior Legal Communications Officer for Alliance Defending Freedom UK.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Biden Turns In Disastrous Performance At His ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference

President Joe Biden struggled during what his administration dubbed as his “big boy” press conference on Thursday afternoon as he sought to calm down his party following his disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump.

Biden, who showed up more than an hour late to the event, used the official White House event to campaign against Trump and made numerous false claims about his own record and about Trump during his opening remarks before moving to call on reporters.

After facing accusations that his administration has carefully staged every public event he has had over the last two years in an effort to hide his cognitive decline, he opened the question and answer session by declaring that he had a list of pre-screened reporters that he was going to call on.

Biden: “With that, I’ll take your questions. I’ve been given a list of people to call on here.” pic.twitter.com/nWZsZF9My1

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 11, 2024

After mixing up Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin during a NATO event just a couple of hours earlier, he made a similar mistake during his press conference, mixing up Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump.

“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president did I think she’s not qualified to be president,” Biden rambled.

As Biden made the mistake, it was visibly obvious that members of his own cabinet were uncomfortable by the mistake.

Here’s Secretaries Blinken, Austin and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan when President Biden said, “Vice President Trump.” pic.twitter.com/chvT7eRqvY

— Jeremy Art (@cspanJeremy) July 12, 2024

Biden seethed at a reporter who asked him about global leaders believing that Biden is not mentally fit for office and whether him continuing to stay in office was damaging the country.

“Did you see any damage of our standing in my leading this conference?” Biden snapped at the reporter. “Have you seen a more successful conference? What do you think?”

Biden freaks out at a reporter for asking him about referring to Zelensky as “President Putin.”

NOT A GOOD LOOK, CROOKED JOE! pic.twitter.com/qrexZ6WGlI

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 11, 2024

Biden said that all the reports that have emerged where he has told other Democrats that he needs to go to bed earlier and needs to do less work were “not true.”

He then effectively said the very thing that he denied when he said that he needed to “pace” himself more, meaning not do as much work.

He also said that he was “catching hell” from first lady Jill Biden for keeping a busy schedule.

Biden laughs in a reporter’s face for asking why he said he needs to stop scheduling events after 8p because he’s too tired — then claims he needs to “pace” himself.

FACT: Biden has spent more time on vacation than any president in modern history. pic.twitter.com/Ai2wmo6u4r

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 11, 2024

Biden later said that if there were any signs of him slowing down that it would be a sign that he shouldn’t be serving as president anymore — just moments after he said that he said needed to “pace” himself and end events earlier so he could go to bed earlier.

BIDEN: “If I slow down, I can’t get the job done, that’s a sign that I shouldn’t be doing it. But there’s no indication of that yet! None!”

*unable to read list* pic.twitter.com/6D4KoWtyOz

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 11, 2024

After war has broken out in the Middle East and in Europe on his watch, Biden claimed that he was strong on foreign policy and that it was actually Trump who was not good on foreign policy — even though war didn’t break out under Trump.

“Foreign policy has never been [President Trump’s] strong point,” says Biden — who has brought us to the brink of another world war after President Trump’s four years of PEACE pic.twitter.com/KYJA69ihyt

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 11, 2024

Biden would not commit to taking a full neurological examination from independent experts before the election because he claimed that doctors have told him that he’s “good”, which comes after Dr. Tom Pitts, a Democrat who is a quadruple board-certified neurologist based in New York City, said during an NBC News interview this week that Biden “definitely has” Parkinson’s disease.

Biden: “I’ve taken three significant and intense neurological exams by neuro… by a neurosurgeon… neur… a neurologist.” pic.twitter.com/EhYUfWUj9n

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) July 12, 2024

At the end of his press conference he said that it was fine with him if his delegates all showed up at the Democrat National Convention and decided to vote for someone else other than him to be the party’s nominee.

Biden literally says that it's okay with him if all of his delegates decide they want to abandon him and vote for someone else at the 2024 Democratic National Convention. pic.twitter.com/GU6WjaOpEV

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 12, 2024

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