VP Harris discusses Indo-Pacific at APEC Summit

Democratic presidential candidate (and future US Vice President) US Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks at the National Forum on Wages and Working People: Creating an Economy That Works for All at Enclave, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 27, 2019. Six of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates attended the forum, held by the Service Employees International Union and the Center for American Progress Action Fund, to share their economic policies. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)Democratic presidential candidate (and future US Vice President) US Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks at the National Forum on Wages and Working People: Creating an Economy That Works for All at Enclave, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 27, 2019. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:11 PM PT – Friday, November 18, 2022

Vice President Kamala Harris highlighted the United States lasting commitment to the Into-Pacific as she addressed regional leaders at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit.

.@VP at APEC CEO Summit: “The United States has an enduring economic commitment to the Indo-Pacific, one that is measured not in years, but in decades, and generations. And there is no better economic partner for this region  than the United States of America.” pic.twitter.com/529FtSLKCq

— Phil Gordon (@PhilGordon46) November 18, 2022

“Our message is clear,” Harris said. “The United States has an enduring economic commitment to the Indo-Pacific. And there is no better economic partner for this region than the United States of America.”

On Friday, during remarks at the event in Thailand, Harris told attendees that there is no better economic partner for the region than the U.S., as it is a “proud Pacific power” and has a “vital interest in promoting a region that is open, interconnected, prosperous, secure and resilient.”

In a speech to CEOs from the Indo-Pacific, @VP laid out our comprehensive approach to economic engagement in the region. We know there is a strong demand signal for increased economic presence and cooperation and @VP made clear we are answering that call. https://t.co/CFcrHjRB0G

— Phil Gordon (@PhilGordon46) November 18, 2022

After former President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the centerpiece of former President Barack Obama’s “pivot” to Asia, several Asian nations started to doubt the American commitment to the region.

She affirmed the U.S. will continue to bolster its commitment to the region and touted the Biden administration’s work to strengthen ties with several nations. The vice president mentioned that private sector collaboration is of utmost priority.

“Under our administration, the United States is more engaged with the Indo-Pacific than we have ever been,” Harris said. “We have infused new energy and leadership into our unrivaled network of global alliances and partnerships.”

As China’s presence in the Indo-Pacific continues to grow, during her trip, Harris will also travel to Padawan to demonstrate America’s commitment to upholding law in the South China Sea.

She maintains that the U.S’s approach is “based on collaboration, sustainability, transparency and fairness.”

GOP-led oversight cmte to investigate Biden family business

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 04: Early morning fog envelopes the U.S. Capitol dome behind the U.S. House of Representatives on November 4, 2022 in Washington, DC. Republicans are poised to regain control of the U.S. Congress in the midterm elections on November 8 after the Democrats gained the majority in both the House in 2018 and Senate in 2020. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)Early morning fog envelopes the U.S. Capitol dome behind the U.S. House of Representatives on November 4, 2022 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:09 PM PT – Friday, November 18, 2022

House Republicans aren’t waiting for their majority 118th Congress to zero in one of most prolific examples of American political corruption. Hunter Biden is already in the crosshairs of the incoming House majority.

During a presser on Thursday, soon-to-be House Oversight Committee Chairman, Representative James Comer (R-Ky.) announced the GOP lead probe into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Comer claimed that while Americans are reeling from high energy costs, the president and first son are involved in a scheme to sell off America’s most valuable natural resource.

Comer shirked Joe Biden’s supposed congratulations to House Republicans for securing a majority by letting the commander-in-chief know he’s the prime target of the investigation. The Kentucky Republican said he has evidence that proves the elder Biden acted as a door man during his time in government to aid his family’s business ventures at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Comer outlined that any improper usage of the offices Joe Biden occupied to benefit his family will come to light in the next Congress. The incoming oversight chairman declared that Republicans have identified at least 50 countries in which Biden family business dealings took place with Hunter Biden acting as the operation’s bag man.

Comer alleged that the Biden’s planned to sell one of the world’s largest sources of Colbalt to the Chinese Communist Party and engaged in business with suspected human traffickers. These transactions have generated at least 150 suspicious activity reports with U.S. based banks. The probe will also focus on the Biden family’s involvement with the deep state apparatus.

Incoming judicial committee chairman Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) pledged the executive branch will be held accountable to shielding political allies and cudgeling their opponents.

The execution of the probe is expected to begin in January, when the 118th Congress is sworn in.