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  • Virtus uploaded a new video
    Grum - Through The Night
    •   Music
    •   Sunday, 03 December 2023
    • 263
    Music video for Grum "Through The Night". His album, "Heartbeats" is available through Ultra Records.

    Directed by The General Assembly

    © Ultra Records 2010

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  • Virtus uploaded a new video
    •   Arts
    •   Sunday, 03 December 2023
    • 266
    Iceland is one of my favorite countries to travel to & I absolutely love capturing my experiences there. It was even better getting to show my Wife’s family this place we’ve grown to love so much over the past 5 years. “Gusts From The Highlands” is my 3rd travel piece I’ve had the pleasure of creating there. Bringing along the Leica Q2 was a great addition in the toolkit for shooting the photos you see in this piece. It was fun experimenting with the Sirui anamorphic’s as well. Thanks to my...
    Iceland is one of my favorite countries to travel to & I absolutely love capturing my experiences there. It was even better getting to show my Wife’s family this place we’ve grown to love so much over the past 5 years. “Gusts From The Highlands” is my 3rd travel piece I’ve had the pleasure of creating there. Bringing along the Leica Q2 was a great addition in the toolkit for shooting the photos you see in this piece. It was fun experimenting with the Sirui anamorphic’s as well. Thanks to my love Christie LaPlant for all the killer drone shots!

    Dir/DP/Edit/Color: Cody LaPlant
    Drone Op: Christie LaPlant
    Music licensed by Musicbed: Tony Anderson - Farthest Seas
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  • Virtus uploaded a new video
    Ironclad creates some awesome content and is a leader in military content production. This is a new series they created called "Change Agents" and it is executive produced by Jack Carr from the Terminal List book series.
    Hunting Sex Traffickers (with Glenn Devitt) | Change Agents with Andy Stumpf - EP. 1
    WARNING: The following episode contains strong language and adult themes that some viewers may find upsetting. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Glenn Devitt is an Army veteran, a former member of the Department of Homeland Security's H.E.R.O. (Human Exploitation Rescue Operative) program, and the CEO of ⁠the Sentinel Foundation⁠. The organization exists for a single reason: to end underage children being exploited around the world.

    Today on Change Agents, Glenn and Andy Stumpf discuss...
    WARNING: The following episode contains strong language and adult themes that some viewers may find upsetting. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Glenn Devitt is an Army veteran, a former member of the Department of Homeland Security's H.E.R.O. (Human Exploitation Rescue Operative) program, and the CEO of ⁠the Sentinel Foundation⁠. The organization exists for a single reason: to end underage children being exploited around the world.

    Today on Change Agents, Glenn and Andy Stumpf discuss Glenn's background, the origins of the Sentinel Foundations, the reality of child exploitation, and how Change Agents listeners can get involved in the fight.

    To learn more about Glenn and the work of ⁠the Sentinel Foundation⁠⁠ go to ⁠

    Special thanks to the Wanek family and Ashley Furniture, as well as the Tim Tebow Foundation, for their support of Glenn and Sentinel Foundation.

    *The topics discussed in this video do not necessarily reflect those of IRONCLAD and its partners.

    Change Agents is an IRONCLAD original. Visit to learn more.

    Be sure to subscribe to @thisisironclad on YouTube and major social platforms.

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    Music License: MB01GBCIVNLLE5R
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  • RagdollOp uploaded a new video
    Has anyone watched the movie yet? I heard it was good.
    Making the Hell of War: The Crafts of All Quiet on the Western Front | Netflix
    •   Arts
    •   Saturday, 28 January 2023
    • 433
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  •   Virtus reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Virtus uploaded a new video
    This Commercial Would Have Changed the Game
    •   Arts
    •   Saturday, 12 November 2022
    • 497
    This commercial shows what we stand for. We support everyone's right to protest. Protest peacefully. We support our military. We support the police.

    In this commercial you see the story of one man's journey of service. From watching 9/11 unfold on TV to his time in the military and now serving again as a police officer.

    He has served his country and has held the line. He is doing so here. First protecting protesters and protecting their right to assemble, and when things turn violent,...
    This commercial shows what we stand for. We support everyone's right to protest. Protest peacefully. We support our military. We support the police.

    In this commercial you see the story of one man's journey of service. From watching 9/11 unfold on TV to his time in the military and now serving again as a police officer.

    He has served his country and has held the line. He is doing so here. First protecting protesters and protecting their right to assemble, and when things turn violent, he and his fellow police officers do not run, they defend the line.

    Not backing down. Not running. Not afraid. We support all those who stand the line wherever it is.

    We are Grunt Style and this we'll defend.
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  •   Virtus reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Virtus uploaded a new video
    The Kari Lake Story
    I’ve shared a lot of stories with you over the last few decades, but I never shared mine.
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  •   Virtus reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Virtus reposted a post from Virtus
    If you haven't watched Kari Lake's inspirational story you should. It is an example of an incredible political ad and how to tell a story.
      Reposted from Virtus
    The Kari Lake Story
    I’ve shared a lot of stories with you over the last few decades, but I never shared mine.
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