•   Virtus reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Virtus uploaded a new video in Film and Video
    This Commercial Would Have Changed the Game
    •   Arts
    •   Saturday, 12 November 2022
    • 517
    This commercial shows what we stand for. We support everyone's right to protest. Protest peacefully. We support our military. We support the police.

    In this commercial you see the story of one man's journey of service. From watching 9/11 unfold on TV to his time in the military and now serving again as a police officer.

    He has served his country and has held the line. He is doing so here. First protecting protesters and protecting their right to assemble, and when things turn violent,...
    This commercial shows what we stand for. We support everyone's right to protest. Protest peacefully. We support our military. We support the police.

    In this commercial you see the story of one man's journey of service. From watching 9/11 unfold on TV to his time in the military and now serving again as a police officer.

    He has served his country and has held the line. He is doing so here. First protecting protesters and protecting their right to assemble, and when things turn violent, he and his fellow police officers do not run, they defend the line.

    Not backing down. Not running. Not afraid. We support all those who stand the line wherever it is.

    We are Grunt Style and this we'll defend.
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