'Twitter Files' publisher likens FBI's alleged behavior to CIA 'psychological operations'

Author and reporter Michael Shellenberger who helped release the latest installment of "The Twitter Files" from Elon Musk, said internal documents showed former FBI officials were so intertwined with the social media giant, they practically had their own communications system.

"The deputy chief of staff of the FBI went to Twitter. In fact, there were so many FBI officials at Twitter that they had their own internal messaging system," Shellenberger said Monday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "They actually had their own cue-card to kind of train people going from FBI to Twitter."

Shellenberger, a former California gubernatorial candidate, added that the FBI's influence essentially affected content moderation and information-sharing.

"You had these forces inside Twitter: former FBI officials -- particularly Jim Baker -- who very strenuously argued for the censorship of The New York Post's reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop and the emails which showed these very questionable business dealings with China and other countries," he said.


Baker, Twitter's former deputy general counsel and a key player during the Trump "Russia-gate" timeline, was fired by Elon Musk following revelations regarding his role in handling the Hunter Biden laptop story,

Shellenberger told host Tucker Carlson he and others spent weeks examining internal emails and Slack direct-messaging correspondence among employees at Twitter. He told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" they overall painted a picture of an intertwined relationship between certain elements of federal law enforcement – the FBI – and a private company.


Shellenberger said the dynamic reminded him of a psychological operation a U.S. government agency like the CIA would conduct within a foreign nation – but instead this time happening domestically against media organizations and social media.

"It's a disturbing pattern that I think our reporting today showed," he said.

Shellenberger concluded "The Twitter Files" should reveal things that collectively are not a partisan issue, because no American should want its federal police "politicized and engaging in dirty campaign tricks."


He said the bureau had Hunter Biden's laptop in its possession in late 2019, and later tried to persuade social media platforms there would be a leak thereof. 

Shellenberger also claimed former New York City Republican Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was under domestic surveillance, pointing out it was the then-Trump attorney who reportedly provided the laptop's contents to the New York Post; leading to its 2020 bombshell report.


"So there's a lot of smoke," he said.

"I think the bottom line is we need a serious congressional investigation, and we very well may need an independent prosecutor, to weed out these politicized elements of the FBI."

GREG GUTFELD: If Musk steps down at Twitter, here's some replacements

Happy Monday, everybody. Oh man, we've got a lot to talk about in today's monologue. So, like Ana Navarro in front of a plate of churros, let's dive in. I love churros.

So it appears Musk might actually resign as Twitter CEO. I'm not sure if Jack Dorsey will come back, but he'll continue not showering just in case. Over the weekend, Musk asked the Twitter community, ‘Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll.’ – God, if only Biden would take the same poll, but we can dream. 

Then Musk followed up with ‘Be careful what you wish as you might get it.’ That's something I learned the hard way when I wished for Geraldo's friendship. So after 17,500,000 votes, the final result: 57% said ‘Yes, Elon should step down’, 43% said ‘No’, although we're still waiting for results from Maricopa County. You didn't see that one coming, you know? 

But that's a 14-point difference; pretty wide margin. I don't know if we can blame the Dems for stealing this one too – though they still got plenty of votes from dead people, including Keith Olbermann. 


So who's going to replace him? I'd do it, but I have enough on my plate with this show, ‘The Five’ and my weekends; teaching spot-welding to those sick brats at the orphanage. I hate charitable work. It's too giving. 

But there are some available people out there: Hunter Biden, for example – Be honest. Be honest. He can make it rain in the boardroom and the VIP room. He'll knock up your stock price like a pierced stripper in two-inch heels. Because he did.

Jimmy Failla: Because everyone hates him already.

JIMMY FAILLA: Gregory. Thank you, girlfriend. 

Donald Trump: Let's face it, being Twitter CEO is all the fun of being president-- without being president. You can still torture the media without having to smell. Jim Acosta's horrible breath. And Trump's less filtered than my goldfish aquarium. Those guys sure are good at floating upside down. I know. 


How about Brian Kilmeade? Who knows how he'll handle Twitter, but it can't be worse than his life. Yeah, I know. That's terrible.

Hillary Clinton: If she can censor, then she won't have to murder. Yes, good one. 

Also happening over the weekend, the latest batch of Twitter Files were dumped showing that the FBI rattled Twitter execs over not removing stuff that upset them. Journalist Matt Taibbi tweeting the revelations, quote, 'Twitter's contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive as if it were a subsidiary.'

He showed that between January 2020 and November 2022, there were over 150 emails between the FBI and Twitter execs, and many were requests by the FBI for Twitter to take action on election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts. 

And with the FBI investigating jokes, one thing's for sure: they left Trevor Noah's account alone. 

At one point, as many as 80 FBI agents were tasked with patrolling the site; demanding anything they didn't like being flagged or taken down. It's good to see they had extra time on their hands. I guess they got sick of doing pre-dawn raids of Trump and his friends. 

Now I wonder if those same agents consider extortion a crime. Because I have a suggestion then, how about the snot-nosed, pimply-faced brat who published Elon's private jet info on Twitter? Here he is on some public access channel back in February, talking about what it will take to make him go away.

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, CNN HOST: What is your current demand, relative to Musk? What will it make for you to go away and stop this?

JACK SWEENEY: Still a Tesla or $50,000. I mean, I'm not going to up it. There's no need to. 

Awesome. I haven't seen a shakedown that bad since security at the Caesars Palace buffet had Michael Moore stand on his head to see if any glazed hams would fall out of his pockets. 


So will the FBI be on that kid's tail? No, they're busy interrogating grannies from January 6 or sending a team to harass Mike Lindell. Fortunately, that guy will sleep through anything. 

Meanwhile, more files released today suggest the FBI may have preemptively suppressed accurate news reports on the Hunter laptop story, even before it got published, minus any real evidence that it was linked to an intel operation. 

So that's news. But I wonder what the media coverage of that was like. Must be footage from the WNBA playoffs. Oh yeah, because you watch the games. 

But you can bet they covered all those precious journalists who were suspended for a week for violating terms of service and also doxxing Musk. They're already back after a short time out. And in case you noticed, no one noticed. No one cares. In fact, I'm beginning not to care anymore. The fact that the media does care just shows you how desperate they are for something to fill that Trump-sized hole that 45 left behind. 

Now, who fills that hole? It's Musk. Take a look at Adam Schiff: Although it might induce projectile vomiting. Schiff tweeted, ‘Elon Musk calls himself a free speech absolutist to justify turning a blind eye to hatred and bigotry on Twitter. But when journalists report unfavorable news, they are banned without warning. That devotion to free speech is apparently not that absolute, but the hypocrisy is.’

Musk tweeted back, quote, ‘Thankfully, you lose your chairmanship very soon…’ But – no the best part – No, don't clap yet – He ended the tweet with ‘…[y]our brain is too small’.

That's the best part. The irony is that Adam Schiff's brain is too small to let his small brain stop him. It's why the Democrats keep him around. 

He's their idiot stepchild that makes everyone else in the party appear like geniuses. 

You know, I'm not sure if Adam Schiff was dropped as a child, but I wouldn't blame his parents.