CNN Pundit Declares Kamala An ‘Honorary Republican’ After More Flip-Flops

CNN Republican commentator Scott Jennings labeled Vice President Kamala Harris — the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, even if by default — an “honorary Republican” in light of her constantly “evolving” policy positions.

In the past several weeks, Harris has systematically attempted to abandon her own radically liberal positions — the ones she proudly touted during her ill-fated 2019 run for the presidency — by having low-level aides leak her walk-backs and flip-flops to friendly mainstream media outlets. Her campaign surrogates have done everything they could to put distance between Harris and her current boss, President Joe Biden. In addition, she’s adopted several key policies being touted by her Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump.

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Harris’ final move, just ahead of the debate, was to finally add a policy tab to her campaign’s website — but despite repeated efforts to paint herself as a change agent who wouldn’t simply be a repeat of the administration in which she was still serving as Vice President — critics noted that much of the content under the policy tab had been copied and pasted from Biden’s campaign site.

Jennings addressed Harris’ efforts during a panel discussion hosted by anchor Abby Phillip, pointing out the clear lurch to the right that Harris was at least claiming to embody.


Last night’s closing thought on @CNN: the Democratic nominee for president wants to pump oil and encourage gun ownership? Not sure I believe it but welcome Kamala Harris…honorary Republican of the night!

— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) September 12, 2024

“Here’s my nightcap,” he began. “I was scrolling through the debate news today and I read headlines that say thing like, ‘Why Kamala Harris has embraced America’s oil boom,’ ‘Harris embraces U.S. fossil fuels,’ ‘Harris: frack on, my dudes,’ ‘Harris embraces oil and gas on debate stage,’ and then I heard her say she’s a gun owner.”

“And so, I know this is gonna, like, break your heart, I just want to once again welcome Kama — we’ve got a Democrat who’s out here trying to pump oil and buy guns,” Jennings continued. “And I don’t know if she means it or not, but it is a step in the right direction when a national Democrat can embrace fossil fuels and gun ownership at the same time. Welcome Kamala Harris, honorary Republican of the night.”

Kathy Griffin Claims Trump Will Target Comedians If Re-Elected: ‘Going To Pick Us Off, One By One’

Comedian Kathy Griffin is worried that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump plans to go after comedians if he is re-elected in November. 

“He’s going to pick us off, one by one, like bowling pins, and I’m not kidding and I’m not being paranoid,” the celeb told Entertainment Weekly during a recent interview. 

“I’m a D-lister, he’s not going to get to me on day one, but he’ll get to me, trust me,” Griffin continued. “He’s got a list. I’ve known this guy for 25 years, maybe 30. He’s so petty that he lives for this. He doesn’t want to be President or do any president-ing.”

Griffin referenced the infamous photograph from 2017 of her holding a replica of Trump’s decapitated head in her hand. That image and the extreme backlash she received inspired Griffin to create her current tour, called “My Life on the PTSD List.”

Griffin, 63, also told the outlet she was almost arrested for conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States following a “chilling” investigation. 

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She went on to make predictions if Trump returns to the Oval Office. 

“If he gets re-elected, he’ll go after Jimmy Kimmel, he’ll go after Jon Stewart, all the name ones, but he’ll go after Rosie O’Donnell. That’s all he’s going to do all day,” Griffin told the outlet. “He’ll have press conferences about it. He’s so much crazier than he was the first go-round.”

The photographer who helped Griffin create the severed head image in 2017, Tyler Shields, told EW at the time that Griffin had expressed she was perfectly fine with going to jail for the image.

“Fortunately, we have freedom of speech [in the first amendment], and all art is generally protected by these things, but again, this was [Griffin’s] first thought, ‘Will you bail me out of jail?’ You know, again, it wasn’t, ‘I don’t want to do this because I might go to jail.’ It was like, ‘Well, I’m gonna do it and whatever happens, happens.’”

Griffin later publicly apologized for the image and has since expressed regret, saying it caused her to lose many social media followers.