Former Biden Aide Has Had It With Dems Defending Biden: ‘Jesus Christ With The Gaslighting!’

A former Biden White House official made it clear on Sunday that he had had it with Democrats — particularly those close to President Joe Biden — defending his poor debate performance and tanking poll numbers.

Michael LaRosa, who previously served as press secretary to First Lady Jill Biden, lashed out at the White House’s former communications director Kate Bedingfield over her appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” — and argued that she was gaslighting the American people.

Bedingfield joined host — and debate moderator — Dana Bash to discuss the Thursday evening event that left many Democrats scrambling to either defend Biden or admit that he was not capable of moving forward with a second term in office.


“The reality is the race has not fundamentally changed,” @kbeds says. “I think there’s universal agreement [it] wasn’t a great night for Joe Biden. He said as much. But what we see in all the data that has emerged since Thursday is the fundamental head-to-head hasn’t shifted.”

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 30, 2024

Bedingfield conceded that debate night had not been “great” for the president — but she then claimed, “The reality is that the race has not fundamentally changed.”

“What we see in all the data that has emerged since Thursday is the fundamental head-to-head hasn’t shifted,” she added.

But LaRosa wasn’t buying it, and said so in an X post.

“The data!? If there is data that counters the impact of what we all saw then WHERE THE HELL IS IT??? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? SHOW US!” he demanded. “Jesus Christ with the gaslighting, the talking points, and the damn spinning. Enough already.”

“Show your supporters or the media this data so we can help you help him! You’ve told us for A YEAR that data and polling can’t be trusted … no one is paying attention … and all of the polling and data are unreliable,” he continued. “Are we NOW supposed to believe it? You’ve been undermining all of the public data and polling and attacking news outlets and their independent data for a year! Is it now safe to trust the data? Should we believe your data instead of independent media data and polling??? Ok, cool. WHERE THE HELL IS IT?”

The data!? If there is data that counters the impact of what we all saw then WHERE THE HELL IS IT??? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? SHOW US! Jesus Christ with the gaslighting, the talking points, and the damn spinning. Enough already.

Show your supporters or the media…

— Michael LaRosa (@MichaelLaRosaDC) June 30, 2024

Graham Rips ‘Compliant Media’ For Hiding Biden’s Cognitive Decline From Public

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) ripped the media during an interview over the weekend for hiding President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline from the public.

Graham made the remarks during a Sunday interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” with co-host Dana Bash when asked about Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

“This idea that Biden had a bad night, that’s not the story. He’s had a bad presidency, had a disastrous debate,” Graham said. “How could we get here? How could the American people see what they saw and not be forewarned? You have got a compliant media who’s written off the problems with President Biden. They have tried to soft-sell this as attack by the right wing that he’s compromised. There is no cheap-fakes here.”

“The man is compromised, and the media has been covering,” he continued. “He’s not a good president. He’s a decent man. He’s a failed president. He is compromised. That’s the storyline here.”

Graham said that what he is worried about is what will happen between “now and November” given the apparent state of Biden’s mental fitness.

“Does Iran get a nuclear weapon because they think Joe Biden’s so compromised, he’s not going to do anything about it?” he asked. “You got a compliant media and a lockstep Democratic Party who cheers bad policy. Have you heard one person named to replace Biden that would do anything different on the border? No. Have you heard anybody criticize his withdrawal from Afghanistan they’re considering replacing him with? So this is a very dangerous time for America and the world at large. This election turned from this debate. Clearly, President Biden is compromised. But, most importantly, his policies are not working.”


President Trump had an excellent debate night. He was clear, concise and focused.

President Biden performed terribly at the debate, but that’s not the whole story. He’s had a disastrous presidency propped up by mainstream media.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) June 30, 2024