U.S. Special Forces Group Warns U.S. Faces Serious Risk Of Getting Hit By Major Islamic Terror Attack

A group representing U.S. special forces warned in a letter this week that the U.S. faces an ultra-high threat of getting hit by a major Islamic terrorist attack because of President Joe Biden’s disastrous foreign policy and open border policies.

Special Operations Association of America (SOAA) Chairman Christopher Miller, who served as Acting Secretary of Defense at the end of President Donald Trump’s first term in office, said in a letter that the organization was “gravely concerned by the current heightened risk of terrorist attacks against targets inside the United States and both U.S. and allied interests abroad.”

The organization — which represents thousands of Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Raiders, Air Force Air Commandos, and other special operators — said that Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan was a key reason why the threat environment was so high.

Biden’s pullout left the U.S. “without a viable stay-behind or over-the-horizon counterterrorism and intelligence capability to suppress threats,” which has resulted in Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda being able to rapidly regain strength in the region.

“The United States has lost significant intelligence collection capabilities in the region, leaving federal authorities blind and deaf to emerging threats emanating from the region,” the letter said. “The creation of new and reestablishment of previous terrorist training camps within Afghanistan has led to successful, deadly attacks by the Islamic State’s regional branch against targets in Iran and Russia and elsewhere, adding further credence to the notion that the U.S. is at risk.”

“This risk is compounded by developments in the Middle East and the porous, unsecured southern border through which we have seen numerous instances of individuals on terrorist watchlists and others from adversarial countries attempt to enter the U.S. – and those are the ones we know about only because they were detected,” the letter added. “We do not know how many other terrorists are already currently inside the U.S.”


Numerous federal departments and agencies have echoed similar statements about the threats that the U.S. currently faces.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified last year that foreign terrorists were trying to exploit Biden’s open border policies to carry out attacks on the U.S.

When asked if it was a similar situation to what the U.S. faced before the 9/11 attacks where officials said that they saw “blinking red lights” that something was about to happen, Wray responded: “I see blinking lights everywhere I turn.”

Texas Judge Lina Hidalgo Politicizes Murder Of 12-Year-Old, Demands Others Don’t Politicize It

Far-left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo politicized the murder of 12-year-old girl Jocelyn Nungaray this week while demanding that others not politicize her death.

Two illegal aliens from Venezuela — Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26 — were each charged with capital murder in Nungaray’s death.

Hidalgo, who is not from the United States, was asked during a press conference this week if her lax enforcement of laws attracted criminal illegal aliens to her county where she serves as the head of Harris County’s governing body.

She ignored the question and instead claimed that they come to her county to seek opportunities before she then blamed former President Donald Trump for Nungaray’s death.

“Now, would these guys have been here were there different immigration policies? Well, there was an opportunity to have them,” she claimed. “President Biden worked with Leader McConnell on policies that specifically would have kept these guys out, and then former President Trump decided he didn’t like them. And there was an inexplicable flip-flop from Senator McConnell, Leader McConnell and the rest of the caucus.”

She falsely claimed that Biden’s immigration bill would have stopped catch-and-release — where illegal aliens are given a notice to appear in court at a later date and then released into the country.

Hidalgo claimed that the problem was not illegal immigration, but rather “violence against women.”

She then claimed that Republicans want no immigrants to be allowed in the country and that the country would collapse without them.

Speaking about the victim’s family, she said: “And really, to me, it hurts even more that they’re being used as pawns in this fight over immigration that doesn’t even exist, because Biden and McConnell agree, it’s just that Trump won’t let them move it forward.”


A reporter at the press conference quickly called her out: “With all due respect, judge, you said [the] issue shouldn’t be politicized. But by pointing the finger at former President Trump and Republicans in Congress, aren’t you politicizing it?”

“Um, I think I answered the, I think I answered the question,” she claimed. “So, um. Yeah.”

The reporter pushed back, noting that she did not answer the question and that President Joe Biden lifted Trump’s Remain-in-Mexico policy, which is what ultimately led to the two alleged murderers being let into the country.

“Again, the Biden administration reached an agreement with Leader McConnell to address this, but this is not about immigration,” she claimed. “I’m not gonna feed into that.”

SHAMELESS: Harris County, Texas Judge Lina Hidalgo blames President Donald Trump for 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungray’s brutal kiIIing and sexual assault at the hands of 2 illegal aliens. pic.twitter.com/ed5jtAyGHI

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) June 26, 2024