Maher Calls Out Lack Of News Coverage On Black-On-Black Crime: ‘Why Doesn’t Anybody Talk About That?’

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” called out the media during the most recent episode of his show for not addressing black-on-black crime in Democrat-run cities like Chicago.

Maher made the remarks during a panel discussion with Brown University economist Glenn Loury and international relations scholar Daniel Bessner.

“Like Chicago, most of the shootings are young black men killing other young black men,” Maher said. “Is that not correct?”

After Loury noted that that was Maher said was true, Maher wanted to know why its never brought up in the media.

“Why doesn’t anybody talk about that?” Maher asked. “Why aren’t there a hundred giant black celebrities, who would have the respect of those people, saying, ‘What are you doing to yourselves? Why are you killing each other?’”

Maher later said that he thinks that bad schools in predominately black neighborhoods are one reason that crime in those areas is higher.

“One in 3 children in America cannot read at a basic level of comprehension,” he said.

“Eight-five percent of Black students lack proficiency in reading skill. We already spent a lot of money on schools. So, are you going to keep telling me that more money will fix this because I feel like this is much more connected to the problems of people who can’t read.”

“Yes, they’re going to have problems with gainful employment, and it seems like, you know, a lot of times the solutions that come from the left seem symbolic,” he continued. “They don’t seem like we’re addressing what really needs to be done, which is get kids learning, get them reading, get them to have a job.”

“It doesn’t seem like the money is getting to this problem if 85% of black students lack proficiency in reading skills,” he added.

Bill Maher says 327 people are responsible for a third of all shoplifting cases in New York, young black men killing one another are responsible for the majority of shootings in Chicago, and prominent black celebrities should publicly denounce the violence and crime:

"Why aren't…

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) April 22, 2023

DeSantis Slams Trump: Leaders ‘Don’t Subcontract Out Their Leadership To Health Bureaucrats Like Fauci’

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took perhaps his first shot at former President Donald Trump over the weekend for effectively making unelected health bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci, the then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the most powerful person in the U.S. government.

“A leader must have the confidence to stand all alone if need be,” DeSantis said at the Utah GOP Convention on Saturday. “And so for us, as I got into office, COVID presented that situation for us because we were in a situation – the third-largest state in the country – one of the highest percentage of elderly, economy based on tourism, which we needed to travel to continue.”

“So this situation was an existential threat to our state, but I made the judgment,” DeSantis continued. “Leaders take the bull by the horns and make the decisions for themselves. They don’t subcontract out their leadership to health bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci.”


Ron DeSantis rips Donald Trump:

“Leaders … don’t subcontract out their leadership to health bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci.”


— Giancarlo Sopo (@GiancarloSopo) April 22, 2023

The former president’s 2020 Twitter campaign account repeatedly promoted how much the former president listened to Fauci and never pushed back against anything Fauci suggested.

Dr. Fauci: "The first and only time that Dr. Birx and I went in and formally made a recommendation to the President to" shut down the economy and put in place social distancing to combat the virus, "the President listened to the recommendation" and did it.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 9, 2020

President Trump has listened to the experts every single time.

As Dr. Fauci has said, "When I've made recommendations he's taken them. He's never countered or overridden me."

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) June 30, 2020

The remarks from DeSantis come as Trump faced backlash from conservatives for using far-left organizations and media to attack DeSantis and the state of Florida.

Trump used data from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and the Florida Policy Institute to attack DeSantis for allegedly leading the state “to tumble into complete and total delinquency and destruction.”

“The real DeSantis record is one of misery and despair,” the Trump campaign claimed. “He has left a wake of destruction all across Florida and people are hurting because he has spent more time playing public relations games instead of actually doing the hard-work needed to improve the lives of the people he represents.”

Trump’s remarks come as more Americans have moved to Florida over the last few years — including Trump himself — than any other state in the country in-large part due to the freedoms that were protected in the state during the pandemic.

Fox News reported that the NLIHC is an organization “dedicated to achieving racially and socially equitable public policy,” while the Florida Policy Institute is a left-leaning organization that claims to be non-partisan. Another report said that NLIHC was a “a pro-transgender nonprofit that’s part of a coalition of progressive organizations (Alliance for Justice/AJF) backed by Soros.”