Trump Vows To Unleash U.S. Energy Production: ‘We Have More Liquid Gold’ Than Saudi Arabia, Russia

Former President Donald Trump said over the weekend that if he wins the presidential election this fall that he will unleash America’s energy production.

Trump made the remarks during a pre-taped interview that aired Sunday on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” with host Maria Bartiromo.

“We’re going to get energy way down. Drill, baby, drill,” he said. “We have more energy — we have more liquid gold, as I call it, under our feet than Saudi Arabia, than Russia, than anybody. We’re going to be energy-dominant, we’re going to make a fortune, we’re going to supply it all over Europe, all over the world. We’re going to be double and triple what they’re doing. We’re going to have tremendous energy, and we’re going to lower our prices of energy.”

“Do you know people in New England — they pay some of the highest prices in the world because we don’t have a pipeline, because New York won’t let a pipeline go through a very poor section of New York,” he continued.


He added that he wanted to bring back tariffs because he believes that they will protect the U.S. auto industry.

“Those people in Michigan that love me and that I love, and they’re going to give us a victory because their auto industry won’t exist in two years, if she [Harris] gets elected — China is going to make, and other countries are going to make, all the cars. They’re building some of the biggest auto plants,” he said. “By the way, when you add it all up, including the taxes and everything else, we’re going to create jobs like you’ve never created before. If you look at auto manufacturing, it’s down 64% from its high number of jobs and everything else. But we used to be the world manufacturer, and every year it gets eaten away, and a big factor is Mexico. Mexico stole 32% of our auto manufacturing. We’re going to say, ‘You want to do that? We’re putting tariffs on your cars coming in.'”


JD Vance: Democrats Calling Me ‘Weird’ Is ‘A Lot Of Projection’ By Them

Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, said during an interview over the weekend that attempts by the Democratic Party to label him as “weird” amounted to projection by the political Left.

Vance made the remarks during a pre-taped interview that aired Sunday on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” with host Maria Bartiromo.

“What do you say about this new strategy to call you weird from the Democrats?” Bartiromo asked.

“I think that it’s a lot of projection, frankly, Maria, from people who want to give transgender hormones to 9-year-old kids and want biological males to play in women’s sports,” Vance responded. “Look, I’m a husband, I’m a father, I’m happily married, and I love my life, and I am doing this because I want to be a good public servant who fixes the problems of the Democrats.”

“They can call me whatever they want to. The middle school taunts don’t bother me,” he continued. “What offends me is what Kamala Harris has done to this country over three and a half years. She’s opened up the American southern border, she cast the deciding vote on things that caused skyrocketing inflation and the affordability crisis. I was in Georgia yesterday. They have a terrible housing affordability problem in the state of Georgia because Kamala Harris shot interest rates through the roof and then welcomed in millions of illegal aliens to compete with Americans for scarce homes. I just wish they would stop screwing opportunity country, and because I don’t think they’re able to do that themselves, President Trump and I are going to beat them in November.”


#WATCH | JD Vance on being called weird: “I think that it’s a lot of projection frankly from people who want to give transgender hormones to 9-year-old kids, and want biological males to play in women’s sports”

— VOZ (@Voz_US) August 4, 2024