‘Absolutely Necessary To The Upholding Of The West’: Ben Shapiro, Matt Fradd Highlight Importance Of Preserving Religious Values

In the latest “Sunday Special” episode, Daily Wire host Ben Shapiro discussed the importance of religious communities and traditional values in combating societal decline with Catholic author Matt Fradd.

During the wide-ranging interview, both Shapiro and Fradd agreed that religious communities play a crucial role in preserving traditional morality and family structures in the face of secularization. 

“When we talk about the West and Western civilization, a muscular pursuit of religious values — and in the West you’re talking about Christian values — is absolutely necessary to the upholding of the West,” Shapiro stated. “All the fundamental premises of the West are built on these Christian values.”


Shapiro added that “the loss of community is the single greatest factor in the decline of religion,” highlighting how religious institutions historically provided economic support and fostered bonds across class divides. He emphasized that such community ties “cannot be duplicated” by government programs.

Fradd agreed, arguing that family life is so important that he encouraged couples to “get married before you’re ready, have more kids than you can afford, and then move into a bubble of other like-minded people and raise them in the faith.” 

“Of course, I could qualify all those things,” Fradd said. “Obviously, you should discern.”

He also clarified that by living in “a bubble,” he did not mean complete isolation, but rather living among those with shared values. 

“My 15-year-old daughter doesn’t have a cell phone, and it’s never really occurred to her to ask for one because we hang out with other homeschooling families who also, of course, wouldn’t give their child a smartphone,” Fradd said.

Shapiro concurred, stating: “I am very much the same way.” 

The conversation also touched on the topic of pornography, an issue Fradd has written a book on. He emphasized the need to educate children early about pornography, and said he points to specific words of Christ to battle the sinful practice. 

“I think the man who continually kind of gives over his life to pornography is becoming emasculated. He’s being robbed of the ability to be masculine,” Fradd said.

“I would look at Christ’s words, ‘So this is my body given up for you,’ and that this act was the most masculine act,” he added. “And it’s something that I should try to replicate with my own wife in that I deny myself for her good. But pornography trains a man, not to say this is my body given up for you, but the opposite: This is your body taken by me. I deny and forsake and trample over your dignity for the sake of my pleasure.”

Kamala Harris’ Husband Admits To Impregnating Babysitter While Cheating On First Wife

Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, admitted that he cheated on his first wife with the couple’s babysitter after a report was published on Saturday that said the marriage ended after he got the babysitter pregnant.

The Daily Mail reported that Emhoff cheated on his then-wife, Kerstin Emhoff, with Najen Naylor, who also taught at the private school that the couple’s children attended.

“During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions,” Doug Emhoff said in a statement several hours after the report was published. “I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.”

When approached by the Daily Mail, Naylor did not deny the story, but said, “I’m kind of freaked out right now.”

A source with knowledge of the affair and pregnancy told the Mail that Naylor did not keep the child. It’s not clear whether she had an abortion or gave the child up for adoption.


The Daily Mail noted that Laura Loomer first broke the news of the Emhoff scandal.

“Doug and I decided to end our marriage for a variety of reasons, many years ago,” Kerstin Emhoff said in a statement Saturday. “He is a great father to our kids, continues to be a great friend to me and I am really proud of the warm and supportive blended family Doug, Kamala, and I have built together.”

The Emhoffs’ divorce was finalized in 2010.

Doug Emhoff met Harris on a blind date in 2013, while the latter was serving as California’s attorney general. They married the following year.

The Washington Post reported that Emhoff’s affair was known by President Joe Biden’s team, which vetted potential vice presidential candidates during Biden’s 2020 campaign. Harris knew about the affair before the two married, the report said.