Knowles At Purdue: The Left’s Liberation Project Has Cost America Her National Identity

Daily Wire podcast host Michael Knowles said Thursday that America is suffering from an identity crisis.

In a lecture at Purdue University Thursday evening, entitled “Our National Identity Disorder,” Knowles said that the leftist fascination with liberation from all norms has not transcended societal norms, but replaced them. Liberalism has destroyed the American identity, said Knowles, and America must confront this crisis and assert her identity again.

Knowles began his speech by poking fun at protesters who had assembled outside the room he was speaking in for hours before, noting that there were two planned protests to his speech. “My critics are so confused, they can’t even agree on how to protest me,” he said.

The protesters posted flyers around campus that read, “no fascists on campus.” Knowles held up two of the posters, joking that they were “Italophobic” and remarking that fascism was “far too modern and progressive” an ideology for him.

The protesters were of course referring to Knowles’ CPAC Speech in which he called for the ideology of transgenderism to be eradicated from public life. Knowles defended his speech again. “We should not delude people who don’t know who they are, we should help them and correct them,” he said.

But the rise of “gender mania” is both a cause and a symptom of the larger problem, he noted. Because of a porous southern border, America “cannot be said to comprise a particular people.” Americans do not worship the same God either, said Knowles, citing a precipitous and continuing decline in religiosity. We no longer salute the same flag: conservatives venerate the Stars and Stripes, but liberals salute the “mitotic rainbow” of the LGBTQ movement. We no longer have a common concept of marriage, nor can we agree on the definition of man and woman, added Knowles.

This crisis of American identity has been “exacerbated by radicals who have exploited Americans’ traditional love of liberty, which they have perverted over time beyond recognition,” Knowles continued. “The early American promise of liberation from injustice today has devolved into a temptation to liberate us from any and all constraints: political, cultural, familial, all the way to liberation from our own selves.” But this is not really what has happened. “The liberals’ project is not really, as they insist, one of liberation, but rather one merely one of resetting standards,” he said. “That’s how it works in practice.”

Knowles then stressed that America must make a decisive choice between visions. “If we get our way, the preposterous ideology of transgenderism will be eradicated from public life,” he said. “If [liberals] get their way, the distinct categories of man and woman will be eradicated from public life.”


“Those are the choices,” he added. “There can be no middle ground or simultaneous establishment of opposing premises. We will live according to one view or the other. One view, one identity, must win, the other must lose.”

Unfortunately, for the past few decades, the liberal notion of American identity is winning. “Their vision of national identity is the same vision of total liberation that we see in the claims of transgenderism,” Knowles observed. “It is the claim that America can be anything because America is not really anything at all. It isn’t a people, it isn’t a religion, it isn’t a language. It isn’t even a geographic area hemmed in by a real border. If America is anything at all, it’s just an idea floating out there in the aether somewhere. But really, according to the liberals, it isn’t even that, it’s just nothing.”

Knowles concluded his speech by pointing out the choice that America must make. “Will we continue to rebel against reality?” He asked. “Will we degrade ourselves further into decadence and delusion, and drown out the facts of life by howling into the wind like the poor souls outside? Or, will we open our ears to reason and revelation and the wisdom of the Ages? Will we choose instead obedience to reality, which finds in limits, in duty, in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom?”

DeSantis Responds To Salacious Reports About Pudding And Force Feeding Detainees At GITMO: ‘Bring It On’

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis responded in an interview that aired Thursday evening to two recent salacious media stories that claimed he ate pudding with his bare hands and that he authorized force feeding of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

The Daily Beast reported last week that an anonymous source claimed that DeSantis once “enjoyed a chocolate pudding dessert” on a private jet “by eating it with three of his fingers.”

DeSantis made the remarks during an interview on Fox Nation with Piers Morgan, who mocked the report as being ridiculous.

“It was a very serious allegation,” Morgan said sarcastically. “In fact, I congratulated the journalist who broke it on the new ‘Watergate.’ But I have to put it to you, Governor. Have you ever eaten a chocolate pudding with three fingers?”

After laughing at the story, DeSantis responded, “I don’t remember ever doing that. I’m telling you. Maybe when I was a kid.”

“You know, there’s a lot of people when they go at you, sometimes they have like really good ammunition, like you’re a crook, you did this, you did that,” DeSantis continued. “For me, they’re talking about pudding like, is that really the best you got? Okay, bring it on.”

WATCH: DeSantis asked about "scandal" of purportedly eating pudding with three fingers

"Maybe when I was a kid […] Sometimes they have really good ammunitation […] For me, they're talking about pudding? Like, is that really the best you got? Ok, bring it on!"

— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) March 23, 2023

DeSantis responded to a report from The Washington Post that suggested he had some kind of a role in force feeding detainees at Guantanamo Bay by saying that the report was false.

“One of the things they said was that you authorized the use of force feeding [for detainees who were on hunger strike],” Morgan responded.


“That’s not true,” DeSantis immediately fired back. “So I was a junior officer, I didn’t have authority to authorize anything. There may have been a commander that would have done feeding if someone was going to die. But that was not something that I would have even had authority to do.”

When asked again if the report was wrong, DeSantis responded: “Yeah, absolutely.”

WATCH: DeSantis denies allegations of authorizing force-feeding at Guantanamo Bay

"That's not true. Yeah, that's not true […] I was a junior officer. I didn't have the authority to authorize anything.

— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) March 23, 2023