Biden Excludes Hungary’s Conservative Government From ‘Summit For Democracy’ — Again

For the second year in a row, President Biden has snubbed Hungary, excluding them from his “Summit for Democracy,” which has a guest list of 120 countries.

In October 2020, one month before the presidential election, Biden called the conservative, anti-woke Hungarian government led by Viktor Orban “totalitarian,” declaring, “You see what’s happening from Belarus through Poland and Hungary and the rise of totalitarian regimes in the world.”  Neither Poland nor Hungary recognize gay marriage and they both have laws restricting gay adoption.

"You see what's happening in everything from Belarus to Poland to Hungary and the rise of totalitarian regimes in the world and this president embraces all the thugs in the world," said @JoeBiden at his town hall event last night

— Notes from Poland 🇵🇱 (@notesfrompoland) October 16, 2020

Roughly two weeks ago, Hungary’s justice minister, Judit Varga said the Orban government would fight in the Court of Justice of the EU to defend an education law that was passed in 2021; it banned the use of materials promoting homosexuality and gender change at schools.

In August 2022, Orban told CPAC, “We must take back the institutions in Washington and in Brussels. … To sum up, the mother is a woman. The father is a man, and leave our kids alone, full stop, end of discussion.”

Zoltan Koskovics of the Budapest Center for Fundamental Rights told The Heritage Foundation, “The woke sect that has taken over the Democratic Party does not like the pro-Western stance of our government. We need a strong America in a dangerous international situation. But not a woke America.”

In July 2022, the Hungarian government confirmed the Biden administration’s termination of the 1979 income tax treaty with the United States. It would cease to have effect starting in January 2024. The Biden administration reportedly terminated the treaty because Orban’s government opposed the EU Directive, which wanted to force a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%.  The Biden Treasury Department wrote it terminated the treaty because of Hungary’s “Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income.”

In October 2022, Péter Márki-Zay, Orbán’s biggest opponent, admitted that his Hungary for All Movement (MMM) had received millions of euros from the United States during his election campaign, funds reportedly transferred to his movement via an American foundation called Action for Democracy. He admitted his movement used the funds to pay for campaign bills.

Action for Democracy had reportedly named Italy, Brazil, Hungary, and Poland, all led by conservative governments at the time, as targets of their movement.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson And ‘Exodus’ Panel Discuss ‘An Eye For An Eye’ And Establishing Moral Order In New Episode

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his panel of seven renowned scholars explore the purpose and importance of God’s laws, the meaning and limits of an “eye for an eye,” and what saying “no” really means in the newest episode of “Exodus,” streaming now on DailyWire+.

Peterson and company continue through their study and discussion of Exodus, the second book of the Bible and Torah, with this episode focusing on chapters 21 through 24. In the episode, they explore the significance of God’s laws in those chapters and how they establish moral order.

The panel discusses Exodus 21:23-24, which reads, “And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.” Dennis Prager, co-founder of PragerU, says that these verses are a “massive statement” in history, and he brings the topic of the nature of human evil to the conversation.

“I think it depends, to some degree, on the canniness of the interlocutor,” Peterson said of human evil. “I would say that if you’re going to entice someone malevolent back onto the path of proper being, you have to be as canny in your good as they are in their evil. That’s an echo of the notion that you should be as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove.”

“I don’t know what the limit to that is, because I’ve seen people in extreme situations walk the path so precisely that they could entice even someone hell-bent on malevolence out of that insistence,” Peterson continued.

Another topic Peterson and his panel discussed centered around the philosophy of punishment, what saying “no” means, and the consequences of doing something you were told not to, contributing to a broader conversation on moral order.

“‘No’ in the final analysis means if you do that, something you do not like will certainly happen to you,” Peterson said. “If that isn’t the promise behind your words when you say no, there’s no promise there at all.”

In the episode, Peterson is joined by social critic Os Guinness, Cambridge assistant professor James Orr, president of Ralston College Stephen Blackwood, president of Hillsdale College Larry Arnn, Christian thinker Jonathan Pageau, Dennis Prager, and Douglas Hedley, professor of philosophy of religion at Cambridge University. Select future episodes will include Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro.


This is the third of eight new episodes in the series, which will be released weekly, exploring the importance of Exodus according to theological and literary scholars and showing why the book remains significant thousands of years after being written.

For a deep dive into the Ten Commandments, you can watch previous episodes here. Additionally, Peterson’s documentary “Logos & Literacy” — which explores the Museum of the Bible and the Bible’s impact on society — is available exclusively on DailyWire+.