Biden-Harris DOJ Sending Another Pro-Lifer To Prison: Young Mother Hit With 3-Plus Years

The Biden-Harris Department of Justice secured a 41-month prison sentence for another pro-life activist — a 33-year-old wife and mother — for violating the controversial Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, also known as the FACE Act.

Bevelyn Beatty Williams was charged by the feds after she preached the Gospel outside of an abortion clinic and allegedly injured a clinic worker’s hand while blocking an entrance, the National Catholic Register reported.

Beatty Williams said on her GiveSendGo fundraiser page that she was targeted for exercising her Christian faith.

“I was persecuted as a Christian standing for my beliefs when it comes to life,” she wrote. “This is devastating news.”

The statement added that Judge Jennifer L. Rochon “made it very clear in the courtroom that she was going to make [an] example” out of the pro-lifer. “The concern of being a young mother, and a stay-at-home mother, was completely disregarded,” Beatty Williams said.

“[Judge Rochon] told me before sentencing me that I was young and that I would not be defined by my sentence, before making a conscious decision to take me away from my two-year-old daughter for three years,” she continued.

Beatty Williams noted that she has 60 days to appeal the case.


U.S. Attorney Damian Williams cheered the years-long sentence. “Bevelyn Beatty Williams repeatedly intimidated and interfered with individuals seeking and providing critical reproductive health services,” he said in a statement. “She did so by physically blocking access to clinics, threatening staff, and by force. This Office and our law enforcement partners are committed to ensuring that patients exercising their legal right to obtain reproductive health services, and healthcare facilities and their staff providing those services, can do so without unlawful interference or fear of threats or violence.”

The Biden-Harris DOJ has successfully prosecuted numerous pro-life activists under the controversial FACE Act. As highlighted by The Daily Wire just last month, the DOJ secured a two-year sentence for a 75-year-old activist named Paula Paulette Harlow for allegedly taking part in a “conspiracy” to block pregnant women from entering an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C.

Related: Biden’s DOJ Sends 75-Year-Old Woman To Prison For 2 Years For Violating FACE Act


Kamala Harris is a liar.

I understand we’re supposed to play this game where she can magically take an Etch-A-Sketch, shake it up, and become a moderate.

But that’s bullcrap.

Flashback to 2019. She wanted less funding for cops, saying, “It is outdated, it is wrongheaded thinking to think that the only way you’re going to get communities to be safe is to put more police officers on the street.”

It was 2018 when she compared ICE to the KKK, saying, “Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws and do you see any parallels?”

She looks the same because she is the same. 

The media is allowing her to run as a tough-on-crime prosecutor.

In 2019, that tough-on-crime prosecutor raised her hand to agree when asked if illegal immigration should be treated as a noncrime.

In 2019, she suggested that private health insurance needed to be banned, saying it might need to be eliminated in order to achieve single-payer health care. She co-sponsored Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All bill. 

In 2019, she suggested that it was deeply important that Californians who are on death row and trans be able to get plastic surgery funded by taxpayers. If you were a man and you murdered or raped somebody, but you now felt like a lady and you wanted to have your genitalia removed, Harris wanted everybody else to pay for it. 

Don’t worry. She’ll make a great moderate president. 

How about 2019 when she said she was going to ban fracking entirely? Or, that same year, when she said she wanted to ban plastic straws: “Look, I’m going to be honest. It’s really difficult out of — drink out of a paper straw — like, if you don’t gulp it down immediately, it starts to bend.”

She wanted to get rid of the plastic straws because she is a totalitarian. That’s what she is. 

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In addition, the effort to paint her as any kind of success is a lie.

Being an abject failure is not just what she was during the campaign. It’s also what she has been as vice president. She bragged in 2021 about being the last person in the room making decisions with Joe Biden on Afghanistan, the single worst foreign policy failure of the United States in my lifetime.

How about in 2021 when she was put in charge of the border? Biden said so. She was famously asked by Lester Holt whether she had any plans to go to the border. She answered, “You know, we are going to the border. We’ve been to the border. So this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.”

Holt persisted, “You haven’t been to the border.”

She replied, “And I haven’t been to Europe.”

In 2021, Biden, in his address to a joint session of Congress, suggested he was going to put Harris in charge of achieving high speed internet for the American people, saying, “I know it will get done.”

Did it get done? No, it absolutely did not. According to Breitbart:

Vice President Kamala Harris, who was tapped to lead the administration’s rural broadband expansion, failed to connect one person with high-speed internet despite having $42.5 billion from the so-called infrastructure bill. … Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commission Brendan Carr noted in June that Biden and Harris did not connect one American despite having access to $42.5 billion in funding from the so-called infrastructure bill, or the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

How about in 2023 when she bragged about her electric school buses, saying, “You know, what also excites me, when I — among the many things? I’m excited about electric school buses. I love electric school buses. I just love them for so many reasons. Maybe because I went to school on a school bus.” That was right after Biden put her in charge of the government’s billion-dollar investment in electric school buses. 

So how many electric school buses were actually created? According to the Washington Free Beacon:

Harris and EPA administrator Michael Regan unleashed nearly $1 billion in federal rebates for 389 school districts across all 50 states to help deliver a total 2,463 electric school buses. According to federal data reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, just 27 of those districts have proven to the EPA that their buses were delivered and that their diesel-fueled buses being replaced have been discarded. Collectively, those districts have deployed a total of 60 battery-electric or low-emissions propane-fueled school buses. And 55 additional districts have pulled out of the program.

So where are the media? Where are they? 

They are too busy massaging her. They’re too busy talking about how she’s “brat,” suddenly cool, and does TikTok dances.

They did this with Obama in 2005 and again in 2012. And now, they’re trying to make it happen with Harris. 

They are lying right along with her.