Whoopi Claims Harris Was Never Border Czar, Says GOP Has A Problem With Facts

Whoopi Goldberg claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris — now the Democratic Party’s de facto 2024 nominee — was never the Border Czar, and in the same breath claimed that Republicans were the ones who didn’t “like facts.”

Goldberg repeated the current media narrative around Harris and the southern border, insisting that despite multiple reports at the time saying she’d been put in charge of the border — and even referring to her as the Border Czar — she had never actually been put in charge of the border.


Declaring the GOP “don’t like facts,” Whoopi Goldberg reads from note card of Democratic Party talking points falsely proclaiming: “Kamala Harris was never the border czar, never. Her job was to deal and find out the root causes of migration from Central America.” pic.twitter.com/ApYE8PwCSx

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) July 31, 2024

“Let’s get some factual information,” Goldberg began. “Kamala Harris was never the border czar, never. Her job was to deal and find out the root causes of migration from Central America. That was what Biden asked her to do, to lead diplomatic efforts to reduce poverty, violence, corruption in the northern triangle — Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.”

“Now, if y’all ain’t sure about this, ask Joe Biden,” Goldberg continued. “He gave her the job. She made sure that she went to all these countries to see what was going on; that was the job she was asked to do and that’s what she did.”

Goldberg left out the fact that despite any efforts Harris may have made to find the “root causes” of migration — and thus stem the tide that has overwhelmed the border almost since the day President Joe Biden took office — the illegal immigration numbers have only gotten worse since she was tapped to handle the situation.


And while Goldberg is correct in stating that Biden did not officially name Harris the Border Czar, the White House made no effort to correct the dozens of media outlets that referred to her using that term. In fact, it was not until President Joe Biden’s abrupt exit from the 2024 presidential race — and Harris’ elevation to de facto nominee — that the vice president and her media surrogates began their concerted efforts to separate her from any responsibility she may have had at the border.

Federal Judge Rules New Jersey’s AR-15 Ban Unconstitutional

A federal judge struck down a New Jersey ban on AR-15 rifles on Tuesday, ruling that the prohibition violates the U.S. Constitution.

U.S. District Judge Peter Sheridan wrote in a 69-page decision that a provision in New Jersey’s “Assault Firearms Law” banning the possession and sale of AR-15s violated the Second Amendment. The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs and the Firearms Policy Coalition sued the state over the restriction and another provision banning higher-capacity magazines. 

In his decision, Sheridan pointed to Supreme Court decisions on gun regulations, including the recent Bruen decision, in which the court struck down New York’s restrictions on concealed carry, ruling that judges must consider gun control laws in the “historical tradition of firearm regulation” in the United States. 

“That is, where the Supreme Court has set forth the law of our Nation, as a lower court, I am bound to follow it,” Sheridan wrote. “This principle — combined with the reckless inaction of our governmental leaders to address the mass shooting tragedy afflicting our Nation — necessitates the Court’s decision. For these reasons and those below, the AR-15 Provision of Assault Firearms Law is unconstitutional.”

Sheridan wrote that the possession of AR-15s for self-defense purposes was protected under the Second Amendment and was “inconsistent with our Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

His decision did not strike down a ban on similar guns, like the Beretta AR-70 or the Springfield Armory BM59, that were included in the same law, saying he only heard arguments on the AR-15. 

Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs Executive Director Scott Bach indicated his group would appeal the ruling. 

“While the decision is mixed and certain to be appealed by both sides, it is groundbreaking in that it invalidates part of New Jersey’s ‘assault firearms’ ban — a misguided hardware ban destined to be overturned in its entirety,” he said.

The judge also ruled that a prohibition on higher capacity magazines was constitutional, rejecting the plaintiffs’ challenge on that front. He pointed to mass shootings as one reason for his decision. 

“Second, that large capacity ammunition magazines have been used in most of these mass shooting events in recent years. This relationship is impossible to ignore,” he wrote. 

Democrat New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin accused the court of weaponizing the Second Amendment to “undermine public safety” and promised to appeal the decision to strike down the AR-15 ban.