DeSantis: ‘San Francisco Democrats’ Like Kamala Harris Will Destroy U.S. Like They Did San Francisco, California

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis warned during an interview this week that if the U.S. elects a “San Francisco Democrat” like Vice President Kamala Harris to be the next president, she will destroy the U.S. the same way other San Francisco Democrats have destroyed the city of San Francisco and the state of California.

DeSantis made the remarks during a Monday night interview on Newsmax when asked about how much longer he thinks Harris’ honeymoon period with the media is going to last where they keep promoting her and ignoring her disastrous governing record.

“This is all the way until the election, assuming she gets the nomination at the convention, which it looks more and more likely that she will,” he said. “I’ve said that they were going to remove Biden. They did. And I also said if Kamala face-planted, that they would try to do plan B. I think that she’s been able to coalesce a lot of support. She’s raising a lot of money. And so, I think the media has come to the conclusion she’s going to be the candidate.”

“And so, they are going to do whatever they can to drag her across the finish line. I mean, they’re taking a San Francisco Democrat who has no accomplishments — she’s as vapid a politician [as] you’re going to find — and they’re trying to turn her into a cultural phenomenon. They’re trying to make fetch happen,” he continued.”

DeSantis said he believes that most Americans are “too smart” to fall for the media’s attempts to rebrand Harris.


“At the end of the day, Harris is a leftist San Francisco Democrat,” he said. “San Francisco Democrats have destroyed the city of San Francisco; San Francisco Democrats have also destroyed the state of California. Why on earth would we want to have a San Francisco Democrat in the Oval Office to dig our country even into a deeper hole than Biden is already leaving us?”


Tonight I joined Bianca de la Garza on Newsmax

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) July 30, 2024

Senator Barrasso Highlights Kamala Harris’ Extreme Record

Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Barrasso (R-WY) highlighted this week the extreme record that Vice President Kamala Harris has amassed while serving as an elected official in the U.S. government.

Barrasso made the remarks during a press conference Tuesday afternoon as Harris moves to officially lock up the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race.

“The Democrats have successfully benched their starting quarterback, Joe Biden, and have replaced him with someone equally incompetent – but much more liberal – to call the plays, as Vice President Kamala Harris has been leading the cheers for the party of high prices and open borders,” Barrasso began.

“As Vice President, she broke the tie 17 times on radical nominees, some who want to defund the police,” he continued. “She broke the tie to pass the reckless tax and spending bill, which brought us the highest inflation in 40 years. And as the border czar, she opened the floodgates, 10 million illegal immigrants invaded our country.”

Barrasso noted that a non-partisan ranking from a congressional tracking site ranked Harris as the most far-Left member of the U.S. Senate, even more left-wing than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Harris is “somebody that proposed eliminating private health insurance for Americans but yet she wants to pay for health care for illegal immigrants,” he noted. “In the Senate, she cosponsored the Green New Deal. And she proposed eliminating fracking, which would drive energy prices even higher. She helped raise money for bail for criminals in our jails. And at the same time, she’s made it easier for illegal immigrants to stay here when they are criminals. The damage that she has done is cumulative. Prices are up 20% since she came into office. 10 million illegal immigrants. That’s why three out of four Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction.”


He said that a vote for Harris was a vote for “more inflation, higher prices, and an open border.”

“Republicans know what to do. It’s stop the wasteful Washington spending,” he concluded. “It’s secure the border. It’s unleash American energy. That’s the way to get America back on track.”


Democrats have somehow replaced @POTUS with someone equally incompetent and even more liberal.

Kamala Harris's record of radical and reckless liberal policies has already done lasting damage. A vote for Democrats is a vote for more inflation, higher prices, and an open border.

— Sen. John Barrasso (@SenJohnBarrasso) July 30, 2024