Biden-Harris Admin Seeks To Restrain Israel From Responding After Hezbollah Attack Kills 12 Children

The Biden-Harris administration is seeking to severely limit Israel’s retaliatory response toward Hezbollah after the Iranian-backed Islamic terrorist group killed 12 children on Saturday in northern Israel.

The children were killed after Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets on Majdal Shams, a small village in the Golan Heights, striking a soccer field and wounding an additional 40 people. Israel has already authorized a retaliatory strike against Hezbollah for the attack.

After the shocking attack, the Biden-Harris administration has sought to retrain Israel because its response could spark an all-out war with Hezbollah, which operates out of southern Lebanon.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the administration does not “want to see the conflict escalate. We don’t want to see it spread.”

His remarks come after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on Sunday that he wants to see Israel “de-escalate.”

The Biden-Harris administration does not want war to erupt between Israel and Hezbollah because the risk that the U.S. gets drawn into the war is high. The administration has already lost a lot of support from Democrat voters over how it has responded to Israel’s war against Hamas.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said immediately after the attack that it “crossed all red lines, and the response will be in accordance.”

“We are approaching the moment of an all-out war against Hezbollah and Lebanon,” he said.

Hezbollah is illegally occupying a large section of southern Lebanon along the country’s border with Israel, violating U.N. Resolution 1701.

In a separate statement, Katz called Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah “a child murderer acting on behalf of Iran to spread terror in the region.”

He said that it was time to put an end to Hezbollah before “it’s too late.”

Hezbollah has fired thousands of missiles, rockets, and suicide drones into Israel following Hamas’ October 7 attack. For the most part, the projectiles have not overwhelmed Israel’s air defenses, and Israel has responded with strikes against key Hezbollah commanders.

However, the attack on Saturday was the deadliest attack that Israel has faced since October 7, thus increasing the scale of the response that Israel is likely to launch.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have also been displaced from their homes in northern Israel for over nine months due to the threat posed by Hezbollah.

Trump Gives Reason Why He Thinks Kamala Harris Will Be Easier To Beat Than Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump believes Vice President Kamala Harris will be easier to beat in the presidential race than President Joe Biden because Harris does not have a base of support within the Democratic Party.

Trump made the remarks during a Fox News interview with Laura Ingraham broadcast on Monday, during which he discussed whether he would agree to debate Harris.

“I like debating. I’ve done a lot of debates, and I’ve won the debates,” he said. “They were pushing for this early debate. I said, why do we want to do an early debate? It didn’t make sense to me. It turned out I was right, but for the wrong reasons, right? Um, I want to do a debate, but I also can say this. Everybody knows who I am, and now people know who she is.”

“She’s a radical left lunatic,” he continued. “She’ll destroy our country. She wants open borders.”

When the Harris campaign suggested that he was scared to debate her, Trump responded by noting that Democrats claimed that he was afraid to debate Biden earlier this year. He went on to beat Biden so badly in the debate that his polling collapsed, and he quit the race.

“They offered me everything that I couldn’t accept, and I accepted it,” Trump said. “I accepted everything. And we had a debate. It was a great debate. It was actually… Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe I shouldn’t have debated so well because that was the end of him because from that day on, you could see that he was not gonna be [the nominee]. In my opinion, I said, I don’t think he’s gonna make it anymore.”

“Now I have her. I would rather run against her than him. I think she’s easier than he is,” he continued. “I always felt he was incompetent, but he had a certain base. And no matter how bad he was, people are gonna vote for him. She doesn’t have that base.”