Biden: Some White People ‘Still Want To’ Lynch Black People

President Joe Biden claimed during a White House movie screening this week that some white people “still want to” lynch black people.

Biden made the remarks on Thursday during a screening for “Till,” a film about Emmett Till, the 14-year-old black boy who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955.

“You know, folks, lynching is pure terror, enforcing the lie that not everyone belongs in America and not everyone is created equal,” Biden said. “Pure terror to systematically undermine hard-fought civil rights. Innocent men, women, children hung by a noose from trees. Bodies burned, drowned, castrated.”

“Their crimes? Trying to vote. Trying to go to school. Trying to own a business. Trying to preach the gospel. False — false accusations of murder, arson, robbery,” Biden claimed. “Lynched for simply being black, nothing more. With white crowds, white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them as postcards.”

“Hard to believe, but that’s what was done. And some people still want to do that,” Biden claimed.


Biden on lynching: "White families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies … Some people still want to do that"

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 17, 2023


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT: You know, it was almost exactly one year ago that I signed a law more than 100 years in the making. (Applause.) It was an honor. It was one of the great honors of my career. The Emmett Till Antilynching Act, making lynching a federal hate crime.

You know, folks, lynching is pure terror, enforcing the lie that not everyone belongs in America and not everyone is created equal. Pure terror to systematically undermine hard-fought civil rights. Innocent men, women, children hung by a noose from trees. Bodies burned, drowned, castrated.

Their crimes? Trying to vote. Trying to go to school. Trying to own a business. Trying to re- — preach the gospel. False — false accusations of murder, arson, robbery. Lynched for simply being Black, nothing more. With white crowds, white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them as postcards.

Hard to believe, but that’s what was done. And some people still want to do that.

Babies For Me, Not For Thee: Celebrity Moms Champion Abortion While Enjoying Motherhood 

There’s an interesting trend right now involving celebrity moms gushing about motherhood and how it changed them. This is especially notable because almost all of these A-listers are rabidly pro-abortion.

Their defense of being in favor of keeping abortion legal while simultaneously praising the #momlife will no doubt involve the word “choice.” They’ll say just because they want to be mothers, it doesn’t mean everyone should. But what these multi-millionaire recording artists and actresses fail to realize is that this attitude is more elitist than Paris Hilton thinking Walmart sells walls.

Take singer Pink, for example. The 43-year-old pop singer recently gave an interview full of sweet sentiments about how much her two children, Willow Sage and Jameson Moon, have changed her life for the better. 

Setting aside the fact that Pink (whose real name is Alecia Beth Moore Hart) is intentionally raising those kids as “gender neutral,” the whole interview was an extremely thoughtful reflection on how becoming a mother changes a woman profoundly and will often enhance, not hinder, a burgeoning career. 

“Everyone told me, ‘If you have children right now, your career’s over,’” Pink said during a conversation with The Zane Lowe Show. The artist recalls ignoring that advice and then reaping the benefits later.

“Obviously, we’re all much more complex than any of that, but when I had a child, I think it softened me to the world, the part that didn’t understand me,” she continued. “And I think that’s when my career began, really. I mean, I did a lot of stuff before that, but really, truly, I think it’s when I started to really understand myself and understand the world and my place in it.”

One reason the “Cover Me in Sunshine” singer was so adamant about having a family was her own tumultuous upbringing. Interestingly, a rough childhood is often cited as being a valid reason for having an abortion.

“Having a family was really important to me because my family life was screwed as a kid, and I’m super affectionate and cuddly and goofy. Just doing music wasn’t enough for me,” she said during the interview. “I was lonely. I was so lonely. It’s a very lonely business.”

“I love writing songs. I love singing songs. I love performing. Sitting with a guitar is one of my favorite things I’ll ever do, but cuddling with my babies and taking them camping and being dirty for three days is also one of the coolest things I’ll ever do, and making wine also happens to be pretty cool,” Pink concluded.

These statements vastly contradict the publicly pro-abortion stance Pink took in the past. After Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022, the artist was so furious that she urged pro-life conservatives to “NEVER F***ING LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN. AND ALSO F*** RIGHT OFF.” Not exactly subtle.

While Pink could argue that she should get to have babies because she’s rich and famous and can afford multiple nannies, she would never come out and say that. Instead, she holds the contradictory position of recognizing how children can and do enrich a woman’s life while hoping that fewer women experience that joy for themselves. 

Rihanna is another recent example of espousing two contradictory positions. The 34-year-old singer just took the stage at the Super Bowl LVII halftime show in a tight-fitting outfit as a way to announce her latest pregnancy. Fans were confused, then delighted, because she and boyfriend A$AP Rocky just welcomed a son together less than a year ago in May 2022. 

Like Pink, Rihanna said having babies has helped her career, not hurt it. 

“It’s this knowing that you can do anything,” she told British Vogue of becoming a mom. “What the heck am I thinking? But you’re geeked on a challenge like that because you know what your body just did,” Rihanna continued while speaking about why she felt confident enough to perform at such an important event. “You feel this sense of ‘Nothing is impossible.’”

Meanwhile, the “We Found Love” singer lambasted Alabama Republicans in 2019 for passing the Human Life Protection Act, which outlaws most abortions, with an exception for when a mother’s life is at risk.

Rihanna also founded the nonprofit organization The Clara Lionel Foundation, which has worked with abortion provider International Planned Parenthood Federation, as The Daily Wire previously reported.

Many pro-life activists used Rihanna’s Super Bowl pregnancy announcement to stress how women can in fact have babies and careers. 

Abby Johnson tweeted: “Dear Pro-Abortion Mob: Rihanna didn’t need to kill her unborn children to be successful. She’s a billionaire and just performed at the super bowl while pregnant with her second child. Take a couple lessons from her.”

Christine Yeargin tweeted that “Rihanna revealing her pregnancy during her Super Bowl halftime performance is pro-life vibes.” 

After getting backlash from followers, Yeargin clarified her statements in the comments, sharing that she knows Rihanna is pro-abortion but wanted to acknowledge the inadvertent pro-life message the singer sent during her performance.

Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence also presents conflicting views on abortion. She shared her thoughts during a September interview with Vogue.

“The morning after I gave birth, I felt like my whole life had started over,” she said of having a son with husband Cooke Maroney in February 2022. 

“Like, Now is day one of my life. I just stared. I was just so in love. I also fell in love with all babies everywhere. Newborns are just so amazing. They’re these pink, swollen, fragile little survivors. Now I love all babies. Now I hear a baby crying in a restaurant and I’m like, Awwww, preciousssss.”

“My heart has stretched to a capacity that I didn’t know about,” the “Hunger Games” star went on. “I include my husband in that. And then they’re both just, like, out there—walking around, crossing streets. He’s gonna drive one day. He’s gonna be a stupid teenager and be behind the wheel of a car. And I’m just gonna be like, Good night! You know? Like, who sleeps?”

During the same interview, Lawrence questioned her conservative relatives and lamented the overturning of Roe as well. 

“I remember a million times thinking about it while I was pregnant,” she said of abortion. “Thinking about the things that were happening to my body. And I had a great pregnancy. I had a very fortunate pregnancy. But every single second of my life was different. And it would occur to me sometimes: What if I was forced to do this?”

This new crop of celebrities stand in stark contrast to others who claim they only have their careers because they were able to have abortions. Fleetwood Mac lead singer Stevie Nicks is part of that camp.

“If I had not had that abortion, I’m pretty sure there would have been no Fleetwood Mac,” Nicks told The Guardian in 2020 “There’s just no way that I could have had a child then, working as hard as we worked constantly. I would have had to walk away.”

The singer claims she has no regrets even though she never had children. 

“I knew that the music we were going to bring to the world was going to heal so many people’s hearts and make people so happy,” the singer continued. “And I thought, ‘You know what? That’s really important. There’s not another band in the world that has two lead women singers, two lead women writers.’ That was my world’s mission.”

But lately, it seems more popular to brag about motherhood – unless you’re Chelsea Handler. Celebrities love showing off how they have it all, which includes bragging about how they’re excelling both at being mom and having careers. They just don’t think the rest of us can do that, too.