Now Woke Scientists Are Gunning For Words And Phrases They Think Should Be Banned

Whoops. Shouldn’t have said “gunning” in that headline. That’s violent. Apologies.

Members of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Language Project — founded by scientists in the U.S. and Canada — have put out a list of “harmful terminology” in science that they want banned.

Writing in the Trends in Ecology and Evolution journal, the scientists say they want to “champion inclusive language” in science, which is “particularly important for redressing the ongoing marginalization of many groups.”

They laid out 24 words and phrases to which they object, and offered replacements.

They don’t like “feminized” or “masculinized.” “Feminized implies that ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ are biological traits rather than social constructs,” they said. Instead, they suggest writers simply “describe the specific traits.”

They don’t like “blind” or “double blind,” two kinds of experiments scientists sometimes run. Why? They are “disability metaphors.”

“Survival of the fittest”? Sorry, Charles Darwin, that phrase implies “eugenics” and “ablelism.” Instead, they say you should use “natural selection” or “survival differences.”

And all of these terms are horrible: “master / master file / master equation / master variable.”

“Perpetuates harmful stereotypes and connotations to the enslavement of people of color and normalizes language implicated with slavery and enslaved people,” the scientists wrote. Instead, use: “primary / main document / primary equation or variable.”

Weirdly, they don’t like the word “rape,” either.

“Equates rape with a reproductive strategy rather than a violent and traumatic act, which can lead to dangerous misconceptions that is a natural behavior, and the use of the term forces survivors to be confronted with it which is traumatic.”

Instead, use “forced copulation,” they said. Well, that’s solved now.

And male/female are right out. “These terms are used to reinforce societally-imposed ideas of a sex binary, emphasising cis-normative and hetero-normative views.” Instead, go with “sperm-producing/egg-producing or XY/XX individual.”

The project by the scientists follows another, titled “Evolving From Violent Language,” which was created by Anna Taylor, a communications director and “diversity, equity, and inclusion champion” at technology company Phenomenex.

“The guide is for those who would like to replace mostly violently framed idioms with more positive and inclusive language,” Taylor told The Daily Mail.

The guide offers new acceptable phrases:

“I won’t avoid it any longer” for “I’ll bite the bullet” “We’re going to launch” for “we’re going to pull the trigger” “Can you send me an email?” for “can you shoot me an email?” “That was a bit excessive” for “that was overkill” “Let’s not focus on that anymore” for “let’s not beat a dead horse” “I’m going to gnosh heartily on those tacos” for “Imma murder those tacos” (OK, we made this one up)

The guide drew scorn on social media.

“Why? What’s the point in ‘evolving from violent language’? And what’s violent about deadline? Because it has dead in it? Death isn’t inherently violent; it’s simply everyone’s final phase. I respect everyone’s trauma but we’re way too sensitive if we can’t handle colloquialisms,” wrote one user.

Another said the guide is simply misguided.

“It just seems like ‘evolving from violent language’ when it isn’t even violent language that causes harm to people, detracts from the ACTUAL violent language that IS harming people, eg. racist, misogynistic, homophobic terms and phrases still being used to this day.”

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Joseph Curl has covered politics for 35 years, including 12 years as White House correspondent for a national newspaper. He was also the a.m. editor of the Drudge Report for four years. Send tips to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and follow him on Twitter @josephcurl.

Consultant Gets 18-Month Prison Sentence For Scheme To Connect Russian Millionaire To Trump

A GOP political operative was sentenced to 18 months in prison on Friday for illegally funneling tens of thousands of dollars from a Russian businessman to the Trump campaign in 2016.

Jesse Benton, 45, was convicted in November of six charges related to scheme to connect a Russian businessman with then-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. The Russian, millionaire Roman Vasilenko, wanted to take a picture with Trump to post on social media.

“Benton arranged for the Russian national – whose nationality Benton concealed from the campaign and the candidate – to attend a campaign fundraising event and to take a picture with the candidate,” the Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a press release.

Vasilenko paid $100,000 to Benton’s consulting firm with an understanding with Benton and another political operative that they would get the Russian into a fundraising dinner with Trump. Benton took the money under a falsified invoice for consulting services.

“Benton acted as a straw donor and contributed $25,000 of the Russian national’s money to the campaign, falsely identified himself as the contributor, and pocketed the remaining $75,000,” the DOJ said. “Because Benton falsely claimed to have given the contribution himself, the relevant campaign entities unwittingly filed reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that inaccurately reported Benton – instead of the Russian national – as the source of the funds.”

Vasilenko attended the fundraiser and later posted a photo of himself with Trump with the caption, “Two Presidents.”

Benton has previously worked as an aide to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), and former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). Benton is married to Ron Paul’s granddaughter, Rand Paul’s niece.

In 2016, Benton was convicted in a scheme to bribe an Iowa state senator in 2012 to endorse Ron Paul ahead of the state’s Republican caucus. Benton pleaded with the judge for leniency during sentencing, requesting a sentence of home confinement. Benton told the judge that he had reformed and that separation from his family would be hard on them. The judge acquiesced to Benton’s request, according to Mother Jones.

U.S. District Court judge Trevor McFadden on Friday was not as accommodating. Benton pleaded with McFadden for leniency ahead of the sentencing hearing in a letter claiming Benton suffered under federal investigation, that he no longer worked in politics, and drove for DoorDash to provide for his family.

“Sir, I will tell you, frankly, it’s difficult for me to read your letter talking about your integrity and faith with this pattern of deception,” McFadden told Benton in court. “I cannot ignore you were engaging in this incident here while you were facing sentencing in another case for political conspiracy. The judge in that case gave you a real break, it’s shocking to me you would take that break and the mercy you sought from him and only six days later mail in this false contribution.”