Biden Spy Chief Responds To Balloon Controversy: ‘We’re Going To See More Of This’

The Biden administration‘s spy chief raised expectations on Friday for a future in which “high-altitude vehicles” will become commonplace.

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines spoke briefly on the suspected Chinese spy balloon controversy during an appearance at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. Haines, who oversees the U.S. intelligence community, remarked on how “crazy” the situation has become in the past couple weeks.

“It’s so crazy. It’s really like an episode of ‘Veep,’ you know, on some level,” she quipped, referring to the HBO political satire show that starred Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

The discussion happened nearly two weeks after the U.S. shot down what it assesses to be a Chinese surveillance balloon off the coast of South Carolina. Beijing claims the balloon was essentially a civilian weather balloon mainly blown off course, and accused the U.S. of overreacting in shooting it down, but only after the vessel flew across a wide stretch of the United States.

Haines talked about how countries respond when getting caught in the act of spying.

“When a country is caught spying in a clear and obvious way, right? Like another country responds to it, and I think that’s appropriate,” she said. “I think that it’s perfectly reasonable to have a clear and forceful reaction to a Chinese high altitude balloon — you know — flying over the United States and surveilling us.”

Haines then offered a glimpse of the challenges of a future of flying cars, similar to what one might see in an episode of “The Jetsons.”

“I think there is a question of — as technology improves as we start to see more high-altitude vehicles, in effect, that we’re going to see more of this,” Haines said. “And we’re going to have to understand that and manage it.”

On Thursday, President Joe Biden delivered his first public remarks about the Chinese balloon, as well as the three unidentified flying objects the U.S. military shot down over North America in the days that followed. He said the U.S. intelligence community’s current assessment was that the three objects “were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation, or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research.”

After noting how the United States is “enhancing our radar to pick up more slow-moving objects above our country and around the world,” Biden also said he has tasked his team to develop “sharper rules” for how the United States will deal with “unidentified objects moving forward, distinguishing — distinguishing between those that are likely to pose safety and security risks that necessitate action and those that do not.”

Haines said she believes Biden’s approach, which includes ensuring that partners are kept in the loop, is “a pretty classic and appropriate way to handle” the situation.

Your Life Is Your Fault And Your Responsibility

Most Americans are coddled in today’s day and age. They are told their problems and their station in life are “society’s fault.”

It isn’t — your life is your fault. Nobody else is to blame for how you respond and deal with your problems except for yourself. That is certainly not the “special message” delivered in education, media, and the government, but it is one we all need to be reminded of from time to time. If that’s the first you have ever been told that, then perhaps this column is meant especially for you.

Instead of being told they alone must create a better life for themselves and that they cannot blame their issues on others, most individuals are fed the lie that they are “good enough” as they are.  They are constantly told they should not strive to be something greater. It’s the rest of the world who needs to adjust. So, people buy into that lie, and think, “You’re right. I don’t need to change. If I have any flaws, it’s [insert any external scapegoat’s] fault that I am the way I am.”

We now have entire generations of people who stagnate rather than become the person God wants them to be. In fact, rather than focus on what they should do for a better life, they instead focus on what they can do.

To paraphrase my colleague, Matt Walsh, “Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean that you should as an adult.”

You can tattoo your entire body. You can eat thousands of calories a day and never throw in a sit-up. You can consume pornography on your water bed and plunge yourself into a virtual world of lust. And, even if you are almost 50-years-old, you can choose to date another person the moment they turn 18 under the law.

If you want to look like a morbidly obese lizard person who preys upon younger women or men while being a sex addict, then go ahead. When others treat you with disgust and shun you, then you cannot blame others for that rejection.

If you want to live a life worth living, none of those ideas are any good. They are all terrible ideas that will also put your soul in jeopardy.

As discussed on the Candace Owens podcast on Monday, even if you’ve made awful decisions, it is never too late to change to become a better person. You are allowed to do that at any point in time. What you are not allowed to do is claim that somebody else forced you to make those choices and place the fault at their feet. Technically you can do that, but it is not respectful, dignified, or mature behavior.

Now to be clear, bad things can happen to you that are completely out of your control. Terrible situations arise that are of no fault of your own. What you are responsible for is how you handle those horrible things.

For example, you might have had an awful upbringing. You had no say in what happened to you when you were a child, but you can certainly control things when you are an adult.

How you respond to your childhood is entirely your obligation. And your reaction to whatever God puts before you in the past, present, and future can only be chosen by you.

Now, if you actually have a wonderful life and you are proud of it — then your life is your “fault” as well. You have made good choices that have brought you to where you are today. Yet there is always room to improve.

Dr. Jordan Peterson agrees with this. On Friday, he released a four-part series entitled “Vision & Destiny” available exclusively on DailyWire+. Here is the trailer for it:

The first episode can be watched here.

Don’t accept yourself as you are. Have a vision. Be better, be smarter. Work harder, don’t settle.

Remember — your life is your fault. Good or bad.