‘Yeast Maggots,’ ‘Mutated Vermin’: University Students List More Than 250 Horrific Anti-White Slurs In Cross-Campus Group Chat: Report

A group of students at multiple campuses circulated a list of horrific anti-white slurs in a student group chat.

The list of more than 250 racist names for white people was leaked by an Auburn University student earlier this month. The list was shared on a group chat connected to Auburn’s Black Student Union on the messaging app GroupMe. The university said in a statement to The College Fix on Monday that it is investigating the chat and has known about it for nearly a month.

“Administrators have since learned that the GroupMe chat in question is titled ‘AU Connect: Brought to you by The Throwdown’ and includes hundreds of people from multiple universities,” university spokeswoman Jennifer Adams said in a statement to The College Fix. “These comments did not occur on the Black Student Union GroupMe nor as part of any recognized Auburn University organization channel.”

Auburn University student Jaden Heard leaked the list to Turning Point USA, although he said that he originally obtained the list from a whistleblower inside the chat. “From my perspective, it looks like they were just joking around, trying to have a laugh,” Heard told 1819 News. “But I’m also imagining if the roles were reversed … I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt, that they were just trying to joke, but at the same time, it was a university-funded organization, and that’s pretty wild.”

But many of the 265 names are anything but jokes. Several of the most egregious slurs include:

“Yeast Maggots” “Plantation Barbies” “Mutated vermin” “Colonizer” “Albino Ape” “Albino Rats” “Diseased Albino Monster” “Mayosapiens” “Ku Klux Karen” “Walking corpse” “Mockery of Humanity” “Diseased neanderthals” “not meant to exist” “products of incest” “cousin lovers”

The list was entitled “Creaker Names.” “Creaker” is another slur for an old white person. The list also appears to include international students; it includes the name “ready salted crisps without the MF salt,” a British term for potato chips, and “winter wallabies,” a reference to the Australian marsupial.

Screenshots from the group chat after the list was shared indicate that the students intend to use the list to insult white people on campus. “Here’s a google doc of names for the Neanderthals,” one student said.

“Now if any of them try to play we got the names on command,” said another.

Speaking to The College Fix, Adams said that Auburn has known about the chat since January 17, and is currently investigating the matter. “An investigation is underway in the university’s Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment, which adjudicates reports of harassment and discrimination,” Adams said. “The university takes these matters very seriously and the alleged behavior does not represent the values of Auburn University. The university prohibits harassment of its students and employees as outlined in our Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment.”

“Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment will look into connections, if any, as part of their investigation,” she wrote in a second email. “We do not have any further statement at this time as the investigation is ongoing.”

The College Fix also reached out to Black Student Union advisors Kelby Lamar and Gretil Sutton, but neither returned a request for comment.

Buttigieg’s Focus Is Ramming Through Equity, Not Assuring Transportation Safety. His Department’s Website Proves It.

One of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttgieg’s main objectives is to push equity into every facet of his department’s actions and policies. He received those marching orders from President Joe Biden, who signed an executive order on day one in office mandating that the whole of the federal government be used to advance racial equity.

That’s why if it seems like Buttigieg is a bit slow to address safety issues that actually matter to the average American — such as the hazardous train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio — it’s because he is. In fact, the “Safety First” portion of the Department of Transportation’s website hasn’t been updated since May 2020 — which speaks volumes about how much the president’s administration actually care about preventing harm.

Instead, their focus is on making sure that the federal government uses its might and power to redistribute tax dollars toward “underserved communities” and make sure that agencies use hiring practices that focus not on merit, but on skin color and other immutable traits.

On Monday, Buttigieg made it a point to address the racial makeup of construction workers before even addressing the situation in East Palestine.

While at the National Association of Counties Conference, Buttigieg bemoaned, “We have heard way too many stories from generations past of infrastructure where you got a neighborhood, often a neighborhood of color, that finally sees the project come to them, but everyone in the hard hats on that project, doing the good paying jobs, don’t look like they came from anywhere near the neighborhood.”

What does it matter if the person wielding a jackhammer is black, brown, yellow, or white? It doesn’t. What should matter is that he has the competency to not hurt himself, his coworkers, or the public.

Well, to the Democrats it matters a great deal. In fact, equity is one of the Department of Transportation’s four main priorities according to the website: Climate and Sustainability, Equity, Safety, and Transformation.

As mentioned, the Department’s “Safety First” website still touts the goals of Secretary Elaine Chao, who was running the show for former President Donald Trump.

That sort of speaks for itself as to where Buttgieg’s priorities are.

Meanwhile, the equity tab proudly proclaims, “For the first time, DOT has centered Equity as a Department-wide strategic goal. This is a critical step to institutionalizing equity across the Department’s policies and programs, with the aim of reducing inequities across our transportation systems and the communities they affect.”

Equity is their central focus and they are quite proud of it. What does that entail for Americans?

As Professor Victor Davis Hanson explained to The Daily Wire last spring, what that means is that “in reductionist fashion, any inequality is due to racism or bias and the government must have the wisdom and morality to punish perceived victimizers and redistribute to supposed victims.”

“All else does not count — not merit, not tragedies, not health, not class, not work ethic, not family structures, not culture, not anything — except the elite in charge will always be exempt from the ramifications of their own equity ideology,” he explained.

So maybe that’s why Buttigieg waited 10 days before commenting on the train crash in East Palestine. It just didn’t affect him. As Hanson explained, he’s immune from the ramifications of his own policies. What moved Buttigieg to comment on it wasn’t a concern for the matter at hand, but that conservative media and even some Democrats were hounding him for a response.

More likely than not, he will probably quickly go back to focusing on justifying racial discrimination through the lens of equity. But perhaps his team will update the “Safety First” tab to at least give off the appearance that they are concerned with, well, putting safety first.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.