Graham Demands FBI Director Wray Correct His Claim Trump May Not Have Been Hit By Bullet

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday demanding that he correct his controversial statement from his House hearing this week when he suggested that former President Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet during an assassination attempt two weeks ago.

Wray told the House Judiciary Committee that it was not clear what hit Trump, that there was “some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.”

“As Ranking Member of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, I believe it is very important for you to correct your testimony before Congress on Wednesday when you indicated it is uncertain whether President Donald J. Trump was hit by a bullet, glass, or shrapnel,” Graham wrote in a letter to Wray. “It is clear to everyone that President Trump survived an assassination attempt by millimeters, as the attempted assassin’s bullet ripped the upper part of his ear.”

Graham noted that official government briefings that he has received clearly stated that Trump was hit by a bullet, therefore it “should not be a point of contention.”

“I urge you to immediately correct your statement and acknowledge that President Trump was hit by a bullet rather than glass or shrapnel,” he added. “As head of the FBI, you should not be creating confusion about such matters, as it further undercuts the agency’s credibility with millions of Americans. Please correct this statement immediately.”


Graham’s letter comes as The New York Times conducted a thorough video, audio, and trajectory analysis that found that Trump was hit by a bullet and not any kind of debris.

Forensic experts confirmed that the viral photo that captured a bullet passing by Trump’s head, after it struck his ear, was the first shot that was fired.

A remarkable photo captured by my former White House Press Corps colleague Doug Mills.

Zoom in right above President Trump’s shoulder and you’ll see a bullet flying in the air to the right of President Trump’s head following an attempted assassination.

— Haraz N. Ghanbari (@HarazGhanbari) July 14, 2024

“He flinches, and his right hand already starts reaching for his right ear during that time between the first audible shot and the second audible shot,” said Rob Maher, an audio forensics expert at Montana State University.

As Trump pulled his hand away from his ear, blood can be seen on it, indicating that the bullet that missed his head by only fractions of an inch did, in fact, strike Trump’s ear.

Photographs following the shooting that that were taken over the rally site in Pennsylvania showed that the 20-year-old would-be assassin had a clear line of site at the former president and that there was nothing impeding his line of fire.

The Kamala Propaganda Machine Unleashed

This is a brand-new race.

I’ve been saying this since Joe Biden quit the presidential race and Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee by widespread acclamation and/or a conspiracy among the Democratic Party elites to shove her in there because they pretty much had no other choice.

The bottom line is this: The race has now reverted back to where it basically was before the debate.

Before the debate, Donald Trump had a solid but slim lead over Joe Biden nationally and in a wide variety of states. Now it seems as though the race is reverting back to those fundamentals.

We already had the outstanding circumstance of Biden enduring a mental collapse in front of the entire American public and making clear to everyone he was effectively senile. But that is in the rearview mirror.

And now, we have Kamala Harris.

Looking at the Real Clear Politics polling average, Trump is currently leading Harris by roughly 1.9 percentage points in the popular vote. That includes a new poll from New York Times/Siena, which shows a one-point race in favor of Trump.

A margin of error of effectively one or two points should be considered. Rasmussen, which is usually fairly pro-Trump, has Trump up seven points. CNN has him up three against Harris, 49-46. Morning Consult has Harris up one, and Reuters/Ipsos has her up two. The majority of polls show Trump leading, but not by a huge margin.

In the battleground states, the latest polling data shows Trump still holding a relatively durable lead.

A new set of Emerson polls shows that Harris trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania; they are tied in Wisconsin. For Trump, those margins are way down from where they were roughly one week ago against Biden.

Right now, Trump is up five points in Arizona, only two points in Georgia, one point in Michigan, and two points in Pennsylvania. He and Harris are tied in Wisconsin.

In other words, the election is too close for comfort. This is an exceptionally close election.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

The Democrats are coming home, though not in the kind of numbers they would for Barack Obama. They are closer to the numbers that Biden would have had if he had not been completely mentally gone.

Kamala Harris’s campaign has now launched into full swing, and that means she has to do two things. One, avoid her record. And two, massage the media and the media have to massage her right back. The love affair between the Democratic Party and the media has returned in full bloom.

For a short moment in time, there was a little bit of tension — but now that tension has been resolved in a sweet embrace. This is what we are seeing from the media. 

Thus, it is the job of the media to ensure the people do not honestly see her. That is the most important thing the media can do for her right now.

So what’s happening in the land of media?

First of all, TikTok is very much having an impact on the future of this election cycle.

A Washington Post article titled, “Inside the online army supercharging Kamala Harris’ campaign,” explains: “A grassroots network of TikTok creators, energized by the new likely Democratic nominee, are using their skill at playful video collages to build Harris a viral political powerhouse from scratch.”

TikTok’s algorithm is programmed by the Chinese Communist Party. You can put as much pro-Trump content as you want on TikTok, but if the CCP decides they don’t want it disseminated, it won’t be disseminated.

Harris was widely referred to as Biden’s “border czar” in the media. But the minute she became the nominee, she was suddenly no longer the “border czar.” That title was wiped away, lost in the sands of time.

This is the game the media are playing. They’re unbelievable, perennial liars.

Yesterday, after the House of Representatives passed a resolution which “strongly condemns” Harris for failing to secure the border, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) released a statement, writing:

Vice President Kamala Harris is not just a failed border czar—she is an extremist on border security and immigration enforcement, as her record as a senator, presidential candidate, and vice president makes abundantly clear. In March 2021, President Biden told the country that Vice President Harris was ‘the most qualified person to … lead our efforts’ in stemming the flood of illegal aliens across our Southwest border. No rational person could look at the years since, and conclude anything except that she was utterly unqualified, and has completely failed.

That, of course, is supremely true.

But don’t worry, according to the media, she was never the border czar.

It’s all in your imagination.