Obama Endorses Kamala Harris – In An Overnight Post On X

Former President Barack Obama endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris in a video posted to X in the early morning hours on Friday.

The post went live at 5:01 am ET, which meant 2:01 am on the West Coast.

“Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend Kamala Harris,” Obama said in the post. “We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States, and that she has our full support. At this critical moment for our country, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure she wins in November. We hope you’ll join us.”

Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend @KamalaHarris. We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States, and that she has our full support. At this critical moment for our country, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure she wins in… pic.twitter.com/0UIS0doIbA

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 26, 2024

The post included a video of Harris walking around with a cell phone as Barack and Michelle Obama gush about her.

“Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” the former president says in the video.

“Oh my goodness. Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me. I’m looking forward to doing this with the two of you, Doug and I both. And getting out there, being on the road,” Harris replied.

Michelle also said she was proud of Harris.

“I can’t have this phone call without saying to my girl, Kamala, I am proud of you. This is going to be historic,” she told the vice president.

Along with the video, the Obamas also released a joint statement endorsing Harris, according to CNN.

“But Kamala has more than a resume,” the statement said, according to the outlet. “She has the vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands. There is no doubt in our mind that Kamala Harris has exactly what it takes to win this election and deliver for the American people.”

Unlike many Democrats who quickly endorsed Harris following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he was ending his re-election campaign, Obama was noticeably silent for five days. Instead, Obama released a statement following Biden’s announcement: “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

Even though around 14 million Democrat voters chose Biden as their 2024 presidential nominee, the party has adopted rules allowing a remote voting process to select a replacement nominee by August 7. Nearly 2,000 delegates already pledged to Biden – and voted for by the people – have already switched to Harris.

“While this situation is unprecedented, the process we are prepared to undertake is not,” Democratic National Convention Chair Minyon Moore said Monday, according to CNN. “We have important deadlines to meet. We will make sure the process is fair, because, as it stands, no candidate has secured a majority of the delegates to the convention.”

Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison also claimed that this process, which circumvents the will of the voters, “reflects the dedication to democracy our party stands for.”

U.S. Park Police Made Few Arrests During Violent Far-Left Riot Because It Was Severely ‘Understaffed’: Union Chief

U.S. Park Police were woefully understaffed as they faced a large mob of violent far-Left extremists on Wednesday who attacked law enforcement and destroyed property during a riot.

The pro-Hamas extremists tore down American flags and burned them while chanting “Allahu Akbar” and waving Hamas terrorist flags. Numerous videos posted online also showed them attacking law enforcement officials. They also vandalized statues and fountains, police said.

Kenneth Spencer, the Chairman of the United States Park Police Fraternal Order of Police (USPP FOP), said that U.S. Park Police on the ground “did everything they could to protect life and property.”

“In fact, despite having only 29 officers available to mitigate damage – 29! – with no additional help from the Department of the Interior, we processed several arrests for charges ranging from assault on a police officer to destruction of government property,” he said. “That’s why it’s so disheartening to hear some Members of Congress and members of the media, many of whom describe themselves as ‘champions’ of law enforcement, suggesting that officers gave protesters a ‘pass’ or that insufficient arrests were made.”

“Nothing could be further from the truth – anyone who truly cares to understand the problem would see that our officer staffing crisis is at the root of our agency’s mission readiness,” he continued. “A small unit of 29 officers arrested 10 individuals while being assaulted by a mob of thousands. We simply did not have the staffing or resources to accomplish a mass arrest operation.”

He pointed the finger directly at the Biden-Harris administration for standing “in the way of congressional action on the U.S. Park Police Modernization Act which would solve many of these issues for decades to come.”

New: U.S. Park Police (@1791FOP) explain why few arrests were made outside of Union Station yesterday, they only had 29 officers for crowd control and they did everything they could.

“We simply did not have the staffing or resources to accomplish a mass arrest operation.” pic.twitter.com/bGjdwmnBUY

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) July 25, 2024

The 15-year veteran told the New York Post that the agency is “primarily alone” after the federal government has failed to beef up the agency.


“Especially in the DC area, everybody’s so understaffed just like we are,” he explained. “We have a huge mission. We’re the agency that protects First Amendment rights when people come to visit DC.”

Related: ‘Allahu Akbar’: Protesters Burn American Flag, Rage Outside Netanyahu Speech