Georgia’s Brian Kemp Breaks Down Why Raphael Warnock Shouldn’t Be Re-Elected

Georgia’s Senate runoff is just one week away, and Democratic incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock is neck-and-neck against GOP challenger Herschel Walker.

Assisting Walker on the campaign trail is newly re-elected Republican Governor Brian Kemp, who crushed his Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams. Kemp sat down with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins and explained why Georgians should not vote for Warnock.

“The runoff now is a very simple choice,” Kemp said at one point in the interview. “You know, are you going to vote for somebody that’s been with Joe Biden 96% of the time, or are you going to vote for somebody that’s going to go up there and fight for Georgia? And that’s the way I’m voting.”

As pointed out by Collins, Walker was the only statewide GOP candidate in Georgia who did not win in the Peach State during the general election. Now, Kemp is lending his clout to help push the former Heisman Trophy winner over the finish line.

Collins asked, “Does Herschel Walker share your values?”

Kemp responded, “Well, listen, when I’m talking about going to Washington, D.C., and fighting for what Georgians need, I’m talking about the border, 40 year high inflation, astronomical gas prices since Joe Biden took office, and the agenda that Raphael Warnock has supported up there.”

Kemp explained that Walker is the go-to guy for the people of Georgia.

“I mean, to me, it’s that simple in this race,” he said again. “And that’s, you know, why I’m voting for Herschel Walker. I want somebody to go up there and go fight for our state and fight for our citizens, not fight to support a president that really, in my view, is not upholding the values of what Georgians want.”

Kemp also claimed that his recently created federal PAC is designed to “get Herschel Walker elected to the United States Senate” and also help future federal candidates in Georgia.

Repeatedly during the interview, he reminded Republicans to not get “distracted” by other things during this runoff election.

A portion of the interview can be watched here:

Voters are particularly animated in this runoff after neither Walker nor Warnock secured more than 50% of the vote during the general.

Georgia broke another voting record Monday, as more than 300,000 early voters came out to the polls in a single day to cast their ballots.

The turnout smashed the previous early voting record of more than 233,252 votes in 2018.

Democrats currently have a 50-49 seat advantage in the Senate. Polls show that Warnock and Walker are in a virtual dead heat.

Thousands Of Pedophiles Serve Less Than One Year In California Prisons: Report

Thousands of convicted pedophiles in California served less than a year in prison after committing lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years old, according to an investigative report.

The Daily Mail analyzed a statewide database of sex offenders that showed more than 7,000 child molesters were released within months after federal authorities sentenced them to prison.

Former Los Angeles sex crimes prosecutor Samuel Dordulian told Daily Mail that the statistics “shocked” him, adding the reality is “frightening for society.”

“Statistics clearly show that pedophiles don’t get reformed,” Dordulian said. “They’re going to come out, and they’re going to commit again. Letting these people out early, we’re allowing for a lot more victimization — and that’s terrifying.”

California law requires sex offenders to register their address and update their location upon moving with the Department of Justice. Those names and other personal details are then placed in a public database under Megan’s Law, which the Clinton administration passed in 1996 after a pedophile murdered 7-year-old Megan Kanka.

According to the report, 54,986 sex offenders were listed on the website in July 2019, of which 76% committed offenses involving children.

The average pedophile served two years and ten months in prison.

One of the examples outlined in the Daily Mail report said an offender in the database named Carlos Alexander Nahue, 48, of Reseda, California, lives one block from Royal Montessori School daycare and three blocks from Reseda Elementary School after allegedly being convicted of “continuous sexual abuse of a child” in 2015.

Authorities charged Nahue in October 2014. He pled no contest to the crime in January 2015, which resulted in a judge sentencing him to only two days in an L.A. county jail and five years of probation.

According to the database, some pedophiles committed misdemeanors, such as indecent exposure or attempting to send lewd pictures to children, and convicts received less jail time. However, the most common offenses were “lewd or lascivious acts” against children under 14 years old, and 7,152 pedophiles who committed this crime served less than a year.

Dordulian said the statistics were “‘surprisingly very low.”

“In my days [in the L.A. DA’s office], we made every effort to get as long of a prison sentence as we could because we knew that the minute they’re going to come out, they’re more likely to re-offend and another child’s gonna get harmed,” he told Daily Mail.

Dordulian said as a lawyer who represents victims of sexual abuse, California Governor Gavin Newsom’s policies shorten prison sentences to reduce the population locked up.

“That has been the push for the last at least five years: letting people out of prison much earlier than what their sentences were for,” he said. “But these types of individuals, they’re not amenable to rehabilitation, and studies have shown that. They’re gonna harm another child — It’s a very, very scary trend.”

A spokesperson for the state’s attorney general told Daily Mail that “public safety is a top priority for the California Department of Justice,” adding that the issue generally falls on the responsibility of local district attorneys, courts, and state lawmakers.

“Our office actively works with law enforcement across the state to protect our state’s children and families, whether that’s through conducting sting operations targeting sexual predators, issuing guidance to reduce harm to sexually exploited youth, or launching Human Trafficking and Sexual Predator Apprehension Teams,” the spokesperson said.

Deputy District Attorney Jon Hatami, a child abuse prosecutor in the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, said the situation was “a disgrace” to Daily Mail, adding the problem is only getting worse under his boss George Gascón, who supported Proposition 57, which allows early parole for nonviolent felons.

“Thousands of child victims are being denied justice, and George Gascón and his group of radical prosecutors can care less,” Hatami said.

Hatami said the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation stopped notifying the child victims and their families of such early releases.

“It’s shameful,” he said. “Furthermore, most of these sex offenders who are released early have not been rehabilitated whatsoever. This will clearly endanger our future generation of children and our entire community — it’s a disgrace that the state of California is not prioritizing the safety and well-being of our children.”