Kanye ‘Ye’ West, Kim Kardashian Reach Divorce Settlement

Rapper Kanye West, also known as “Ye,” reportedly reached a divorce settlement with ex-wife Kim Kardashian this week in which he will have to pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars per month despite her already being a billionaire.

The two parties have resolved the child custody situation and other property-related matters, TMZ reported.

“Kim and Kanye will get joint custody with ‘equal access’ to their 4 children,” the report said. “Although the docs say equal access, sources with direct knowledge tell us Kim will have the kids the lion’s share of the time. Even Kanye has acknowledged Kim already has the kids 80% of the time.”

“Kanye will pay Kim $200,000 a month in child support. Our sources say Kanye’s not footing the full bill for child support — that’s just his share,” it added. “In addition, he’s responsible for 50% of their kids’ educational expenses, including tuition. He’s also responsible for 50% of their children’s security expenses.”

The report said that conflicts involving the children will be resolved through mediation and that if one side fails to participate then the other effectively gets to do what they want.

The report said that the couple’s assets were being divided up in accordance with their prenup and that both parties waived spousal support.

West reportedly agreed to give up the $4.5 million home that he bought next to Kardashian after she filed for divorce as part of the settlement, a separate report from TMZ said.

West and Kardashian have both been in the news recently for matters unrelated to their relationship and divorce.

West has repeatedly launched anti-Semitic tirades in recent months, blaming Jews for career problems and claiming that approximately 300 Zionists have “taken over” America. West has since developed ties to a white supremacist and Holocaust denier. He stormed out of an interview this week when he began to receive mild pushback over his views.

Kardashian has been in the news due to her close ties with the fashion company Balenciaga, which has been accused of sexualizing young children following a photo shoot that featured child models posing with BDSM-themed teddy bears.

“I have been quiet for the past few days, not because I haven’t been disgusted and outraged by the recent Balenciaga campaigns, but because I wanted an opportunity to speak to their team to understand for myself how this could have happened,” Kardashian said in a statement. “As a mother of four, I have been shaken by the disturbing images. The safety of children must be held with the highest regard and any attempts to normalize child abuse of any kind should have no place in our society — period.”

“I appreciate Balenciaga’s removal of the campaigns and apology. In speaking with them, I believe they understand the seriousness of the issue and will take the necessary measures for this to never happen again,” Kardashian continued. “As for my future with Balenciaga, I am currently re-evaluating my relationship with the brand, basing it off their willingness to accept accountability for something that should have never happened to begin with — & the actions I am expecting to see them take to protect children.”

DeSantis Nails Disney After CEO Bob Iger ‘Sorry’ For Fighting Florida: ‘They Brought This On Themselves’

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed Disney during an interview Tuesday night after the company’s CEO, Bob Iger, said that he was sorry that the company was “dragged” into a fight with the state of Florida.

DeSantis made the remarks during an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson where he was asked about Disney’s opposition to the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, which banned schools from talking about sexual matters with young children.

Carlson played a clip where Iger said, “I was sorry to see us dragged into that battle. And I have no idea exactly what its ramifications are in terms of the business itself.”

“What I can say is, the state of Florida has been important to us for a long time, and we have been very important to the state of Florida,” Iger continued. “That is something I’m extremely mindful of and will articulate if I get the chance.”

When asked how he would respond to Iger’s remarks, DeSantis said, “We didn’t drag them in, Tucker. They went in on their own, and not only opposed the bill. They threatened to get it repealed.”

“These are parents’ rights, important policies in our state that are very popular. And so they brought this on themselves,” he continued. “All we did was stand up for what’s right. And, yes, they’re a big, powerful company. But you know what? We stand up for our folks. And I don’t care what a Burbank-based California company says about our laws.”


Gov. Ron DeSantis reacts to recent comments from Disney CEO Bob Iger: "They brought this on themselves." pic.twitter.com/t6CC6ieEM3

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) November 30, 2022


TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: So, one of the companies who was benefiting a lot from the government, the government of the state of Florida, actually, was Disney.

You changed that. So, they just switched CEOs because of that, because of what you did. The new CEO is the old CEO, Bob Iger. He has held a town hall for employees. And he said he regretted that Disney had fought with your administration over a bill that you backed that banned teachers from talking to kindergartners about sex.

So, then Disney’s response led Florida state legislatures to strip, as you know, of course, because you backed it, Disney of its special status. Here’s what Iger said today.


ROBERT IGER, CEO, WALT DISNEY COMPANY: I was sorry to see us dragged into that battle. And I have no idea exactly what its ramifications are in terms of the business itself.

What I can say is, the state of Florida has been important to us for a long time, and we have been very important to the state of Florida. That is something I’m extremely mindful of and will articulate if I get the chance.


CARLSON: How do you respond to that? He’s talking about you.

DESANTIS: We didn’t drag them in, Tucker. They went in on their own, and not only opposed the bill. They threatened to get it repealed.

These are parents’ rights, important policies in our state that are very popular. And so they brought this on themselves.


DESANTIS: All we did was stand up for what’s right.

And, yes, they’re a big, powerful company. But you know what? We stand up for our folks. And I don’t care what a Burbank-based California company says about our laws.

CARLSON: Governor Ron DeSantis of the state of Florida, thanks so much for that.

We will be right back.


Disclosure: The Daily Wire has announced plans for kids entertainment content.

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