‘Becoming Brother To The Snake’: Woody Harrelson Outs The Actor Who Drank Cobra Blood With Him

“Cheers” actor Woody Harrelson outed his longtime friend, fellow actor Michael J. Fox, as the guy who once drank cobra blood with him — and he said that at least for Fox, it didn’t end well.

Harrelson, 61, has been friends with Fox, also 61, for decades — so he was the perfect choice to present the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award to the “Back to the Future” star at Saturday’s 2022 Governors Awards in Los Angeles. But while he was leading up to the award presentation, Harrelson took an entertaining detour through their wilder days.

Referencing a trip he took to Thailand to visit Fox in the late 1980s, Harrelson said that the pair found themselves spectators at a fight between a cobra and a mongoose.

“He taunted a bunch of these cobras and then he found the orneriest cobra, grabbed it by the neck, threw it in a cage with mongoose, where I saw the craziest fight I’ve ever seen between any animals other than studio executives,” Harrelson described the scene.

“And the mongoose won, they took the snake, yep, tied it by its tail, run the blood out, half-filled four glasses with cobra blood and half with Thai whiskey,” he said, explaining that “drinking the cobra blood is called ‘becoming brother to the snake.'”

He and Fox apparently decided to accept the challenge, but according to Harrelson, the “Family Ties” actor had some difficulty keeping the concoction down.

“Mike and I drink lots of things together, and he can hold his own — can I say, he’s Canadian. But Mike promptly vomited his snake cocktail. Never could hold his cobra blood,” Harrelson laughed.

The “Hunger Games” actor pivoted to the reason he was presenting the award to his friend: his tireless advocacy for people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Fox, who was diagnosed in 1991, became a vocal activist, raising funds and awareness in the hopes of finding a cure — if not in his lifetime, for those who would come after.

“He never asked for the role of Parkinson’s advocate, but it is his best performance. Michael J. Fox sets the ultimate example of how to fight and how to live,” Harrelson said.

Fox thanked his friend for the introduction, joking that the pair had certainly “done some damage” back in the day — before addressing the audience.

“I refer to Parkinson’s as the gift that keeps on taking. But it truly has been a gift,” he said, adding, “I’m really blunt with people about cures. When they ask me if I will be relieved of Parkinson’s in my lifetime, I say, ‘I’m 60 years old, and science is hard. So, no … I am genuinely a happy guy. I don’t have a morbid thought in my head — I don’t fear death. At all.”

‘Industrial Karen’: Dana Loesch Torches Nine Inch Nails Frontman For ‘Planning To Quit’ Twitter

Nationally syndicated radio host Dana Loesch torched Nine Inch Nails rocker Trent Reznor over the announcement that he was “planning to quit Twitter” in the aftermath of changes new owner Elon Musk had made to the social media platform.

Reznor, who ultimately left the platform on Sunday, complained that the Musk takeover was an “embarrassment” and said that he had even been thinking of leaving before the billionaire entrepreneur got behind the wheel.

“I’m about to depart. We don’t need the arrogance of the billionaire class to feel like they can just come in and solve everything,” Reznor said, adding, “Even without him involved, I just find that it has become such a toxic environment. For my mental health, I need to tune out. I don’t feel good being there anymore”

Loesch responded to the news in a tweet, saying, “‘Planning to quit?’ FFS the attention-seeking drama.”

"Planning to quit?" FFS the attention-seeking drama. https://t.co/A8CiKb4c4r

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) November 21, 2022

“He made some great music but he is just an industrial Karen. When he’s not bitching about women or God, it’s TEH MAN,” she continued.

Elon Musk mentioned the departure in a comment directed at popular Twitter account @Catturd2.

“Breaking … 48 hours since @elonmusk reinstated President Trump’s Twitter account and the world still hasn’t ended,” @Catturd2 tweeted on Monday.

And it turns out that Trent “nine inch nails” Reznor is actually a crybaby 🤣

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 21, 2022

“And it turns out that Trent ‘nine inch nails’ Reznor is actually a crybaby,” Musk responded.

White Stripes frontman Jack White also announced his departure from Twitter on Sunday, tying the move directly to the fact that Musk — after conducting a poll — reinstated the long-banned account belonging to former President Donald Trump.


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White’s post read, in part, “So you gave Trump his Twitter platform back. Absolutely disgusting, Elon. That is officially an asshole move. Why dont you be truthful? Tell it like it is; people like you and Joe Rogan (who gives platforms to liars like Alex Jones etc); you come into a ton of money, see the tax bill, despise paying your fair share, and then think moving to Texas and supporting whatever Republican you can is going to help you keep more of your money. (How else could Trump possibly interest you?) You intend to give platforms to known liars and wash your hands
like Pontius Pilate and claim no responsibility?”

White went on to blame Trump for the January 6th riot on Capitol Hill — among other things — and continued, “That’s not ‘free speech’ or ‘what the poll decided’ or whatever nonsense you’re claiming it to be; this is straight up you trying to help a fascist have a platform so you can eventually get your tax breaks. I mean, how many more billions do you need that you have to risk democracy itself to obtain it?”

The rocker praised Musk’s work at Tesla, but then pivoted back to attack him again, arguing that giving Trump a platform was no different than him allowing the KKK to hold a rally on a stage he owned.

“You took on a big responsibility with your purchase, and ‘free speech’ isn’t some umbrella that protects you from that,” he said.