CBS Finally Admits Hunter’s Laptop Is Real…More Than Two Years After The Fact

Readers know that when you watch CBS News, much of what you see is spin, but a report regarding Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop from the legacy media network on Monday really takes the cake.

On November 21, CBS News finally aired a segment “confirming” that it “independently verified” the contents of the president’s son’s computer which he left behind at a Delaware repair shop. This “news” came nearly two and a half years after the laptop first popped up during the 2020 election cycle.

Conservatives on Twitter quickly let the network have it for the Johnny-come-lately reporting.

“Two years after anyone with a functional brain realized the Hunter Biden laptop was 100% real @CBSNews has finally gotten around to reporting the Hunter Biden laptop is 100% real,” Outkick founder Clay Travis tweeted.

Two years after anyone with a functional brain realized the Hunter Biden laptop was 100% real @CBSNews has finally gotten around to reporting the Hunter Biden laptop is 100% real.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) November 21, 2022

Raheem Kassam of The National Pulse, one of the first outlets to report on the actual contents of the laptop, added, “SURPRISE!!! Two years after many of us broke much news and independently authenticated Hunter Biden’s laptop, CBS news says ‘Yep, it’s real, and it’s bad!’ They even regurgitate stories we did 2 years ago! Can’t make this up!”


Two years after many of us broke much news and independently authenticated Hunter Biden’s laptop, CBS news says “Yep, it’s real, and it’s bad!”

They even regurgitate stories we did 2 years ago! Can’t make this up!

— Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) November 21, 2022

As pointed out by Travis, CBS’s Lesley Stahl even told President Donald J. Trump to his face that the issue was essentially fake news.

Two years ago Donald Trump told CBS’s Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes the Hunter Biden laptop was real and should be covered by the media. Stahl said it couldn’t be verified,” Travis tweeted. “Two years later @cbsnews has finally verified it. Trump was right. Again.”

Two years ago Donald Trump told CBS’s Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes the Hunter Biden laptop was real and should be covered by the media. Stahl said it couldn’t be verified. Two years later @cbsnews has finally verified it. Trump was right. Again.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) November 21, 2022

CBS wasn’t alone in its willful ignorance.

Adding to the madness is the fact that The New York Post — which broke the story — was suspended from tweeting the article because the geniuses at the social media complex determined it was Russian disinformation. Evidence indicates other social media networks followed suit, and other Democrat-media-complex propagandists on TV and in newspapers downplayed or dismissed the story altogether.

Worse, many claimed experts had proof that it was an election ploy by nefarious actors.

Why would they think that?

Well, because in October 2020, 51 intelligence community officials signed a letter saying that Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop was Russian disinformation.

The lapdog media ate it up and broadcast that letter through the airwaves. If you even discussed the laptop in a serious manner, you were accused by some leftists of working hand-in-hand with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Now, we all know that the laptop was real. Many knew it at the time. The signatories are still seen as reputable sources. “Vaunted” journalists never issued apologies.

They probably never will admit their mistakes. If goes against the Democratic Party, they’ll simply report “last year’s news today” — or whenever it’s politically appropriate so that negative stories do the least amount of damage to the Left.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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Rail Strike Threat Returns As Union Group Rejects Latest Offer

The threat of a railroad strike returns just before the holidays as the nation’s largest rail conductor union voted to reject its latest offer.

SMART Transportation Division, the union representing the rail conductors, announced the results on Monday, adding that negotiations have until a December 8 deadline to avoid a potential strike.

“Honestly, this vote is about the frustration that the railroads have created with [their attendance policies] and the deterioration of quality of life as a result for our conductors,” Jared Cassity, the national legislative director at SMART Transportation, told the Washington Post.

“It’s about attendance policies, sick time, fatigue, and the lack of family time. A lot of these things that cannot be seen but are felt by our membership. It’s destroying their livelihoods,” he added.

The attendance policy has been a major focus of the union vote. The deal offered to union workers also included a 24% pay increase by 2024 and updates for workers for healthcare appointments. Unless Congress intervenes or a new deal is struck before the deadline, workers could strike.

Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR), a top Republican on the House subcommittee that includes railroads, spoke out against the potential union strike.

“Look, what a terrible Christmas gift that would be to give to the American people at this point. Right before Christmas, shutting down our supply chain,” Crawford told Politico. “So we’ve got something prepared if necessary, but I’m hoping it’s not necessary.”

The Association of American Railroads (AAR) has estimated that a nationwide shutdown of railroads could result in economic output would likely be at least $2 billion per day. A strike could also have massive consequences beyond rail.

“A single container or trailer on a railcar can contain 2,000 UPS packages, tens of thousands of bananas or hundreds of flat-screen televisions. A rail shutdown would slow or halt these shipments,” the AAR stated.

The Daily Wire previously reported regarding the rejection of a Biden administration proposal by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division of the Teamsters (BMWED), which represents nearly 12,000 railroad workers. The group rejected a tentative agreement between railroaders and Class I freight railroads.

Another previous report focused on a second railroad union that rejected the labor deal negotiated by the Biden administration. The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS) voted overwhelmingly to reject the labor deal in a vote, the union said in a statement. The union represents more than 6,000 railroad workers.

“For the first time that I can remember, the BRS members voted not to ratify a National Agreement, and with the highest participation rate in BRS history,” union president Michael Baldwin said in a statement on the union’s website.

In September, railroad companies and labor unions struck the tentative agreement. The deal was negotiated by Presidential Emergency Board (PEB), led by Labor Secretary Martin Walsh.

John Riggolizo contributed to this report.